Santa Claus Comes To Town!


This post is in response to the question posed by @ericvancewalton

Check it out here

When you were a child, what did you look forward to most?

My answer:

As a child, one thing I looked forward to most was the Christmas season and all the funfare that came with it. Yeah, those were the good old days when Christmas was really a day to look forward to, when we would dream of our Christmas outfits, multi-coloured wrist watches and large plastic spectacles.

Then we would work extra hard at our school examinations to get good grades, because that would determine how grand one's Christmas celebration would be.

Then the kind of music that were played over the radio, the Christmas trees, decorations and twinking coloured lights, all added so much colour to the season.

I would wake up severally before the Dawn of the D-Day, just to make sure my clothes were still intact, then with the excitement of showing off my new dress and accessories on Christmas Day, I was never able to sleep peacefully.

Then came the "knockout competition", where the boys would blow bangers/knockout from Christmas eve till the morning of Christmas. My brothers seriously competed with the boys in the neighbourhood because they always saved up enough money to buy the bangers.

On Christmas day, there would be so much to eat and drink. I loved it so much when rich friends and relatives visited with lots of cash gifts. For that reason, my siblings and I were always fighting over who would serve Uncle Bob and his wife, because they were the most generous relatives.

The season was filled with so much love and I think there was more love and trust amongst Nigerians back then. Love, sharing and giving, where you cook and package some to your neighbours.

Gosh so many beautiful memories!

But there's so much fear amongst neighbours now that food and drinks end up in trash cans, that tradition of sharing food with others on Christmas day is now obsolete.

Then the excitement of seeing the jolly, red-suited, white-bearded, gift-giver that we all know as Santa Claus ("Father Christmas" in my country). I absolutely loved visiting Santa Claus because once you see him, you get some gifts, little gifts that made the celebration awesome.

My parents didn't have a lot of money but they were very loving. ‘Who they were’ and ‘what they did’ made Christmas so special, the decorations, the food, the strength of love we had for each other, how this was the most precious thing in the whole wide world. With my family, Christmas was pure magic!

These are memories I’ll keep in my heart forever. These are moments I would have loved to live again and again.

Thank you @ericvancewalton for helping little accounts like mine grow...😊


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