Hive Open Mic Week #158 || The future Lies before me Cover @jesus-son || [Eng/Esp]
Hello Hive Open Mic Week #158, my name is @jesus-son and I come with my participation for this week's challenge with the theme: let's defeat the distance. A theme that can be interpreted in many ways and would still be wonderful.
Sometimes I engage in critical thinking on why there are varying conceptions on ideas. Well, it is because as the philosophers opine, man is complex in nature such that one man is different in likes and desires from another. Therefore, one's interpretation of reality can only be taken to be subjective because it is on a personal view. Buth then, this raises strong question on the objectivity of reality. Since things are interpreted differently by persons, then is there an objective standard of anything? Anyways, the philosophers have different opinion on this still. For some school of thought, things have objective standard in themselves regardless of how they are perceived by a person. For some others, things can only have their existence by the perception of a thinking being. Thus, things become what they are interpreted to be, hmmm this seems funny right? Well, maybe and maybe not depending on which school of thought you belong. As for me, I don't even know where I am, lolz. I may be in the two schools, hehe. Life na cruise abeg, I can't come and kill myself, haha.
For this week's theme, as a church boy, I have decided to interprete it religiously. God is an ultimate reality whose presence is overwhelming and makes great things to happen. Closeness to God brings many favors and joy beyond all telling. But then, man cannot always be close to God because man is sinful and God cannot behold evil. Thus, to not be at distance with God, man needs to be holy and pure in heart.
Saying this, may look like I am giving a sermon right? Lolz, anyways if it looks like it, there is no problem at all and that is my opinion for life and since peoole are entitled to their opinion, I guess I am not offending anybody, hehe.
In life, it is best for one to be close to God. This is why it is good to strive for holiness of life. I decided to do the song "The future lies before me". It is a lovely song that speaks of closeness to God. In it the composer tells says that He knows not what to do or go in Life without God. He seeks that God may keep his path with Him. I think it is the sweetest thing to walk closely with God. As for me and myself, hehe, I wish to be close to God in mind and heart always. Thus, I am ready to give up all my passions that are against God's standards and embrace virtues proper to my state of life.
I know some people like @chosenfingers may be wondering, so this boy dey go church? hehe. Omo meem no think am o, na cruise we like catch na why things seem the way they are since.
I hope you like my entry as I wil be playing my piano and singing along. God bless you as you listen and draw you close to Him.
Oh, the future lies before me,
And I know not where I’ll be;
But where’er my path be leading,
Savior, keep my heart with Thee.
Full lyrics here
hola Hive Open Mic Week #158, mi nombre es @jesus-son y vengo con mi participación para el reto de esta semana con el tema: venzamos la distancia. Un tema que se puede interpretar de muchas maneras y aún así sería maravilloso.
A veces participo en el pensamiento crítico sobre por qué hay diferentes concepciones sobre las ideas. Bueno, es porque, como opinan los filósofos, el hombre es de naturaleza compleja, de modo que un hombre es diferente en gustos y deseos de otro. Por lo tanto, la interpretación que uno hace de la realidad solo puede tomarse como subjetiva porque se trata de un punto de vista personal. Pero entonces, esto plantea una fuerte pregunta sobre la objetividad de la realidad. Dado que las personas interpretan las cosas de manera diferente, ¿existe entonces un estándar objetivo de algo? De todos modos, los filósofos tienen una opinión diferente sobre esto todavía. Para alguna escuela de pensamiento, las cosas tienen un estándar objetivo en sí mismas, independientemente de cómo las perciba una persona. Para otros, las cosas sólo pueden tener su existencia por la percepción de un ser pensante. Por lo tanto, las cosas se convierten en lo que se interpreta que son, hmmm, esto parece divertido, ¿verdad? Bueno, tal vez y tal vez no dependiendo de a qué escuela de pensamiento pertenezcas. En cuanto a mí, ni siquiera sé dónde estoy, lolz. Puedo estar en las dos escuelas, jeje. Life na cruise abeg, no puedo venir y suicidarme, jaja.
Para el tema de esta semana, como niño de iglesia, he decidido interpretarlo religiosamente. Dios es una realidad última cuya presencia es abrumadora y hace que sucedan grandes cosas. La cercanía a Dios trae muchos favores y alegría más allá de todo lo dicho. Pero entonces, el hombre no siempre puede estar cerca de Dios porque el hombre es pecador y Dios no puede contemplar el mal. Así, para no estar a distancia de Dios, el hombre necesita ser santo y puro de corazón.
Diciendo esto, puede parecer que estoy dando un sermón, ¿verdad? Lolz, de todos modos si lo parece, no hay ningún problema en absoluto y esa es mi opinión de por vida y como la gente tiene derecho a su opinión, supongo que no estoy ofendiendo a nadie, jeje.
En la vida, lo mejor para uno es estar cerca de Dios. Por eso es bueno esforzarse por la santidad de vida. Decidí hacer la canción "El futuro está ante mí". Es un canto precioso que habla de la cercanía a Dios. En él el compositor dice que Él no sabe qué hacer o andar en la Vida sin Dios. Busca que Dios guarde su camino con Él. Creo que es lo más dulce caminar de cerca con Dios. En cuanto a mí y a mí mismo, jeje, deseo estar siempre cerca de Dios en mente y corazón. Así, estoy dispuesto a abandonar todas mis pasiones que están en contra de las normas de Dios y abrazar las virtudes propias de mi estado de vida.
Sé que algunas personas como @chosenfingers se estarán preguntando, entonces, ¿este chico va a la iglesia? jeje. Omo meem no think am o, na cruise we like catch na por qué las cosas parecen ser como son desde entonces.
Espero que les guste mi entrada ya que estaré tocando mi piano y cantando. Dios te bendiga mientras escuchas y te acerca a Él.
Oh, el futuro está ante mí,
Y no sé dónde estaré;
Pero donde sea que lleve mi camino,
Salvador, mantén mi corazón contigo.
Letra completa aquí
▶️ 3Speak
It is my pleasure @hiveopenmic
Anyone wey go give me rice and cheeken, and fanta and big turkey, and caprisone 😅😅😅 na that school of thought I belong 😅😅😅
Pastor pastor
Preach on Man of God
E remain make you wear coat 😅😅😅
Wonderful wonderful
Baba you just too much no be small oooo
I troway salute dash you bayi 🤲
You too like food, 😄😄
Who know whether u no vote Tinubu because of two cups of rice, lolz
Thanks brother for your encouraging words
When I no dey mad 😅😅
It is well with Naija sha, if we don't escape this....
It is well!
Thank God oo
Omo if we no escape am na make God just begin ask people to send account number for daily bread o, cos d suffer head go too much. But sha, me believe day God dey
It's not just only about suffer
What we saw in election is just a glimpse of what is to come when they are in full control...
Worst still, we are still trying to rid Nigeria off the Yahoo yahoo conception wey the whole world dey regard us as scammers... now someone who has past and recurrent issues with DRUGS... mhen... the Profiling on Nigerians even abroad will be so great
Yea true talk.
Nigeria has lost great dignity in the world and its affecting innocent souls.
Sha me just dey struggle my own, if death come I die and go, lolz
Oh my goodness! I love this song already, Seems I have listened to this song once, but I'm not sure, though the sound looks familiar.
It's always important to closer to God, we should not be far from him, but at times sin make us to be far away from God, but when we have a change of heart and come back to him, he will draw us closer to himself...
You're bursting my brain with this sing, I love the tune and your tenor voice is making the song sound good. Come and teach me work nahnn😊
You're doing well ☺️
Did I hear com and teach me work???
E sha, I like to teach people work but na my room b d venue, lolz,
Thanks haunty for your words of encouragement . Me I sabi say whining dey inside but i still happy cos e no easy to receive whining gan
😂😂😂, Abeg I no fit laugh oo, why I go dey whine you , nah truth I dey talk nahnn.
Abi nah you dey whine me, which one be inside room again? just talk say you no dey teach
Lolz, I been wan tell u so, but i no know how to talk am, haha
Wait o, na your room be the venue?? haha
Brother, I understand what you say regarding the complex nature of man and the opinions that end up varying by that nature, perceptions become subjective, but I think the truth is still one. The truth always plays in favor of all, for example, to do evil to another being is not the truth, because evil is not in favor of the person they want to harm, the truth is that, harmony, respect and love from its most basic aspects.
Good song brother ! Quite cheerful and good. Excellent.
Yes brother, I agree with you that the truth is one regardless of individual opinions. I am grateful that you stopped by and appreciates my work. God bless you
Amigo @jesus-son disfruté mucho tu interpretación estuvo fabulosa, sobre todo de ver qué disfrutaste al cantarla. Posees un gran talento y siempre llegas al corazón de lo que te escuchamos. Siempre me gustan tus escritos porque dejas un aprendizaje. Feliz fin de semana🙏🥰🎵🎵🎵🌷💖🤗🎤🎤💚🧡💛❤️💞
Friend @jesus-son I really enjoyed your performance, it was fabulous, especially to see what you enjoyed singing it. You are extremely talented and always get to the heart of what we hear from you. I always like your writings because you leave an apprenticeship. Happy weekend 🙏 🎵🎵🎵🌷💖🤗🎤🎤💚🧡💛❤️💞
Thanks a lot ma for your words of encouragement. God bless you
Keep giving me joy dear brother. I'm so glad having you around with such great works. Congratulations bro. Cheers to you @jesus-son
Thanks a lot brother. You dey inspire die
Una gran presentacion mi hermano!
Se nota que lo disfrutas!
Dios te bendiga!
Muchas gracias hermano
This hymn reminds me of my other family, we attend an Anglican church whenever I go visiting, I've probably mentioned it before, no mind me 😂, I just feel this joy whenever we sing the hymns.
Well done my friend🤗, you always own songs you presente, in a beautiful way. Thanks for blessing us once again🤗❤. Have a beautiful week🥳
So which church u dey attend originally?
Actually the song is very common in Anglican and Catholice church.
Thanks a lot my baby for coming around. You dey always make my head swell, hehe
Nice performance as usual.
Yours is one of the posts I make a point of listening to.
Well played.
Thanks a lot dear friend. You make me blush, lopz
Brilliant playing man, awesome performance as always :) great vocal range too, you hit the lower notes with great power! Keep them coming dude :)
Thanks a lot brother. I am glad you came by and appreciated my work
See people wen sabi sing na...babami you three much
I am glad you came around bro. Thanks for the compliment
It is very good that you defend your convictions, I also share them because God is supreme and by His grace is that we can be with Him!
God bless you my friend, keep on exalting the name of God everywhere! A hug from afar
I am glad I have a person like you in my school of thought. God bless you for coming around, I really appreciate
And it is that what you do on the piano is poetry. I loved your interpretation, my friend. It is warm and transmits so many beautiful things, I am glad to have the opportunity to listen to you. God bless you.
I am happy I made something that is appreciated by you . Your words give my the courage to move on. Thanks a lot sir