Splinterlands Social Media Challenge Theme: Share Your Journey / Jordangerder and his journey into splinterlands....
Arte Digital | Digital Art
Greetings dear community, welcome to my journey in the splinterlands world. This week the social media challenge has as its theme: recounting our journey within splinterlands, it is a somewhat nostalgic topic, I had not taken the time to look back, within the game I was always a terrible player although I obtained some prizes in my beginnings, but I want to focus my journey and what I have achieved on the artistic side, that's right, I have achieved a lot with splinterlands and its weekly art contest. Come with me, I will tell you the story...
Mediados del 2019 | Mid 2019
Todo comenzó en 2019...
- Para ese entonces mi arte era en tradicional, conocí splinterlands por amigos que me recomendaron este increíble juego, entré inicialmenmte como jugador me fué super mal jaja no tenía conocimiento alguno, se trataba de conocer bien las reglas del juego para ser el mejor, gané muchas cartas de gran valor pero sabía que el juego nunca fue mi fuerte, hasta que conocí Splinterlands art contest, un concurso de arte semanal, donde se compartía arte y se escogian a los mejores, era en su semana 49 que decidí participar con sea genie, usando la tecnica de arte tradicional con colores prima color, no era el mejor dibujando, entraban artistas muy buenos que no me permitian estar en top jaja, pero aun asi quise continuar...
It all started in 2019...
- At that time my art was in traditional, I discovered Splinterlands through friends who recommended this incredible game to me, initially as a player I did very badly, haha I had no knowledge, it was about knowing the rules of the game well to be the best, I won many cards of great value but I knew that the game was never my strong suit, until I met Splinterlands art contest, a weekly art contest, where art was shared and the best were chosen, it was in its 49th week that I decided to participate with sea genie using the traditional art technique with raw colors, I was not the best at drawing, very good artists came in who did not allow me to be at the top haha, but I still wanted to continue...
2020 | 2020
Jugar y crear...
- En el 2020, decidi meterme un poco mas dentro del juego, investigué como ser mejor en splinterlands batalla, cuales eran las mejores cartas?, subí algunas de nivel aprendí mucho, consegui muchas cartas de valor en los drops semanales, llegaba a plata en la liga no tenia el potencial suficiente para llegar a liga dorada, aun asi tuve varias cartas de valor que me permitian mejorar mi equipo y tambien ayudarme economicamente, juegué splinterlands diariamente en este año, estaba asombrado por las ganancias que podia obtener, pero aun asi no dejé de seguir participando en el concurso de arte, esta vez con otra tecnica de dibujo, el arte digital, seguian llegando entradas mucho mas pro que las mias, pero sentia que habia avances en mi arte, ya empezaban a entrar en el top mis perosnajes, eso me hacia muy feliz...
Play and create
- In 2020, I decided to get a little more into the game, I researched how to be better at splinterlands battle, what were the best cards?, I leveled up some, I learned a lot, I got many valuable cards in the weekly drops, I reached silver in the league did not have enough potential to reach the gold league, even so I had several value cards that allowed me to improve my team and also help me financially, I played splinterlands daily this year, I was amazed by the profits I could obtain, but still not I stopped participating in the art contest, this time with another drawing technique, digital art, entries continued to arrive much more favorable than mine, but I felt that there was progress in my art, my characters were already beginning to enter the top That made me very happy...
2021 | 2021
Splinterlands como NFT
- Este año pasó algo increible, uno de mis trabajos quedó de primer lugar en el concurso de arte semanal, y fue expuesto en una pagina externa donde se comercializaba arte de splinterlands creado por artistas dentro de Hive, no lo podia creer estaba feliz, sentia que todo el esfuerzo estaba mereciendo la pena, tuvo muchas ventas y sali bien benficiado de esto, quedé muy agradecido y no solo por lo monetario si no por la satisfacción de que mi arte habia sido seleccionado entre tantas obras maginificas...
Splinterlands as NFT
- This year something incredible happened, one of my works came in first place in the weekly art contest, and was exhibited on an external page where splinterlands art created by artists within Hive was sold, I couldn't believe it, I was happy, I felt that All the effort was worth it, it had many sales and I benefited greatly from this, I was very grateful and not only financially but also for the satisfaction that my art had been selected among so many magnificent works...
2022 | 2022
Seguir creando
- Este año, no fui tan constante en el juego, la economia en mi pais empeoró, y splinterlands me ayudó mucho con la venta de todas mis cartas 😕, me dio mucha tristeza, porque habian sido dos años de recolección de cartas tanto de paquetes ganados en el concurso de arte como en algunas batallas en las que resultaba ganador. Segui creando arte para este concurso de alguna forma queria continuar mi vinculo con splinterlands y fue mediante el arte que me mantengo aqui, esta vez mejoré mis equipos, que me permitió trabajar con un programa mas avanzado photoshop, mi arte mejoró muchisimo y splinterlands forma parte de ese avance...
Keep creating
- This year, I was not so consistent in the game, the economy in my country got worse, and splinterlands helped me a lot with the sale of all my cards 😕, it made me very sad, because it had been two years of collecting cards from both packs won in the art contest as well as in some battles in which he was the winner. I continued creating art for this contest, in some way I wanted to continue my connection with Splinterlands and it was through art that I stayed here, this time I improved my equipment, which allowed me to work with a more advanced Photoshop program, my art improved a lot and Splinterlands is part of it. of that progress...
2023 Actualidad | 2023 Present
Avance artistico...
- Tomé muy en serio la creación de fanart dentro Hive para el cncurso de arte de las cartas del juego, hubo gran avance en el arte este año, mejor composición y mejores ideas, no puedo estar mas agradecido con splinterlands, no me pierdo ni una semana de su concurso, siento que estoy muy comprometido con este desafio, aunque hay cada semana entradas asombrosas de artistas realmente increibles, siento que es muy bueno porque me obliga a seguir mejorando mi arte.
A princiupios del 2022 me entró la curiosidad de volver a jugar compré algunas cartas pero ya todo cambió, las reglas del juego, las cartas y la forma de ganar, supongo que dejé pasar mucho tiempo para empezar nuevamente, pero estoy seguro que volveré a investigar como en al principio para ser un mejor jugador, tengo pensado comprar algunos paquetes de rebellion esto será un buen paso para dar inicio y continuar con mi tarvesia esta vez como jugador...
Artistic advance...
- I took the creation of fanart within Hive very seriously for the game's card art contest, there was great progress in the art this year, better composition and better ideas, I couldn't be more grateful to Splinterlands, I don't miss a single week of your contest, I feel that I am very committed to this challenge, although there are amazing entries every week from truly incredible artists, I feel that it is very good because it forces me to continue improving my art.
At the beginning of 2022 I became curious about playing again, I bought some cards but everything has already changed, the rules of the game, the cards and the way to win, I guess I let a lot of time pass to start again, but I am sure I will investigate again As at the beginning, to be a better player, I plan to buy some rebellion packages, this will be a good step to start and continue with my journey this time as a player...
It's been 5 years of travesia, and it's not the end yet, splinterlands helped me in several areas but the most important has been in my artistic career in my notable advancement within art, it should be noted that within each year there are many more works dedicated to splinterlands, try to pick the best ones from each year. Thank you splinterlands for being part of my life as an artist😍/div>

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From here I can see how your skills continue to develop and now it's very far from 2019, you are really dedicated to your work, it's extraordinary!
Que genial leer y ver todo tu viaje a lo largo de estos 5 años, que lejano se ve el dibujo pintado a mano y que increíble ha sido el salto de calidad y habilidad que has adquirido🔆
Gracias hermano aprecio mucho tu comentario 🥰🫴✨
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121