Don't compare the current version.


Comparing actually kills, wondering why this line in the beginning because start of every thing comes when you compare. Like comparison happens every day and everywhere around usl and in different aspects and we to are a part of it, some agree so don't. You know what many of uss at some point of our lives forget that did we did comparison that's called human state of mind. People, The Human beings genrally love to compare their first chapter to somebody's twenty first chapter, so weird right..

Now lets talk about comparison in a more extended and in detail:
The term comparison in human nature may generally arise between things, product or human itself. These things listed are the most common issue of comparison which i have been through or have been happening in my surrounding. People actually get mad the second they enter the rat race of comparison nowadays those 14 year's teenagers too are into it which seems out to be absolutely shocking.


The human tendency genrally provokes you when you see someone holding the lastest technological phone in his hand which makes you compare about the phone you had because it's hardly impossible for every one holding a latest version of everything, this implies to damn every materialistic thing either a car, a tv, a laptop, a bike, a home it's endless i would say. You know when you start compare there is an impression left on you, probably a worst one or either a bad because it's impossible for human beings to be happy when this kind of situation happens.

And when this feeling arise you give a deep thinking to it and start getting worried and depressed about it. You start you think upon the ways to buy the thing which you were comparing from yours but you forget thar, this happens in generally a very few cass, that the current model of the thing you were holding is too a comparison of somebody which to became old. It's good to be which the technology but giving a worry to such a thing is a sheer wastage of time, money and effort.

But the problem comes when you are a child or a teenager as i mentioned earlier, you starting complaining to your parents about the things which your rich guy friends hold but don't understand the need of your parents. This genrally happens in middle class families because anything inbetween usually suffers, the poor one's know about their background still try to upgrade it and the rich one's ofcourse the one's who are in great advantage, left which middle class families who first send their children to high schools and colleges and when they come in the company of the rich one's they demand and the families are not able to full fill such requirements that is another case.
Being capable on your known and knowing that yes that i have to buy such thing on my own but forcing your parents is the worst thing which could ever do which will definitely put them in a worry as well.

Now comes the point when you compare people, generally this happens in the relationships or the situationships where you compare your present partner which your previous one that is was much good, cared about me, gave me 24/7 attention and all that bullshit, bro if that person was that good than why do you leave him, that comes a silent face or a quick answer "personal reasons"...

The major reason for all such problems is comparison and one of the biggest lope hope between comparison is that we compare with the one's who have more than us not the one's who have lesser we'll implementing such practices can really help you to resolve this major problem of your life, once i was just leaving or exiting our of a mall and a high class car passed as compared to that mine was was not that much good or expensive we'll the only resolution to which i scattered light was the lady who was sitting outside the mall in the hope of getting something i thought that mine is definitely better than her situation and i very easily moved on from that situation, really very quick.

That's what my inner feelings say, comparison or comparing actually kills you from inside and disrupts your mental health and actually of the third person as well when you compare them with others it's either your parents, your children or your relationship just be it all yours guys. Comparing really destroys relationships you should be happy with all you have because expectancy never makes you full but more empty. There is this common rule set up by the society that everyone can not get everything, what you have, be grateful for it.

0.000 PAL