Financial growth and some of it's setbacks



Healthy growth needs to be a steady, clean and irreversible process and it has to be at a calculated time interval and at a tempo that is not too fast or too slow, just like how important it is for growth to occur to in living thing around us likewise should it be in terms of our finance. Things don't just get to where they are all of a sudden there has to be a steady and committed effort that is been applied to it like a force to move its position either upward or downward, if the finance record or let's say crypto data begins to go down then we begin to feel uneasy and see that as a potential threat to our financial growth.

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There are points that we look at when we are talking of positive growth and to achieve that we have to work towards some of those points

"Goals - if you want to accomplish a task then you have to great a goal that works towards this task

"Environment - sometimes the environment we live in do affect our finance, I noticed that when I am in an environment filled with people who are some levels ahead of me i begin to challenge myself for something higher. Sometimes the environment might be intimidating but I have to work as hard as possible to pick the positives from that environment.

"Skills - the world has gradually gone past just having qualifications to having real skills that's why young children in their teens like 13-15 years are getting lucrative jobs that we spend years in the university trying to make.

Investment - it has to be our top priority in this century and it has to be managed properly.

Setbacks to financial growth

"Inflation and tax - this two guys can be so annoying, inflation can that money I naturally would have used to start a business for feeding, there are some levels of inflation that totally down grades the level of work we are putting in. Even when the income is much it still wouldn't meet the needs it was meant for. Tax vary from country to country but the only way it makes sense is if the tax is in turn used for something important by the government so good government makes the most of the tax we are paying.

"Market - the market where we've put our investment in can help us in our financial growth when there is a bluish market and it can turn for the worst in a bear market and at that point our financial plans and objective might begin to crumble.



Nothing can be achieved without a goal. Beautifully written about setbacks to financial growth.
