(ENG/ESP) Hunting Swan: The Pond Master / Cazando a Swan: El Jefe Del Estanque



Greetings to all the Hive Gaming Community, today I want to show you my adventure hunting Swan, a supermutant somewhat difficult to defeat in the first levels of the game.


Saludos a toda la Comunidad de Hive Gaming el dia de hoy quiero mostrarles mi aventura cazando a Swan, un supermutante un tanto dificil de vencer en los primeros niveles del juego.


The first time I saw him I didn't know what kind of enemy he was since I knew almost all the monsters from FallOut3 and New Vegas but this one really surprised me and I tried to beat him the first time but he was too difficult and a real waste of bullets and stimpacks.
La primera vez que lo vi no sabia que clase de enemigo era ese ya que conocia casi todo el compendio de monstruos de FallOut3 y New Vegas pero este realmente me soprendio e intente ganarle a la primera pero era demasiado dificil y un verdadero desperdicio de balas y estimulantes.


So I waited to have a little more level and better resources and when I reached level 18 and with a renewed power armor I went back to look for it.
Entonces espere a tener un poco mas de nivel y mejores recursos y al llegal a nivel 18 y contando con una renovada servoarmadura fui de nuevo a buscarlo.



My shelter in Red Rocket was my starting point where I finished the last repairs to my power armor.
Mi refugio en Red Rocket fue mi punto de partida en el que termine de realizarle las ultimas refacciones a mi servoarmadura.


I took the opportunity to cook a few meats in case the fight was more difficult than I thought. And it's not a bad idea to exercise a little before the fight.
Aproveche de cocinar unas cuantas carnes en caso de que la pelea estuviera mas difícil de lo pensado. Y no esta demás ejercitarse un poco antes de la pelea.



With everything set in the inventory I was ready to leave in search of Swan.
Con todo listo en el inventario ya estaba preparado para partir en busca de Swan.


There was quite a bit of fog on the site, which made the scenery look even better.
Habia bastante neblina en el sitio, cosa que hizo que el escenario se viera aun mejor.


I started by placing land mines and a bottlecap mine. If something went wrong these would help me to escape and slow him down.
Comencé colocando minas terrestres y una mina de chapas. Si algo salía mal estas me ayudarían a lograr escapar y a ralentizarlo a él.


And there he was, wandering around, waiting for any fool to cross his pond to end his adventure. I waited for the right moment to strike but he managed to spot me before I could shoot him first.
Y allí estaba él, vagando, esperando a que cualquier iluso se atravesase en su estanque para poner fin a su aventura. Espere el momento adecuado para atacar pero logro verme antes de que pudiera dispararle primero.


To be honest I think my strategy worked out pretty well as I had used a Psycho first for better damage and the mines did most of the work.
Para ser honesto creo que mi estrategia salió bastante bien ya que había usado primero un Psico para tener mejor daño y las minas hicieron casi todo el trabajo.




2 FatMan nukes and a few more rifle shots were enough to finish him off.
2 disparos del FatMan y unos cuantos mas de rifle fueron suficientes para terminarlo.


And this was the small raid to defeat Swan. I thought it would be much more difficult since the first time I attacked him it was a battle I lost without a doubt.
Y esta fue la pequeña incursión para derrotar a Swan. Pense que seria mucho mas dificil ya que la primera vez que lo ataque fue una batalla que perdi sin duda alguna.

I hope you all liked this publication, best regards to all, success and blessings.
Espero que a todos les haya gustado esta publicación muchos saludos a todos, éxitos y bendiciones.



If I'm not wrong it's the first time I read you and you didn't disappoint, the way you relate your adventure is very entertaining and that's good. Actually I don't know about this game and it's even the first time I see it here, although I'm not sure. But I still liked it a lot, the game looks great and I've always liked to give a thumbs up to the graphics and in this game this section is no exception, the truth is they look pretty good and are very detailed.


Many thanks for your comment! Yeah I really enjoy thinking about this kind of story while I'm playing videogames. It's a great game, and I recommend it to you, there are so many details that will keep you engaged all way through.


Fallout 4 is really a tremendous game and even more so as you progress, everything that happens becomes more and more interesting.


Totally agree with you. Even though i've only played arround 24 hours, every single detail still amazes me.


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