Hive Jamming Zone Week 44 || A Piano and Recorder Spontaneous Jam [Eng/Esp]


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Hello friends of the hive Music zone community, my name is @jesus-son and I welcome you all to my blog this day. It is always a beautiful thing to share music with you all. This is the Jamming Zone week 27 under the auspices of the boss @juliopalomo who continues to work very hard for the success of this initiative.


This is a new year and therefore a new begining and its only sensible for any passionate musician to begin the year with good music, hehe. Well for me that's a daily food and I can't see myself living outside of that on daily bases.

There are times I may not be close to any of my instruments but I still do music. How do I do that? Hehe, don't laugh at me, well it really doesn't matter. I just sing notes and make myself merry.

And many a time, I convert these notes to Jamz which I produce later with my instruments here. It's a pity that some times I am not able to keep track of some jamz I thought of and therefore lost them to the air.

Well, music never ends and inspirations never fade away in as much as God who gives it lives and the subject is disposed to divine illumination.

This jam I present is such a soul lifting one. I remember using it to sing an Alleluia chorus and it was a blast in the church.

It takes the progression of an intro with the piano in my afro beat style and then the recorder doing the magic it knows how to do well.

I guess I will have to think of some words to attach to this to make a perfect composition. I am imagining lyrics about the life of a youth. The ups and the downs which the youths are faced with in becoming a man.

Dear friends, this is music produced from my depth for all of us to enjoy together, it will please me to know if it finds a place in your hearts. Thanks a lot for the support.


Hola amigos de la comunidad de Hive Music Zone, mi nombre es @jesus-son y les doy la bienvenida a todos a mi blog este día. Siempre es hermoso compartir música con todos ustedes. Esta es la semana 27 de Jamming Zone bajo el auspicio del jefe @juliopalomo quien continúa trabajando muy duro para el éxito de esta iniciativa.

Este es un nuevo año y por lo tanto un nuevo comienzo y lo único sensato que cualquier músico apasionado comience el año con buena música, jeje. Bueno, para mí eso es un alimento diario y no me veo viviendo fuera de eso a diario.


Hay momentos en los que puede que no esté cerca de ninguno de mis instrumentos, pero sigo haciendo música. ¿Cómo hago eso? Jeje, no te rías de mí, bueno realmente no importa. Sólo canto notas y me divierto.

Y muchas veces convierto estas notas a Jamz, que luego produzco aquí con mis instrumentos. Es una lástima que a veces no soy capaz de seguir algunos jamz que se me ocurren y por lo tanto los perdí en el aire.

Bueno, la música nunca termina y las inspiraciones nunca se desvanecen en la medida en que Dios que la da vive y el sujeto se dispone a la iluminación divina.

Esta mermelada que presento levanta el alma. Recuerdo haberlo usado para cantar un coro de Aleluya y fue una maravilla en la iglesia.

Se necesita la progresión de una introducción con el piano en mi estilo afro beat y luego la flauta dulce haciendo la magia que sabe hacer bien.

Supongo que tendré que pensar en algunas palabras para adjuntar a esto para hacer una composición perfecta. Estoy imaginando letras sobre la vida de un joven. Los altibajos que enfrentan los jóvenes al convertirse en hombres.

Queridos amigos, esta es música producida desde mi profundidad para que todos la disfrutemos juntos, me complacerá saber si encuentra un lugar en sus corazones. Muchas gracias por el apoyo

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0.001 PAL


Awesome jam, dude! Love it :) great to hear you complementing your piano jam with the recorder!:) Great jam!

0.000 PAL

I am glad you loved it man
Thanks a lot

0.000 PAL

Just the way I like it
Weldon dear

0.000 PAL

My dear friend Jesus again doing his thing in these scenarios, that power of interpretation that each note transmits is a unique thing. What a great improvisation, I wish you always the best my friend.

0.000 PAL

I am always glad to read you my dear friend.
Thanks so much for those encouraging words. Cheers dear

0.000 PAL

Wow it's sounds great boss I will need to learn flute and piano from you
Nice performance

0.000 PAL

You wey b boss dey call me boss
Fear God o, hehe

Thanks so much my oga, na u try pass

0.000 PAL

Hello my man, its always a pleasure to enjoy your work, its unique and beautiful, i feel youre achieving a more clean sound with the flute, or is it a different instrument than before? it sounds amazing! the combination of the rythm on the piano and the recorder makes kind of a mystic sound, i love it! you keep doing a wonderful job my friend, and we are all happy to enjoy your talent, thank you for joining Jamming Zone week 44!

0.000 PAL

Excelente interpretación. Además, cuando comienza el ritmo se tiene la impresión de que va a ser una melodía alegre y luego nos atrapa esa música dulce y melancólica, muy bella. Gracias por compartir. Éito en el concurso.

Excellent interpretation. Furthermore, when the rhythm begins you have the impression that it is going to be a happy melody and then we are caught by that sweet and melancholic music, very beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Success in the contest.

0.000 PAL

These mean more than gold for me
Thanks so much broo
I am glad to make music from deep within. God bless you man

0.000 PAL

This really sounded great, I'm really impressed by your performance, it's fun music to listen to.

Thanks for sharing!

0.000 PAL

Thanks so much for those kind words man
God bless you

0.000 PAL

Gracias por compartir tu presentación en el Jam Session. Tu publicación fue revisada por nosotros y recibió un voto positivo de la comunidad de Music Zone en Hive. ¡Únete a nosotros en nuestro servidor Discord!

Thank you for sharing your performance at the Jam Session. We reviewed your post and received an upvote from the Music Zone community on Hive. Join us on our server Discord!

Cintillo Jamming Zone.png

0.000 PAL

Thanks so much family
We keep moving ahead ahead

0.000 PAL

o my gosh if I talk true from my heart you go talk say I too dey hype person.

You are too much, you left some of us speechless.
This is so superb and wow..................

I really enjoy the jam brotherly

0.000 PAL

sounds great jesus, you are great at playing the piano and with the sound of the flute it is amazing. your talent is amazing and your instrument is very beautiful i enjoy it and have a nice day in this new year

0.000 PAL
(Edited)'re jamming well


0.000 PAL