Sudden pest activities in my garden, planning a way to keep the plants safe as well as the consumers.
It is a brilliant idea to have a small garden around your house to make up for most of the fresh things that we need instead of all the junk food but it is a task that requires little time because it could be done like a recreational activity but it becomes very tough when you have to deal with factors that were not in the initial plan say having to deal with pest for instance.
I have been working in this garden for a while now and I have not had this level of damage happening to the vegetables at any point in time although I took a break for about a year because I thought I would move to another location but since I was still stuck after like a year I think it made sense start planting something on the garden.
I planted so many vegetables on the farm like African spinach, water leaf that is called Ceylon or Florida spinach and the rest but there has been a new trend in the garden that's not helping me in any way, there are holes all over the leaves of the vegetables and I haven't set me on any insect to determine what kind of insect it is.
I can't make use of insecticide in the garden because what I am cultivating these plants for is their leaves and I would be exposing myself to danger if do so but before the week runs out I have to come up with something which I think it will probably be pouring ashes all over the leaves it works for some reason and it is also safer but it is not as effective as chemicals are.