Plant curly sweet potato trees and they are ready for us to pick as vegetables



The curly sweet potato tree is one of the sweet potato trees that is often cultivated because the leaves of the curly sweet potato tree are very easy for us to sell at our place. Curly sweet potato leaves are one of the most popular vegetables, so almost every day these curly sweet potato leaves sell out quickly because of the stock we have. There is very little need to preserve this plant. I deliberately opened land to cultivate curly sweet potato leaves as a form of my way of doing business among millennials today.
In our place in Aceh, curly sweet potato leaves are one of the sweet potato leaves which are a vegetable that is popular among the people. In our place, curly sweet potato leaves are one of the most popular vegetables and I am the person who is trying to cultivate these crispy sweet potato leaves as a form of investment. I'm looking forward to this sweet potato leaf vegetable, which is one of the vegetables that is easy to make and also easy to get.
I planted this curly sweet potato tree in my yard with almost half a hectare of land and you can see how fertile the curly sweet potato tree that I planted is. This is one of my first steps in trying to do business by planting sweet potato trees, but the results are starting to show and it's easy. -Hopefully this can become a profitable business for me.
That's my post today, here are some pictures that I have taken and also some writings that I have put together. And this is also a good post for today. I took some of these pictures using the smartphone I have, Samsung A20s, with the location of Aceh in Indonesia for Farmer friends who love cultivation, good luck and good luck becoming a businessman in the world of agriculture.

CameraSamsung A20 S
Taken By@jepkupi
LocationLhokseumawe, Aceh

Best Regards, @jepkupi

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