(ESP-ENG) Blame! - Survival is the key.


Hello friends, good vibes to all.

Hola amigos, buenas vibras para todos.


Many times we focus on watching series, or at least I do, but for a while now I've decided to look for movies that are out there to take a look at them and if I'm honest, I've never been one to watch anime movies, don't ask me why. Netflix has an interesting catalog of them so yesterday I decided to watch one which turned out to be BLAME! From what I understand and I have read this manga is one of pretty good quality, I have not had the opportunity to read it but it is not really necessary since it is one which has very little text, it is more graphic than anything else so it is ideal to put the imagination to work.

Muchas veces nos enfocamos en ver series, o por lo menos yo, pero de un tiempo para acá me he decidido a buscar las películas que estén por ahí afuera para echarles un vistazo y es que si les soy sincero, nunca he sido de ver películas de anime, no me pregunten por qué. Netflix tiene un catálogo interesante de ellas por lo que el día de ayer me animé a ver una la cual resultó ser BLAME!. Por lo que entiendo y he leído este manga es uno de bastante calidad, no he tenido la oportunidad de leerlo pero es que tampoco hace mucha falta ya que es uno el cual tiene muy poco texto, es más gráfico que otra cosa por lo que es ideal para poner a funcionar la imaginación.

So let's talk about what this movie is about. It is a story that is within the cyberpunk genre which is a science fiction that tells us about a civilization in a dystopian future where humans have been relegated to the background. Why? - Because long before this they had control of certain technology through a gene which allowed them to build cities and everything they needed to survive. One day thanks to an infection these systems begin to malfunction to the point that they become corrupted and begin to have a conscience of their own to the point of considering humans themselves as illegal beings or creatures.

Hablemos entonces de qué va esta película. Es una historia que está dentro del género del cyberpunk la cual es una ciencia ficción que nos habla de una civilización en un futuro distópico en donde los humanos ha quedado relegados a un segundo plano. ¿Por qué? - pues porque mucho antes de esto ellos tenían el control de cierta tecnología a través de un gen el cual les permitía ir construyendo ciudades y todo lo necesario para subsistir. Un buen día gracias a una infección estos sistemas comienzan a funcionar mal al punto de que se corrompen y comienzan a tener una conciencia propia al punto de considerar a los propios humanos como seres o criaturas ilegales.


In spite of that, there is still a group of people who desperately look for a way to survive in a village in a hostile environment where they are hunted by the "Safeguards", a kind of nasty and bad looking police. In this search for resources, some of them decide to go on an exploration which does not end very well but which will also allow them to meet Killy, a human who is looking for the gene I told you about before. From here begins a relationship of mutual help for the objectives of each one and a journey full of dangers and obstacles in which they will live many things in order to get what they crave.

A pesar de eso aún queda un grupo de personas que desesperadamente buscan la manera de sobrevivir dentro de una aldea en un entorno hostil en el que son cazados por los "Salvaguardias", una especie de policía bastante desagradable y de mal aspecto. En esa busqueda por recursos algunos de ellos deciden hacer una exploración la cual no termina muy bien pero que también les permitirá conocer a Killy, un humano que está buscando el gen del que les hablé anteriormente. A partir de acá comienza una relación de ayuda mutua por los objetivos de cada quien y un viaje lleno de peligros y obstáculos en el que vivirán muchas cosas con tal de conseguir lo que tanto ansían.

This movie has a couple of things that are really cool. One of them is the story itself, although it may be a bit cliché it is still interesting and touching and it is that it is the mere struggle for survival, is when we see the ability to unite that people can have when they set their minds to it. To this we must add the soundtrack, and although this may seem unimportant, the truth is that it is not so because in this case it is very complementary. In moments of tension, drama, nostalgia, attachment, there will always be something that makes the atmosphere to create the right feeling. Personally, it is a plot that did not bore me even knowing what could happen.

Esta película tiene un par de cosas bastante cool la verdad. Una de ellas es la historia en si, a pesar de que pueda ser una un poco cliché no deja de ser interesante y conmovedora y es que es la mera lucha por la supervivencia, es cuando vemos la capacidad de unión que pueden tener las personas cuando se lo proponen. A esto hay que sumarle la banda sonora, y aunque esto parezca algo sin importancia la verdad es que no es así porque en este caso se complementa mucho. En los momentos de tensión, de drama, nostalgia, apego, siempre va a sonar algo que hace que el ambiente se acomode para crear el sentimiento correcto. En lo personal es una trama que no me aburrió aún sabiendo lo que podía pasar.


It is a very dark story, because that is the genre, and this makes that in some parts we see a certain rawness that goes hand in hand with the sadness that comes automatically after some scene or act that happens in the plot. The animations are well done, the director of this film is Hiroyuki Seshita who is also known for having made the visual effects of Suzume, another film spectacle, so you can more or less imagine how everything is. For me this is the most important aspect of anime, if its effects and animation are not of quality, I personally stop watching either the movie or series. Here everything is fluid, the colors, atmosphere, facial expressions, it's worth it.

Es una historia muy oscura, porque así es el género, y esto hace que en algunas partes veamos cierta crudeza que va de la mano con la tristeza que viene de manera automática después de alguna escena o acto que suceda en la trama. Las animaciones están bien hechas, el director de esta película es Hiroyuki Seshita quien además es conocido por haber hecho los efectos visuales de Suzume, otro espectáculo de film, por lo que ya más o menos se imaginan como es todo. Para mi este es el aspecto más importante dentro del anime, si sus efectos y animación no son de calidad, personalmente dejo de ver ya sea la película o serie. Acá todo es fluido, los colores, ambientación, expresiones faciales, vale mucho la pena.

But what really stands out are the characters. The protagonist, Killy, is a guy of few words but tough and with an important sense of belonging. Despite his appearance, he will show that despite the hostile environment, he still has human warmth. The people of the village, such as Zuro, Sutezo, Fusata, Tae, the grandfather, etc, show cool personalities that contrast with the adverse environment. You empathize with them a lot, it's like I said, they are the light in the face of so much darkness that surrounds them, hope, faith, whatever you want to call it.

Pero lo realmente destacable son los personajes. El protagonista, Killy, es un tipo de pocas palabras pero rudo y con un sentido de pertenencia importante. A pesar de su aspecto demostrará que a pesar del ambiente hostil la calidez humana todavía la conserva. Las personas de la aldea, como: Zuro, Sutezo, Fusata, Tae, el abuelo, etc, muestran unas personalidades bien cool que contrastan con lo adverso del entorno. Empatizas muchos con ellos, es como dije, son la luz ante tanta oscuridad que los rodea, la esperanza, la fe, como lo quieran llamar.


It's a good movie, it has an interesting plot even though it's been seen several times. I think you should take a look at the manga first and then move on to this one. I give it a 7/10, in spite of everything I liked it, it is very well made with well elaborated characters that give an interesting contrast to a story that in itself is a bit sinister and dark. Good animation and the action scenes are top. It's on Netflix and lasts an hour and 45 minutes. I leave you the trailer so you can see what it's about more or less.

Es una buena película, tiene una trama interesante aunque ya vista varias veces. Creo que habría que echarle un ojo al manga primero para después pasar acá. Le doy un 7/10, a pesar de todo me gustó, está muy bien hecha con unos personajes bien elaborados y que le dan un contraste interesante a una historia que de por si es medio siniestra y oscura. Buena animación y las escenas de acción son top. Está en Netflix y dura una hora y 45 minutos. Les dejo el tráiler para que vean de que se trata más a o menos.

Well my people that's all for today, I hope you liked it.
¡A hug to everyone, see you next time!

Bueno mi gente por hoy es todo, espero que les haya gustado.
¡Un abrazo a todos, nos vemos en la próxima!

0.035 PAL


The titled sounds familiar but the aesthetic was distinct enough to jog my memory about the source material. The manga this was based on was featured a lot for it's architectural beauty. Ignoring the story, the panels showing the landscape was the art of its own.

0.000 PAL

That's right, it's a very good manga where the aesthetic and visual aspect is what stands out in addition to the half careless strokes. I'm looking forward to reading it because I've only seen bits and pieces of it and the truth from what they say and what you say is really a jewel and a beauty.

0.000 PAL

Those robots crawling got me scared lol I will love to watch this type of movie the animation is looking cool!


0.000 PAL

Yes, the face of those robots are a serious thing, at first you get kind of annoyed but when you see them move you probably get a little more scared hahaha. It's a good movie, you should watch it.

0.000 PAL

Wow, this movie looks very interesting, I think that I'll watch it soon! Thanks for sharing...

Wow, ésta película luce muy interesante, creo que la veré pronto! Gracias por compartir 😊

0.000 PAL

Yes, the truth is that it is quite good, I was very surprised.

Thanks to you for reading! Cheers!!!

0.000 PAL

Se ve bastante bien a pesar de no ser muy fan del cgi aquí me parece impresionante el diseño de la película, a pesar de ser ya algo común que la tecnología tome el control, esta igual de interesante para verla un día. La película abarca el manga en general o solo cierta parte?. Buen post bro <3

It looks pretty good despite not being a big fan of cgi here I find the design of the movie impressive, despite being something common that technology takes control, it's still interesting to see it one day. Does the movie cover the manga in general or just a certain part?. Good post bro <3

0.000 PAL

The animation is fine, I always tend to be on the lookout for that but this one looks decent. I think it's just a part of it. The manga is about 50 chapters if I remember what I read.

It's good to pass the time.

Cheers bro!

0.000 PAL

Do the plot is a bit like traditional zombie or parasite epidemic based movie if I'm not wrong in which usually everyone got infected and then hero and it's teamrefugee somewhere outside the city and then fight back and recover every one but I think you have explained everything in the movie so to be honest isn't is a spoiler act.

0.000 PAL

Actually it has nothing to do with zombies or parasites but I understand the similarity, the thing goes more towards artificial intelligence and technologies becoming self-aware. But yes, it is the usual struggle to regain something lost and the fight focuses on a few brave people who dare.

0.000 PAL