One Glamorous Night 🖤✨









Photos above were taken during our company's Post Peak Party last 2020 at Ocean Park beside SM Sea side with a theme, Casino Royale. Everyone was dress up like going out in a Casino, or a formal attire in general. A glamorous night I didn't expect I had experienced because I have not ever gave myself this chance to come in such event, with lots of preparations like make-ups, fixing my hair, dressing up in a gown. I didn't even eat much before the event so the dress won't go too tight lol. I was very conscious and anxious as the party comes closer because I really don't know what's going to happen or how will I look like. You know, that kind of feeling? Haha. But when the night came, everything happens just like a magic.

As a woman, I have always been dreaming of becoming a princess one day where I can get special treatments, wearing nice dress and a nice shoes. A rich princess who can get whatever she want, buy everything, go anywhere and eat whatever she crave without looking at the price. All of these were just a dream. But eventhough these were just a dream, at least, the event had given me a glance of how a princess feels and looks like even without the crown. Have you ever have this kind of dream?

0.001 PAL