(ESP-ENG) FROM [Season 3] | A mystery full of doubts - Serie Review!

Hola amigos, buenas vibras para todos.

Hello friends, good vibes to all.


From no está a la altura de Dark, pero el nivel de desconcierto, de dudas, de preguntas sin respuestas, de todo lo inexplicable y de que estando con tres temporadas completas y terminadas no sepamos absolutamente nada todavía es de las razones por las cuales esta serie pudiera ser una seria competencia de la historia alemana. Cuando me siento a ver FROM es garantizado que me va a doler la cabeza, figurativamente, por no ser capaz de atar cabos y darle forma a una trama que desde el mismo primer capítulo de la primera temporada no invita a dudar de todo y a vivir en un constante misterio sin resolver. La segunda temporada terminó de una manera muy impactante para darle paso a esta tercera parte; siento que lamentablemente para mi no ésta no llenó las expectativas que estaba esperando.

From is not at the level of Dark, but the level of bewilderment, of doubts, of questions without answers, of all that is inexplicable and that being with three complete and finished seasons we still know absolutely nothing is one of the reasons why this series could be a serious competitor to the German story. When I sit down to watch FROM it is guaranteed that my head will hurt, figuratively, for not being able to tie up ends and give shape to a plot that from the very first chapter of the first season does not invite you to doubt everything and to live in a constant unsolved mystery. The second season ended in a very shocking way to give way to this third part; I feel that unfortunately for me it did not meet the expectations I was expecting.

Para los que no saben o todavía no deciden si darle una oportunidad a esta serie les comento rápidamente que trata de un grupo de personas que se quedaron atorados en un pueblo del cual no pueden salir, no hay manera alguna de escapar de aquel sitio. Dicho lugar es bastante raro por las cosas inexplicables que allí suceden, a nivel sobrenatural, mental y al punto de llegar a pensar que todo esto es una conspiración o experimento macabro. A lo largo de estas tres temporadas se ha profundizado mucho acerca del cómo salir de allí, entender que es lo que realmente está pasando y convivir con todos los males que acechan el sitio. No ha sido fácil, se han ido muchos, han llegado otros pero la gran mayoría siguen ahí tratando de descifrar la pesadilla que supone pasar los días en ese misterioso pueblo.

For those who do not know or have not yet decided whether to give this series a chance, I will quickly tell you that it is about a group of people who are stuck in a town from which they can not get out, there is no way to escape from that place. This place is quite strange because of the inexplicable things that happen there, supernatural, mental and to the point of thinking that all this is a conspiracy or macabre experiment. Throughout these three seasons there has been a lot of depth about how to get out of there, understand what is really going on and live with all the evils that haunt the place. It has not been easy, many have left, others have arrived but the vast majority are still there trying to decipher the nightmare of spending days in that mysterious town.


Esta temporada honestamente esperaba que fuera un poco más directa en aras de ir resolviendo todos los misterios que hay porque si, esta serie tienen varias aristas, varios caminos abiertos que deberían de ir cerrándose. FROM es de las series que más intriga me causa por todo esto, que cada personaje esté viviendo un misterio diferente y al mismo tiempo que esté buscando resolverlo me explota la mente porque al haber tantos cabos sueltos es muy difícil entender todo. Esta temporada tres comenzaba en las puertas del cierre de la segunda el cual fue muy potente pero que a lo largo de los 10 capítulos ese misterio no se resolvió, por el contrario, se le sumaron unos cuantos más. Creo que a nivel de historia esta temporada se estancó, no fue mala ni mucho menos, pero el fondo de la historia entró en unas arenas movedizas.

This season I honestly expected it to be a little more direct in order to solve all the mysteries that are there because yes, this series has several edges, several open roads that should be closing. FROM is one of the series that most intrigues me because of all this, that each character is living a different mystery and at the same time is looking to solve it explodes my mind because there are so many loose ends it is very difficult to understand everything. This season three began at the gates of the closing of the second which was very powerful but throughout the 10 chapters that mystery was not solved, on the contrary, a few more were added. I think that in terms of story this season stagnated, it was not bad by any means, but the background of the story entered a quicksand.

La forma la mantuvieron, creo que vimos más crudeza, el desarrollo de los personajes se profundizó más, la violencia sigue estando presente, al final puede que la maldad contenida en aquel lugar haya escalado un poco y es que a las personas cada vez se les hace más complicado mantener la calma y la cordura porque el pueblo te invita a eso. Siempre voy a destacar la ambientación de la serie, es muy sombrío todo, muy macabro, tratan de que todo sea lo más "normal" y familiar posible pero no hay manera, la vibra que emana la forma en como dispusieron de las cosas y de las locaciones hace que uno se sumerja de lleno y se deje atrapar por el sin sentido que significar vivir allá. Lo que genera la serie es de 10, por algo el propio Stephen King la alaba tanto.

The form was maintained, I think we saw more rawness, the development of the characters went deeper, the violence is still present, at the end maybe the evil contained in that place has escalated a little and it is that people are increasingly difficult to keep calm and sanity because the town invites you to that. I will always highlight the setting of the series, everything is very dark, very macabre, they try to make everything as “normal” and familiar as possible but there is no way, the vibe that emanates from the way they arranged things and locations makes you dive right in and get caught by the meaninglessness of living there. What the series generates is 10, something Stephen King himself praises it so much.



Probablemente la razón para la dilatación de la historia es que ya está renovada para una cuarta temporada, no se si será la definitiva pero sin dudas es una buena noticia. Lo digo porque el final de esta tercera temporada es pesado e impactante, no tanto como el de la segunda, pero si creo que va a marcar mucho a todos los habitantes del sitio. Abre una puerta a lo desconocido, pasa algo que muchos daban por sentado que no pasaba y al final terminó sucediendo lo cual, muy obviamente, es inexplicable. Personalmente no lo vi venir y eso me gusta, las sorpresas siempre se van a agradecer en este tipo de historias.

Probably the reason for the extension of the story is that it has already been renewed for a fourth season, I don't know if it will be the definitive one but it is certainly good news. I say this because the end of this third season is heavy and shocking, not as much as the second, but I think it will mark a lot to all the inhabitants of the site. It opens a door to the unknown, something happens that many took for granted that did not happen and in the end it ended up happening which, very obviously, is inexplicable. Personally I didn't see it coming and I like that, surprises will always be appreciated in this kind of stories.

Al final nos quedamos con una tercera temporada con demasiadas cosas por resolver, es verdad que hubo par de hechos que nos abrieron los ojos, pero fueron más lo que quedaron en al aire a la espera de ser descubiertos o solucionados más adelante. Como digo en el título, lo que reinó fue la duda. En términos generales no fue una mala temporada, la esencia la mantiene y la profundiza, la expectativa cada vez es mayor, la intriga está elevada a la enésima y el misterio no decae pero si, muchas cosas, pocas respuestas. Esperemos la cuarta temporada sea de esclarecimiento de las cosas y comencemos a ver que o quiénes están detrás de todo lo que pasa en aquel pueblo.

In the end we were left with a third season with too many things to be resolved, it is true that there were a couple of facts that opened our eyes, but there were more that were left in the air waiting to be discovered or solved later. As I said in the title, what reigned was doubt. In general terms it was not a bad season, the essence is maintained and deepened, the expectation is growing, the intrigue is elevated to the nth degree and the mystery does not decline but yes, many things, few answers. Let's hope that the fourth season will clarify things and we begin to see who or what is behind everything that happens in that town.


Les dejo el tráiler por acá, la pueden encontrar en Prime Video o Max. Recomendada 100% a todos.

I leave the trailer here, you can find it on Prime Video or Max. 100% recommended to everyone.

Bueno amigos por hoy es todo, espero que les haya gustado.
¡Un abrazo a todos, nos vemos en la próxima!

Well friends that's all for today, I hope you liked it.
¡A hug to everyone, see you next time!


I am not a fan of horror series but this one looks definitely scary!


I highly recommend it, it's horror but it's not one of those jump scare ones, maybe you'll get one out there but nothing serious. Everything is worth it with the intrigue and suspense of the unexplained.


It's true that mystery and tension are an essential part of the plot, but sometimes it can also be frustrating not to have answers after so many seasons. I find it interesting that the series maintains that dark and disturbing atmosphere. Excellent review!


Thanks for reading my friend. It is, it's a series that has everything to be a great horror reference.


This was one of the best movies I abandoned just because like you said, I also hurt my head trying to wrap my head around the plots.I couldn’t tie so many loose ends and for someone who doesn’t like scary movies, I had to leave it. It has so many creepy things.
I agree with you and 100% recommend it to people who like scary movies.


I think you should watch it again, it's true that the series is a bit desperate in terms of not being able to find answers but that suspenseful vibe I think makes it very cool. It's one of the best series I've seen in a while.


I almost dropped the show with how poor the third season was. I can't help but feel it really dropped the ball.


It was poor because it didn't advance much with everything that had happened in the second season, a lot of unfinished things, I feel like everything is like a loop of more of the same. At least the ending was a little interesting, it left us with some emotion.
