Recompensa Diaria/ Daily Quest


Recompensa Diaria/ Daily Quest

Hello friends of splinterlands today I did two daily quest, I had yesterday's quest pending which was with earth splinter and today's quest was done with fire splinter both were done in gold league III, today I noticed that Dec's pool was granting many rewards for battles won.

Hola amigos de splinterlands hoy realice dos daily quest, tenia pendiente la quest de ayer que era con splinter de tierra y la quest de hoy fue realizada con splinter de fuego ambas fueron realizada en liga oro III, hoy note que la piscina de Dec estuvo otorgando muchas recompensa por batallas ganada.

The first quest was very I received 3 common cards and I am really happy to receive cards if it is legendary or a gold card is better, the second quest is really disappointing, sometimes I do not understand the more chests you get, the worse the reward.

La primera quest estuvo muy recibo 3 tarjetas comunes y de verdad que me alegra mucho recibir tarjetas si es legendaria o tarjeta de oro es mejor, el segundo quest de verdad que decepciono, no entiendo aveces mientras mas cofres obtienes peor es la recompensa.

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