RE: Film Review: Lolita (1997)

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Lolita was not only a great film, but a great hideous experience, When i first saw it I was a teenager dating a 30+ year old woman, and I realized I was being groomed, tampered and manipulated, yet I dint stop, she broke with me at the time I was 18, "sending me free" to roam in collage and whatever, them, I saw it a second time, This time things were different. The film felt hot, strongly and insinuating, it felt wrong yet so right. Lately I saw it a third time, now I'm a father and I found it ... Disturbing, Illogical and disgusting, so maybe by the time im 50 that would change, but I can tell, that lolita is a film I have seen too many times and felt it too different each time for it to be the same film, yet it is, so the changes are inside myself, and one day I will address them :)
