Hive Open Mic Week #192 || A Cover of We plough the field @jesus-son [Eng/Esp]


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Hello Hive openmic week #192, my name is @jesus-son and here I bring you my participation for this week with the theme 'grateful'. For me, this is a theme that so much fit into the period of the year that we are. The end of the year is a period of appreciation to God, friends, families and indeed everyone who has made an input in your life in the course of the year. I commend the boss man @wallay for this beautiful initiative.

In a very special way I want to be grateful to God almighty first of all for all he has been doing in my life and all he will keep doing because indeed, God never stops doing good. It is in the spirit of the thanksgiving that I present here the song titled: "We plough the fields". This is a song that recounts the goodness of God. It is God who causes the plants to grow and be food for us to eat. All good gifts around us are from God. Thus, God deserves all the praise.


In the same spirit of thanksgiving, I wish to render sincere sentiments of gratitude to the individuals here on hive that have shaped my life in this year. The first has to be my oga who introduced this wonderful platform to me, I forever remain loyal to him baba @onos-f , then the second boss who made the work easier along the line @ksam I hail sir. My teacher and friend @jessicaossom , I salute u. My baby @jmis101, I love you🙄, My another baby wey baba onos dey wan follow me drag @mamab, @chidistickz , I hail u sir. Who again sef. Ahan, my foreign friend @nellynohemi thanks for being a mother and friend. My G @juliopalomo He is a good man
My friend @sayury thanks for always appreciating my music. My very good friend @lyon-89 I love your voice and the inspirations you often bring here. Thanks to you all and to my boss here @fernanblog who is a brother and a mentor. All of you in this family are much appreciated for your helps nay God bless you.


I love the song I bring here because it makes me recount the Lord's deeds and render Him due thanks. I hope that you derive some meaning in what I bring you. Thanks for watching happy Christmas to you all.


hola semana #192 de openmic de Hive, mi nombre es @jesus-son y aquí les traigo mi participación para esta semana con el tema 'agradecido'. Para mí este es un tema que encaja mucho en la época del año en la que nos encontramos. El fin de año es un período de agradecimiento a Dios, a los amigos, a las familias y, de hecho, a todos los que han contribuido a su vida a lo largo del año. Felicito al jefe @wallay por esta hermosa iniciativa.


De una manera muy especial quiero agradecer a Dios todopoderoso primero que nada por todo lo que ha estado haciendo en mi vida y todo lo que seguirá haciendo porque efectivamente, Dios nunca deja de hacer el bien. Es en el espíritu de acción de gracias que presento aquí la canción titulada: "Aramos los campos". Este es un canto que relata la bondad de Dios. Es Dios quien hace que las plantas crezcan y sean alimento para nosotros. Todos los buenos regalos que nos rodean son de Dios. Por tanto, Dios merece toda la alabanza.

Con el mismo espíritu de acción de gracias, deseo expresar sinceros sentimientos de gratitud a las personas aquí en Hive que han dado forma a mi vida durante este año. El primero tiene que ser mi oga que me presentó esta maravillosa plataforma, siempre le seré leal baba @onos-f, luego el segundo jefe que hizo el trabajo más fácil en la línea @ksam. Saludo señor. Mi maestra y amiga @jessicaossom, te saludo. Mi bebé @ jmis101, te amo 🙄, mi otro bebé wey baba onos dey wan sígueme drag @mamab, @chidistickz, te saludo señor. Quien de nuevo sef. Ahan, mi amiga extranjera @nellynohemi gracias por ser madre y amiga. Mi G @juliopalomo es un buen hombre
Mi amigo @sayury gracias por valorar siempre mi música. Mi muy buen amigo @lyon-89. Me encanta tu voz y las inspiraciones que a menudo traes aquí. Gracias a todos ustedes y a mi jefe aquí @fernanblog que es hermano y mentor. Todos ustedes en esta familia son muy apreciados por su ayuda. Dios los bendiga.


Me encanta la canción que traigo aquí porque me hace contar las obras del Señor y darle las gracias. Espero que encuentres algún significado en lo que te traigo. Gracias por ver, feliz Navidad a todos.

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0.136 PAL


I really liked the lyrics of this song, its message is wonderful. We are the hands of God, and I feel grateful to be able to serve. Thank you for sharing these kind words, your talent, and your heart dear friend.

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Thanks so much dear friend for the presence and for commenting.

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Always grateful to God for everything.
Nice song choice and amazing performance.

Thank you very much for the appreciation I am honored and grateful 😊

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Thanks for visiting

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You everyday you de get new bebe I envy you oh
Thanks for the mention anyways

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This is my favorite hymns during the offertory in the church. I felt the spirit of the song while I listened. Nice cover bro

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Happy day brother!. It's always nice to visit your music, as your sound is very characteristic in the community and indeed I feel you understand the Hive Open Mic to perfection. You are very talented and dedicated to every video you share with us and the best thing is that you always have a great message to convey. It's good to see that in this edition you highlight some of our brother names from here, congratulations for that. A hug for you Son of Jesus!...

0.000 PAL

I am honored to receive such beautiful commendation from you boss
Thanks so much
We keep improving and getting better
Happy christmas

0.000 PAL

Undoubtedly one of the best pianists we have in Hive.... Man, you gush pure talent...

A big hug for you my brother God keep blessing your hands! ♥

0.000 PAL

Best pianist?? Hehe. There are still people like @purplesinger and the rest.

Well, I appreciate your comment bro. Have a nice day

0.000 PAL

Estimado amigo
@Jesus-son primero agradecida por tus palabras hacia mi persona🥰, el cariño es mutuo. Excelente interpretación , cantada con el corazón y pasión. Dios te bendiga y te mando un abrazo navideño🤗🎶🎶☺️🎄🎆🥰🎤🧡💙❤️💞

Dear friend@Jesus-son, first of all, grateful for your words towards me , the affection is mutual. Excellent performance, song with heart and passion. God bless you and I send you a Christmas hug🤗🎶🎶☺️🎄🎆 🎤🧡💙❤️💞

0.000 PAL

Thanks for coming around too ma
Happy Christmas ma

0.000 PAL

👏👏 The song is songing if there's a word like that. Great and awesome presentation.

0.000 PAL

Hehe, you are free to invent your own word
Thanks dear

0.000 PAL

Beautiful presentation.
You did well, Weldon.

0.000 PAL

Always good at what he does, this is a nice cover Weldon sir

0.000 PAL

Brother among so many notifications that I have I had not seen this the day it was, I apologize for that; now that I was checking notifications where I was mentioned I found you, I'm still on time and by the way, I hope to hear from you this week!!!!

My gratitude to you is for being someone so great, for delighting us with good music and for bringing your light, the one God gave you, here to the Hive Open Mic 🙌😀💛. It has been a great pleasure to meet you brother and every time you write in your posts your sincerity and good faith is felt 🤜🤛

A big hug for you, may God always bless your path 🙏❤️ how nice that those you mention have a special place for you in Hive 👍.... You Absolutely Rockkkkkkk!!! 👊😎🔥🎙️🎹🎶❤️🌟🍻💥💫💯🎅☃️🎄

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You are very much on time bro. Thanks so much for the constant supports

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Amamzing grateful men
I love it

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Thanks for visiting man

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You're welcome men have a good day

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Great rendition. When should I come for my choral training?

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