Adulting is one of the very interesting things that happens to us as human beings one day you were born, one day you are a child and all of a sudden you are a grown man fending for himself and his family what changed what happened. A lot of things actually.
For some people they enjoyed their childhood and it became the place where they can always reminisce about and think to go back to when we were children, for some others they did not enjoy their childhood and they aimed to rush through and grow up because the loved adults and the things that adults had, the access they enjoyed and the confidence they expressed usually.
For me I wouldn't say that my childhood was terrible in fact,its one of the most interesting things that I cherished.
To throw some light..
I grew up being the last child of the family with a lot of grown ups around me and I got to learn a lot from them or do we have to talk about adulthood but just a little bit about my childhood. Growing up as the last born was very interesting I found myself learning from the mistakes of people that had gone ahead of me I found myself becoming wiser, becoming stubborn and also gathering as much knowledge as I could in order to survive as an adult. I realised that life was going to move on and things were not going to remain the same way they have being so I knew that it was best that I was ready for the challenges that are ahead of me. I always wanted to be a Doctor.. lol, I positioned myself to always wanting to achieve these and so I was always mostly indoors reading my books understanding science and preparing for one exam or the other
However, I realise that life was beyond just passing exams and that there is more to life than being booked brilliant. I'm not saying that being brilliant is not good but developing oneself to be able to face the challenges I had was beyond being brilliant it required a lot more than being an excellent student in a class of 30, it required being smart streetwise and also bookwise and this abilities are what I love the most about my adulthood. I gave more attention to being bookwise as a child but as soon as adulthood started for me I began to give more attention to being streetwise and learning the abilities required to survive alone as an adult I stopped being overdependent on others and decided to take life the way I understood it by the help of God.
I miss popping this as a child, I still do it to relief stress as an adult
Now to talk about the things I love the most about adulthood
There are three things I love the most about adulthood and they are things I have always figured in most adults as a child and I always wanted to morph into an adult anytime I considered these things, but all of them are wrapped in one word called ”Responsibility”.
One. Independence. I love being independent when it comes to knowing what to do and fending for oneself.I realise that everyone had their issue and had their problems to deal with and that I do not want to be another person's problem and I do not want to be an issue to someone else who has his own issues to deal with I wanted to be able to deal with my own problems by my own self and this was what I learnt from becoming an adult. Nobody owes you anything , nobody is one to provide for you as an adult everyone for himself everyone we'll see you as a man as someone who can provide for himself because the times of being a child was gone. It reminds me of a verse in scriptures which tells us about the child as long as he remains a child who continues to do like a child but as soon as she becomes a man he put away childish things and becomes a man. Hence begins to do the things that are expected of a man.
Two.Commitment. I love the fact that an adult has a stronger determination to be committed to things and see to it that these things were achieved as a child our commitment was based on the things that our parents wanted us to be committed to. If your parents want you to be a lawyer they will drive you in that direction, they want you to be a doctor the same thing but as an adult you are the driver of your life, your own boss and you commit to things that you want for yourself. No one would hold your responsibility for the things that you committed to do. Your commitment will go a long way to determine how well you are going to succeed in the nearest future because a lot of people easily give up in the slightest limitations that faces their dreams and their visions and their goals but as an adult I want to hold on to my visions and to my goals despite what was happening around me.
Three.Foresight. I always hear my dad say something he would say when you cannot see beyond your nose you cannot see you opportunities. Whenever an opportunity passes by it means that we never saw it coming. Opportunities are best Court when you see them coming and you prepare for them before they arrive. Adults leverage on the four sides that they have about opportunities they do not wait for opportunities to arrive before they jump on it rather they prepare themselves for that particular opportunity. as a child I always look forward to learn to develop my foresight to be able to see things far before they become reality. I want to read books watch movies and also interact with other adults who had the foresight that I needed and so I never really wasted much time. On becoming an adult I loved using it consistently learning my way and grabbing your opportunities when they come.this can also be said of my journey and hive the way I have grabbed the opportunity like I was prepared for it before it came even though I am just as fresh as any other newbie in the room.
The things you do for growth
Not to talk about the things I would love to remove from the processes of adults.
The one thing I would love to remove from adulting if I had the power is the
having to need a job to survive.
For goodness sake it is the most freaking thing about this adult thingy. It's not to say there are enough jobs either, not that the jobs are enjoyable too, but the system has just made it to seem like one must always have to have a job to survive but it is not true. If I have the power to remove this mindset from people right from the point where you're entering into secondary school I will show them that they can begin to make ends meet right from their secondary school days and I will let them realise the vast opportunities that currently exist for them to be able to do that. I belong to a generation of people who finished institutions and got their degree I keep waiting and applying for several jobs who keep turning them down and they get depressed and they get older and life happens to them and they move on and they happen to be going to do all the things that they should have considered to do much earlier.
Adulthood does not warn anyone it just happens, before you know it you are an adult and people are looking up to you and you have to deliver. My power will be to equip every adult who I see to be able to fend for themselves without a job. And it is true the metaverse of things are changing to accommodate thoughts like this, and I'm hopeful that this happening no long time to relieve every adult of the stress that they go through.
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Wow!! No doubt i enjoyed reading this post, everything was detailed and the fact that you enjoyed your adulthood is an awesome one.
If I also have the power to change things, one of it will be job hunting. Imagine being a graduate and no job for you, it can be frustrating.
Being independent as an adult is also fun, you wouldn't have to ask your parents for money to buy some certain things. I remembered when I was younger, I have always wanted to grow so fast so I could become an adult so I will enjoy most of the good things they do.
Though adult life is sweet and fun, but on the other hand, it's not easy to become an adult because they're lots of responsibilities attached to it.
Thanks for sharing with us.
I totally agree.
ADULTING is really hard work. But you we always find a way.
The secrete is value. Have a value to give, learn it if you must and reap it's dividends till the end.
Being an adult is not easy at all, life just screws you from left and right. You have to be determined to stand your ground or you will just run mad.
This is a detailed post, and I love that.
You are having a great time as an adult, and that is a plus.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Running mad.. it happens a lot.
People get depressed too, or even give in to vices and drugs all in the name of adulthood and survival.
About having a good time,..
You won't believe me If I told you I m not, you may agree it's the same hunger for the better that is driving me. We move ...hehe.
Thanks for the comment bro.
I love your explicit details @jaydr
Yeah, I also learnt a lot being the last born aside from being the stubborn one.
Growing up has taught me many lessons especially being independent, how to focus and remain growth centred.
Ahh, I really miss playing football in the rain among others.
Nice post man. Much love😍
Playing football here.. can't remember the last time I did hat. I was good back then, but had some indications not to. I played games tho, ha.. I play games and had so much toys.. O had much to develop my imagination.
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"Having to need a job to survive", why didn't I think of this lol
You are brilliant.
For real, if I could change one thing you, I would love to change having to need a job to survive..
This post is brilliant!
Well done.
Hehe.. thank you..
I realise it will be a beautiful feeling if you just wake up and you get alert just for playing a game, or just for having fun like on hive.
It's already becoming reality... People quiting jobs for splinterlands.. a lot don't have to worry about jobs again for their fat hive earnings.
People think it will make us lazy, no it will teach those bosses a lesson that anyone who applies for their jobs didn't apply because they are hungry, so those useless salaries won't fool them or turn them to slaves. If you over step our deal.. I leave.
What do you think about that?
I've been seeing this splinter land but I haven't really understood what it is all about.
no it will teach those bosses a lesson that anyone who applies for their jobs didn't apply because they are hungry, so those useless salaries won't fool them or turn
I agree with you.
They are actually wrong about the thought of it making us lazy, that's one.
As long as one is able to gain ground here on the block chain and earns earn well, it far better than suffering on another man's job for nothing.
Your post was awesome
But your class was few maybe it's a private school... We were about 80 in my class one time I remembered taking third tell me congratulations 😁
Last borns are always stubborn, thank God you acknowledged
But wait how on Earth did you get that popping stuff ?
That really got me
I like your write up
The 30s were the ideal class in private schools. I only used it as an idiom here.
Me sef na rogue.. na 150 we be for JSS1.
I sure say we no fit Sabi ourself if we go reunion.
Na condition make stubbornness enter body na.. them go send you message taya.
The pop nylon na code.. I m glad you relate.
Na now I feel you
Me and my sister dey drag that popping stuff Sha 😁😁
Well it's nice to have you here
hehehe... we dey hide am that time for our house make no body see where we keep am, na serious antistress.
hehehe... we dey hide am that time for our house make no body see where we keep am, na serious antistress.
Lovely post. Why are all last born stubborn? Lol.
I was close to being a last born but I escaped after the arrival of my kid brother and I must confess he is very stubborn too.
I love the fact that you too see that this generation don't have to spend years in the university just to graduate and settle for a tiny salary, it is high time this generation get enlightened.
Thank you for writing this.
Being last born warrants some level of stubbornness, or else na mumu go kill them.
The kind errand wey African seniors take dey show seniority no be here.
Money has become really easy to get, people are just trobbing the hard way to reach it. Find a value that people need and get the necessary exposure and that's all.
Tech, music, medicine all of there apply. Oh will be a waste to finish school and not have what it takes to make money, I m not against schooling, I m against archaic curriculum. Things that work in the 60s are what Nigerians are still learning, dead history. When people a creating the future. This is the difference between third world country and the world powers.
As an adult, the internet paves he way for everyone to find the appropriate knowledge and it's application in their life journey, we no longer have any excuse, if they don't teach us, it's is free on there. The environment still makes it hard tho, we still pay sums for data while people are getting free WiFi (tho not safe for crypto).
As we always say when water don pass garri... "Na God fit help us".
You are so right @jaydr
The internet is just a blessing. Well the data subscription is just one of those prices we get to pay.
you arrange words so beautifully and all according to the reality that happened, it's so difficult to get a job to be able to continue living in the future
Exactly.. getting a job is a wrong notion.. if I had my way, I won't even wanna work for anyone, I will work for me.