Outdoor session using mobile phone / Photo session 📱
Fotografia Digital | Digital photography
Tengo muchos trabajos fotográficos ya elaborados, desde mi poca trayectoria, quiero compartir este en particular. Se trata de una sesión de exteriores (al aire libre) realizada con mi iPhone 12 el resultado está increíble, desde mi ojo de principiante, la idea de exponer mi trabajo por acá es encontrar personas que también le interese la fotografía y me ayude a crecer con algunos consejos. La fotografía es otra forma de expresar lo que sentimos creo que va muy de la mano con el arte...
Greetings dear community, welcome one more day to a digital photography post, as I had told you I started working in another niche within hive, and the ideal would be to relate my experience in the process, I thought about it very well because I did not want to mix the niche of art with photography in a single blog, but looking at it in detail the two topics are very related to each other, so I said let's do it...
I have many photographic works already prepared, from my short career, I want to share this one in particular. It is an outdoor session carried out with my iPhone 12, the result is incredible, from my beginner's eye, the idea of exposing my work here is to find people who are also interested in photography and help me grow with some tips. Photography is another way to express what we feel, I think it goes hand in hand with art...
¡Espero te guste! | I hope you like!
Presentación del diseño | Desing presentación
Materiales | Materials
- IPhone 12
- Tableta Huion H950P
- IPhone 12
- Tablet Huion H950P
Proceso | Process
Para esta sesión lo primero que hicimos fue buscar el lugar ideal, para que se viera diferente y darle un estilo único a la fotografía y llevar al personaje a una escena que diga o refleje algo, en esta ocasión el tema sería como un ambiente de campamento en la naturaleza donde las vibras de los colores hagan lucir aún más a nuestra hermosa modelo para este caso:
For this session the first thing we did was look for the ideal place, so that it looked different and gave a unique style to the photography and took the character to a scene that says or reflects something, on this occasion the theme would be like a camp environment in nature where the vibes of the colors make our beautiful model look even more for this case:
Ya conocía a la modelo, así que no fue tan difícil crear esa conexión que hay que lograr para que el cliente se sienta en confianza y pueda posar con facilidad, ella posaba muy bien y aunque es un poco tímida logramos poses muy tiernas como lo que estábamos buscando.
I already knew the model, so it wasn't that difficult to create that connection that must be achieved so that the client feels confident and can pose easily. She posed very well and although she is a little shy, we achieved very tender poses like what we were looking for.
Despues de obtener las fotografías perfectas era momento de trabajarlas, para este tipo de fotos no usé Photoshop solo modifique colores en Lightroom mobile, y retoque la fotografía en Hypic otra app para móvil en esta retoque el fondo más que todo eliminando cuerdas y elementos que no quería que estuviesen obstruyendo la fotografía:
After obtaining the perfect photographs it was time to work on them, for this type of photos I did not use Photoshop, I only modified colors in Lightroom mobile, and retouched the photograph in Hypic, another mobile app, in this one I retouched the background, mostly eliminating ropes and elements that were not I wanted them to be obstructing the photograph:
Como se observa en las fotos anteriores originales sin retoque ni de color ni nada, había muchos detalles por corregir, luego del proceso de edición de color y retoque en Hypic, Ya teniamos nuestro trabajo fotografico terminado, quise darle un ambiente como antaño respecto al color, sin perder la vivacidad de los colores de la naturaleza, lo hice muy tenue porque algunos clientes no están acostumbrados a ver estos colores diferentes en sus fotografías, veamos el resultado:
As seen in the previous original photos without retouching or color or anything, there were many details to correct, after the color editing and retouching process in Hypic, we already had our photographic work finished, I wanted to give it an atmosphere like yesteryear with respect to color , without losing the liveliness of the colors of nature, I made it very subdued because some clients are not used to seeing these different colors in their photographs, let's see the result:
Obtuvimos un resultado increible disfrute mucho del proceso de creacion. Espero les haya gustado lo he elaborado con cariño para todos los espectadores que visitan esta publicacion, nos vemos en la próxima 😍
We got an incredible result, I really enjoyed the creation process. I hope you liked it, I have elaborated it with love for all the viewers who visit this publication, see you in the next one 😍
Presentación del diseño | Desing presentación
Materiales | Materials
- IPhone 12
- Tableta Huion H950P
- IPhone 12
- Tablet Huion H950P
Proceso | Process
For this session the first thing we did was look for the ideal place, so that it looked different and gave a unique style to the photography and took the character to a scene that says or reflects something, on this occasion the theme would be like a camp environment in nature where the vibes of the colors make our beautiful model look even more for this case:
I already knew the model, so it wasn't that difficult to create that connection that must be achieved so that the client feels confident and can pose easily. She posed very well and although she is a little shy, we achieved very tender poses like what we were looking for.
After obtaining the perfect photographs it was time to work on them, for this type of photos I did not use Photoshop, I only modified colors in Lightroom mobile, and retouched the photograph in Hypic, another mobile app, in this one I retouched the background, mostly eliminating ropes and elements that were not I wanted them to be obstructing the photograph:
As seen in the previous original photos without retouching or color or anything, there were many details to correct, after the color editing and retouching process in Hypic, we already had our photographic work finished, I wanted to give it an atmosphere like yesteryear with respect to color , without losing the liveliness of the colors of nature, I made it very subdued because some clients are not used to seeing these different colors in their photographs, let's see the result:
We got an incredible result, I really enjoyed the creation process. I hope you liked it, I have elaborated it with love for all the viewers who visit this publication, see you in the next one 😍
Wow very beautiful, good job.
Thank you so much🫶🏾
You're welcome.