Year 9 of the New Luciferian Era!


Welcome to Year 9 of the New Luciferian Era!


If you aren't familiar with the concept, the New Luciferian Era (NLE) is a way of describing the period following the End of the World which occurred on December 21st, 2012, C.E.

"Waitaminute... did you say the End of the World?"

Yes! Do you remember roughly a decade ago when everyone was talking about the end of the Mayan Long Count calendar predicting the end of the world? What I'm suggesting is that the end of the world indeed occurred on that date, just not the way most people think. During the peak of their civilization the Maya people believed themselves to be living in the 4th creation. This "creation" can therefore be understood to be a cycle that repeats periodically, explaining the need for the calendar. The cycle described by their Long Count calendar, 1 Creation, is what in modern terms we would refer to as one complete "wobble" of the Earth's axial tilt. It's estimated to take roughly 26,000 years for one wobble.

Holographically the macrocosm is present in the microcosm. The unit of one solar year describes a single orbit of the Earth around the Sun. One Mayan "Creation" can be thought of as a Great Year. Just as in a solar year you have months (or for those more esoterically inclined, we can think of the 12 or 13 signs of the zodiac which the Sun passes through in a year) there is also a Great Month. Each Great Month is related to the way in which the orientation of the fixed stars as viewed from Earth very slowly change over the millennia and eventually return to their original place and which sign of the zodiac the Earth is essentially "pointing" at. Another name for this Great Month is a Zodiacal Age.

You have probably heard something about the Age of Aquarius (if only from the song) and this is what they're talking about. We are currently going through a transition between Great Months. The timescales are colossal when bringing the perspective down to a human scale, therefore these shifts are felt over hundreds of years. Right now we are right in the thick of things exiting the Age of Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius. But not only that, according to the ancient Maya, who had calendars much more accurate than the Gregorian calendar we use today, now is also the time we are ending one full Great Year and entering the Fifth Creation. The start of a whole new cycle!

There is a saying, or one could call it a practice, that you are born anew each morning upon waking and die again each night. It can be a mindset shift to help you practice mindfulness. The idea of the old system dying off and a brand new one replacing it is a powerful metaphor that can be harnessed. The egregore or spiritual momentum has been building on this concept for literally thousands of years or more. We can be swept up by the wave by those with the ambition to build the new world which is surely to come or are we going to step up and become intentional co-creators?

The New Luciferian Era is my attempt to harness the current and change my mindset, resyncronize myself with the cosmic landscape and chart my course with a more accurate vision. To emancipate myself from irrelevant taboos. To not hold sacred a teaching considered tradition if more accurate knowledge comes into my possession. To create flexible systems that don't become vitrified into dogma. To uphold the sovereignty of the individual as a first principal in all things. These things I refer to as the New Luciferian Era. On the Winter Solstice of 2021 CE we entered Year 9 NLE. What will you manifest in the final single-digit year of the New Luciferian Era? What seeds will you plant for future decades?

If you enjoyed this, please follow my blog here at HIVE @jeremycrow I intend to publish more information about the NLE Calendar soon, and show you all how it works. In the meantime, check out the image attached for the Gregorian month of December 2021 CE with the NLE dates also included in purple. The format is Year - Lunation - Day.

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