[old recordings + new ideas] "It kept my heart from feelin' blue, and it kept my thoughts away from you..."



I'm still going through old recordings and really having a trip down memory lane. These past couple of days have been so heavy, and I don't know why I find solace in old recordings of my music. It's a wonderfully complete nostalgic mood, and it's not always super healthy, but this go-around has been good for me. It's served as a nice opportunity to actually step back for a fucking second and recognize the good that I have--despite the tribulations--this now is still so much closer to living my truth for maybe the first time ever--and that's exciting.

When I recorded this tune a few years ago, I was very much still living in my addiction and I loved playing this song. OMG y'all I LOVED playing this tune. There's so much torture in it, and of course I loved that part of my addiction (the sweet, sweet torture), and this song was such an ironic choice for me to play. When it was at it its worst, hardly anyone knew. I was good at hiding. Playing this song felt like a dirty inside joke between me and my addict self.

There's a lot of pain in this track. The whole tune is about, bluntly, the incredibly shameful things pillheads are capable of, and I know about this, because I was one for a fistful of years.

There's also an outstandingly unapologetic sentiment throughout the original tune as well that always resonated with me in a meaningful way. Good art should make you feel something, and this tune has always been 'good art' to me.

The roughness of this recording is what I dig about it. My memory from that era of time (and really from multiple eras of time for me) is very sketchy, and I only have a vague recollection of recording this one, because I'm pretty sure I was drunk when I recorded it. I know for a fact it was recorded rawside into GarageBand for iPadOS using a Shure MOTIV MV88 microphone.

Thx for listening to my music .png

a word, a sound, an image, an idea.

Thank you for always being so awesome. I greatly appreciate your suggestions, upvotes, reblogs, follows, and comments. The genuine spirit of creation, sharing, and constructive transparency in this community are what make it so special.

Follow me @jessamynorchard for more assorted randomness!

Click here to read my very first intro post from 2016--wow, that's a long time ago.

ALL proceeds from my Hive account go toward furthering my career as a real-life, full-time artist and creator. It's a dream that you help make possible. This includes needed equipment, recording costs, gas to and from out of state gigs, and things like food when I'm on the road. To be a full-time creator has been my goal for as long as I can remember, and your upvotes absolutely help me to sustain that. All of my love and thanks to you.💚

All photos, unless otherwise credited, are taken or chopped/screwed/edited/altered by me and are hosted either here or at Imgur. Stock photos are used with permission from Pexels, and banners are made using Canva for iOS.


Cool song, a real toe tapper. Your guitar playing is flawless and your voice is full and rich. Really enjoyed the listen, thanks for sharing this!


@kenny-crane --thank you so much for this nice and thoughtful feedback, I appreciate it so much. Also, thank you for the reblog! I am really trying to expand my reach, especially to new users on the platform, so those shares from awesome curators like you help me out so much. Appreciate you and what you do here on Hive so much! :)


You should share these posts on your own page as well as on the music page. That makes it easier for the people who follow you to see these posts. 😊


@amberyooper -- Amber!! First of all, so wonderful to hear from you. I loved opening up Hive and seeing your name in my comments this morning. I hope you are well! Both your home and community garden plots look amazing this year (as you do!). Thank you so much for the tip! Going forward, I will start doing this. Don't be a stranger!! :)
