My favorite books this year - My 5 minutes a day #87

My favorite books of the year


Shoutout to josealbafotos and

Greetings everyone!

Today, I want to look retrospectively at this year. This was one of great progress, lessons, and crises that taught me the importance of things. Regardless of what happened, I feel like a wiser man.

And how did I become wiser? Reading and sharing information with you guys.

That's why, today I want to talk about my favorite books of the year. From many biographies to business and self-help guides, you'll find these of help If you want to improve yourself or just read the story of peculiar characters. Let's begin:

Hamilton by Ron Chernow


Shoutout to Ron Chernow and

Everyone knows about the Hamilton musical by Lin Manuel Miranda and to some extent, the story of one of the most controversial founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton. However, this masterful biography by the author of some of my favorite books of all time (Titan, Washington) brings not only the politician or the colonel but also the human side of Hamilton to Its pages.

With different letters, historical explanations of certain concepts and customs of the 18th century, there's no stone unturned in the life of a proactive and prolific mind.

Personality Isn't Permanent: Break Free from Self-Limiting Beliefs and Rewrite Your Story by Benjamin Hardy


Shoutout to Benjamin Hardy and

Perhaps the best book you can read If you're searching to change yourself for the better or get a new beginning. In Its pages, Personality Isn't Permanent tells us how personality tests can be quite limiting, and how Personality isn't something that once you have, you can't modify.

Quite the opposite, since changing things such as your goals, your surroundings, and the people you hang out with can create a new you, one with a stronger identity that can be whatever you want.

Ultralearning: Master Hard Skills, Outsmart the Competition, and Accelerate Your Career by Scott Young


Shoutout to Scott Young and Amazon.Com

If you want to learn (And possibly master) any skill in a short period, this is the right book for you.

From the start, Scott tells us about the story of exceptional people, who reached their level of success, not by having an innate talent or an above-average IQ, but by practicing with the right methods and developing the right strategies.

From focusing and planning to experimenting, you will find a great roadmap to your first learning projects, an experience that you won't regret.

Well, those are the three books I have cherished the most this year. I hope you can gain something from these titles If you decide to read them, reminding them that they have changed my life for the better.

This being said, have a fun time reading and:

Thanks for your support and good luck!
