| Colossus clear & Pinky Holy Cup | Maplestory | Progress 3 |ES/EN|


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¡Hola a todos en la comunidad espero que se encuentren muy bien!
El dia de ayer no logre culminar todas las misiones de Colossus ni Pink Bean pues son algo largas pero la experiencia que esta linea de misiones deja es bastante elevada.
Actualmente me encuentro en nivel 179 y en proceso de terminar las misiones de Cygnus Empress para asi lograr batallar contra esta jefe, un poco dificil por lo que he visto pero la experiencia que otorga es sumamente elevada.

Hello to everyone in the community, I hope you are doing well!
Yesterday I didn't manage to finish all the Colossus and Pink Bean missions because they are a bit long but the experience that this line of missions leaves is quite high.
I am currently at level 179 and in the process of finishing the Cygnus Empress missions to be able to battle against this boss, a little difficult from what I have seen but the experience it gives is extremely high.


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Actualmente me encuentro un poco... ¿desesperado? O algo asi podria llamar, gracias al evento que esta actualmente en transcurso, uno de los objetos que regalan en grandes cantidades son Nodestone y Arcane Symbol los cuales solo pueden ser usados en personajes que tengan el 5th Job, es decir, que sean nivel 200 y hayan completado las misiones para obtenerlo, lo desesperante, frustrante o como quiera llamarse es que dan solo ¡7 dias! para que sean usados o estos simplemente se borran del inventario, esto basicamente me obliga a tener que subir con la mayor rapidez a nivel 200 y poder aprovecharlos.

I am currently feeling a bit... desperate? Or something like that I could call, thanks to the event that is currently in progress, one of the items that give away in large quantities are Nodestone and Arcane Symbol which can only be used on characters who have the 5th Job, ie, they are level 200 and have completed the missions to get it, the desperate, frustrating or whatever you want to call it is that they give only 7 days! to be used or these are simply deleted from the inventory, this basically forces me to have to climb as quickly as possible to level 200 and to take advantage of them.

Arcane Symbol.pngNodestone.png

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Me encuentro con un rango de ataque de 130k - 190k relativamente bajo para el nivel, sucede que aun no he conseguido buenas caracteristicas en el set pensalir por lo que sigo farmeandolo poco a poco a ver si me toca algo bueno, tengo algunas piezas aun asi me hace falta la primordial que es el arma.

I find myself with an attack range of 130k - 190k relatively low for the level, it happens that I still have not gotten good features in the pensalir set so I keep farmeandolo little by little to see if I get something good, I have some pieces even so I need the primary one that is the weapon.

Les traje una pequeña pelea contra el ultimo jefe de la linea de misiones de Colossus, es llamada como Tarantulus, la cual se alberga en el corazon de nuestro gigante amigo de piedra Colossus, tendremos que completas todas las misiones hasta poder llegar a ella y derrotarla.

I brought you a little fight against the last boss of the Colossus quest line, it is called as Tarantulus, which is housed in the heart of our giant stone friend Colossus, we will have to complete all the quests until we can reach it and defeat it.

Pocket item pink bean.png

Por otro lado, queria mencionarles que me encuentro muy feliz, a pesar de no tener el set Pensalir completo, me ha tocado algo de suerte a la hora de mejorar el equipo de mi personaje y como logre terminar la linea de misiones de Pink Bean pude entrar a batallar contra el y me dropeo el item que mejor puede dar y es su Pocket Item.

On the other hand, I wanted to mention that I am very happy, despite not having the complete Pensalir set, I have had some luck when it comes to improving my character's equipment and since I managed to finish the Pink Bean quest line I was able to battle against him and he dropped the item that he can give me the best and that is his Pocket Item.

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Aqui os dejo como va mi progreso con los jefes dentro del juego y el nuevo set de apariencia que he conseguido jugando al evento ;)

Here's how my progress is going with the bosses in the game and the new look set I got playing the event ;)

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Pink Bean ToT (Finished)

Archiavment Pink Bean.png

Giant of Colossus (Finished)

Archiavment colossus.png

Horntail chaos (Finished)

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(Si, para finalizar el logro debo haber vencido 10 veces el modo Chaos)

(Yes, to complete the achievement I must have beaten the Chaos mode 10 times).

Princess no 1.png

Princes no 2.pngPRincess no 3.png

Ahora debo realizar una de las misiones mas largas contra los jefes mas dificiles del early/midgame los cuales son los guardianes del Root Abyss, debo vencerlos 10 veces a cada uno de ellos para posterior a esto, poder batallarlos en su modo Chaos, ademas, debo iniciar de la misma forma la linea de misiones de la jefe Princess No por una y sencilla razon, ella dropea las hombreras de Hayato y el anillo de Kanna los cuales son una parte del equipo que durara por buen tiempo hasta lograr obtener una mejor.

Now I must perform one of the longest missions against the most difficult bosses of the early/midgame which are the guardians of the Root Abyss, I must defeat each of them 10 times to be able to battle them in their Chaos mode, also, I must start in the same way the line of missions of the boss Princess No for one simple reason, she drops Hayato's shoulder pads and Kanna's ring which are a part of the equipment that will last for a long time until I get a better one.

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Espero que les haya gustado mi post, pueden seguirme en mis redes sociales, un upvote y comentario serian de gran ayuda por si tienen algun tipo de duda, como les mencione en el post anterior proximamente traere una guia de como obtener mesos de forma segura, rapida y sencilla. ¡Saludos!

I hope you liked my post, you can follow me on my social networks, an upvote and comment would be of great help if you have any questions, as I mentioned in the previous post I will soon bring a guide on how to get mesos safely, quickly and easily. Greetings!

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Previous Progress

What's MapleStory?
Wings of Fate - Progress #1
Pocket Slot - Progress #2

All photos, screenshots, and edits were made by hiver @Jhoancp

Instagram: @Jhoansz
Twitter: @Jhoansz
Discord: Jhoancp#7070

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