Splinterlands Weekly Challenge Battle! PIRATE CAPTAIN


Every week there is a Splinterlands challenge to share a battle using a specific card and on this week's post it is the Pirate Captain card. I also encourage Splinterlands players to partake in the challenge because you get to try different strategies and earn some crypto in the process.

Featured Monster: Pirate Captain

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War Chaang is a water splinter card and it has the snipe ability from the start. At level 6, it earns the inspire ability and increases the attack of all melee cards on your side by 1. From the stats as it levels up, this is a speedy sniper without much health.

I don't own this card specifically but this card is part of the starter pack so everyone should have access to this card. So my card is only level 1 so I don't really use this card much unless I have a snipe quest and I don't have much mana available for me.

Rule set, Battle and Plan

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The rule set this time is stampede and taking sides. So the tramble ability is buffed and no neutral monsters can be used. I am also given 44 mana for my card picks. The splinters available is fire, water, life and dragon. The stampede rule reset is useless to me because I don't have any cards with stampede and I don't see my opponent's use it much either.


The summoner I choose this time is Lir Deepswimmer. I love using this card when it comes to water matches but it helps a lot when the opponent decides to use ranged monsters against me. Lir gives every monster on your side of the field +2 armor and return fire ability. The last ability applies to my opponent and it gives them a blind ability so physical and ranged monsters are more likely to miss.

My plan for this match is to use Kraken to tank while adding in a bunch of damage dealers behind me. It will be a bonus if my opponent decides to use some ranged monsters since the return fire will definitely help. Even if they don't have many ranged monsters, the shield will at least absorb a hit from any melee monsters on the field. For good measure, I will add Captain's Ghost with the affliction ability incase they have any heal abilities.

Round 1

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My opponent decided to use a Yodin and his tank is Magnor. My win rate against Magnor isn't that great so I don't feel very confident but the rest of his monsters is all ranged monsters. So I feel this match will be a match of endurance and whether or not I can wipe out Magnor fast enough.

Round 2

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It looks like the first round didn't go so bad and I saw my opponent miss a few attacks. So I think blind is really doing a great job. The return fire has already started to do a good job and I feel my chances in this match has gone up. In a way I am glad that Lobstradamus didn't take much damage due to the shield ability.

Round 3

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Kraken did a great job and blind didn't work that well this round. However I was ability to kill off my opponent's ranged monsters just using return fire while my team focused down the Magnor. At this point in time, I think this match is over and it will be my win.

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My cards attacked before my opponent could so I was able to knock down my opponent to a ranged monster without the close combat ability. So I was right in saying this match would be over. I just felt like putting the start of round 4 this week instead of my opponent going down.


The battle this time around did go as I expected despite me being afraid of Magnor. My win rate against that card just isn't very high so I was half expecting to lose. However I was very lucky to have a summoner that directly countered my opponent's setup. Captain's ghost might of been a bit of a waste since there was no healing cards on my opponent's side but the guaranteed damage (won't miss) made it an effective damage dealer. Both my Kraken and Lobstradamus did a great job of tanking the hits and allowing my damage dealers to live.

Like I said earlier I think Lir Deepsea was amazing. All three buffs were great help during this match because my Kraken managed dodge Magnor's first attack. If it didn't, I have a feeling the match could of went the wrong way fairly fast. I felt my opponent's lineup is tough to beat. Magnor with both taunt and enrage allows it to finish off front line monsters with ease. So I don't think there is really anything I would change on my opponent's setup.

You can see my entire match here.

What did you think of my match? Was there anything you would of done differently? I think it is quite interesting to see how different players use the same card.


Big a big fan of Splinterlands, and play @chris.topher, I had no idea there is a Splinterlands Battle Challenge that is awesome. I hope to play in the next challenge :-)


Yea it helps you make a topic if you can't figure one out. At the same time, you get to try out different cards that you may have never used. Of course if you don't have the card, you can pick a card you do own (or you could just rent the card for a day for the battle).


Very true, in fact, card rentals are another area that I have not even tried. That will be fun :-)


Thanks for the recap, and Intro to the weekly battle challenge.
Is there a page we sign up on?
How do you know which card is the card of the week?
I learn so much reading everyone's articles 😀
I started following you, I publish in the 1UP community 😃


You can follow the @splinterlands account for the posts. They usually put out a challenge every week but sometimes there is a delay. Just read the post to know the rules and you just have to share your post on HIVE and some other social media platform.


Awesome that is really good to know, thanks for sharing you will probably see me in the next challenge :-)




Thanks for the pizza buddy I appreciate it, plus in real life pizza is like my favorite food :-)
