Story of a foreigner under harassment [ENG-ESP]


The departure from her home country hit Natalia, a girl of just 20 who packed all her dreams in a suitcase and a backpack to go far away from home.

La salida de su país natal le afectó muchisimo a Natalia, una chica de apenas 20 años y que empaquetó todos sus sueños en una maleta y un morral para irse muy lejos de casa.


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From the moment she arrived in the country of destination, she focused on finding a job in order to establish herself and cover her expenses.
After a couple of weeks she managed to get a job in a factory, from the moment she entered the office on the first day, one of her bosses looked at her strangely.
A few minutes later he approached her and asked her several questions, noticing that her way of speaking was different, he asked her: "Where are you from? Natalia answered him by telling him her nationality, her boss's face changed completely and his attitude towards her was uncomfortable for Natalia.
A few days after she had been working, her boss asked Natalia to stay an hour longer to get a job, she didn't want to, and far from being a request, it was an order.
Natalia told her friend with whom she shared a room, gave her the office phone number and address, and warned her that if she didn't arrive in two hours to call her and if she didn't answer she would isolate the police.
Her friend already knew about the unusual attitude of Natalia's boss, how he looked at her and how he always made her uncomfortable with uncalled-for comments, to which Natalia responded in a dry manner and kept her distance.

Desde el momento que llegó al país destino, se enfocó a la búsqueda de un empleo para poder establecerse y cubrir sus gastos.

Luego de un par de semana logró conseguir un empleo en una fabrica, desde el momento que entró el primer día a la oficina uno de sus jefes la miró de forma muy extraña.
Pocos minutos después se le acercó y le hizo varias preguntas, al notar que su forma de hablar era distinto , le preguntó: ¿de donde era? Natalia le respondió diciendole su nacionalidad, la cara de su jefe cambió totalmente y su actitud hacia ella era incomodo para Natalia.
A los pocos dias de estar trabajando, su jefe le pidió a natalia que se quedara una hora más para sacar un trabajo, ella no quería que lejos de ser una solicirud fue una orden.
Natalia le avisó a su amiga con quien compartia la habitación, le dió el telefono de la oficina y la dirección, adirtiendole que si no llegaba en dos horas la llamara y si no respondía aisara a la policia.
Su amiga ya sabia sobre la actitud poco usual del jefe de Natalia, como la miraba y que siempre la incomodaba con comentarios fuera de lugar, a lo que Natalia le respondía de forma seca y manteiendo la distancia.

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After the two hours had elapsed Natalia's friend called her and she answered, in the background the boss could be heard telling her why she was answering the phone and she told him because it was her boyfriend who was coming to pick her up.

This provoked anger in the boss and he grabbed her tightly, starting to touch her, which made Natalia, hit him in his private parts, managing to get loose.
Natalia's friend was listening to everything on the phone and didn't know what to do, until Natalia grabbed the phone from the floor and told her: -Call the police, this man wants to rape me!.
Natalia's boss heard what she said and let her go as she writhed in pain on the floor and shouted at him:

-Don't come back here anymore or you'll see!

Natalia was fortunately able to leave the factory and go to where she lived, she was shaking and crying inconsolably, but as best she could she called her friend and told her that she was already outside and not to call the police, she would take public transport to go to the room.

She arrived at the room scared to death, she was shaking and crying non-stop, she couldn't believe what was happening to her.
All night she was thinking about what she would do the next morning, how she would face her boss, if she had to leave her job and probably wouldn't get paid for the time she worked, an endless list of unanswered questions, until she woke up and decided to go and talk to the factory manager and tell him everything.

Una vez que trascurrió las dos horas la amiga de natalia la llamó y ella le respondió, al fondo se escuchaba al jefe diciendole que porque respondía el teléfono y ella le dijo porque era su noio que estaba por llegara buscarla.

Esto provoco ira en el jefe y la agarró fuertemente, empenzandola a tocar, lo que hizo que Natalia, lo golpeara en sus partes intimas, logrando soltarse.

La amiga de Natalia estuvo escuchando todo en el teléfono y no sabía que hacer, hasta que Natalia agarró el teléfono del piso y le dijo: -¡Llama a la policia, este hombre me quiere violar!.

El jefe de Natalia escuchó lo que ella dijo y la dejó ir mientras se retorcía del dolor en el piso y le gritaba:

-¡No vuelvas mas aca o ya veras!

Natalia afortunadamente pudo salir de la fabrica e irse a donde vivía, temblaba y lloraba desconsoladamente, pero como pudo llamó a su amiga y le dijo que ya estaba afuera que no llamara a la policia que tomaria el transporte publico para ir a la habitación.

Efectivamente llegó a la habitación muerta del miedo, temblaba y lloraba sin parar, no podía creer lo que le pasaba.
Toda la noche estuvo pensando ¿que haría a la mañana siguiente? como enfrentaría a su jefe , si tenía que dejar el trabajo y probablemnete no le pagarían el tiempo que trabajó, un sin fin de preguntas sin respuestas, hasta que amaneció y tomó la decisión de ir y hablar con el Director de la fabrica y contarle todo.


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When Natalia arrived at the factory, she went straight to ask to speak to the director, and as she sat there waiting to be shown into the office, the head of the director's office came out and looked at her and smiled defiantly.

When she entered the office the Director rudely told her that he already knew why she was there.
Natalia was surprised and didn't know what to do, but she told the principal what had happened anyway.
To her surprise when she finished telling him everything that had happened, the Director accused her of being a liar and shouted at her saying that she was a freeloader and that she only wanted to harm her boss.
Natalia tried to make him understand but there was no way and he threatened her that if she denounced him they would accuse her of harassment.
Finally, she left the office holding back tears as best she could and went straight to the personnel office to put in her letter of resignation.
A couple of weeks later one night when she was returning to her room she saw the figure of a man leaning out of a vehicle, this she saw for many nights, which made Natalia start to get scared, her mind told her it was her ex-boss.

Cuando Natalia llegó a la Fabrica, fue directamente a solicitar hablar con el Director, cuando estaba sentada esperando que la pasaran a la oficina, salió el jefe de la oficina del Director y la miró y se sonrió en forma desafiante.

Cuando entró a la oficina el Director le dijo groseramente que ya sabía porque ella estaba alli.
Natalia sorprendida no sabía que hacer, pero igual le contó lo que había pasado al Director.
Para su sorpresa cuando terminó de contarle todo lo que habia pasado, el Directo lo que hizo fue acusarla de mentirosa y le gritaba diciendole que era una aprovechadora y que solo quería perjudicar a su jefe.
Natalia trató de hacerlo entender pero no hubo manera y la amenazó que si lo denunciaba ellos la acusarian a ella de hostigadora.
Finalmente, salió de la oficina conteniendo las lágrimas como podía y fue directamente a la oficina de personal para poner su carta de renuncia.
Un par de semana después una noche cuando regresaba a la habitación vió la figura de un hombre que se recostaba de un vehiculo, esto lo vió por muchas noches, lo que hizo que Natalia empezara a tener miedo, su mente le decía que era su ex jefe.


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Natalia made the decision to move and this image was repeated for a long time until she left the country.
All images were adapted with the PhotoScape app and the source was cited in each image.
This is my participation in the initiative of:

Natalia tomó la decisión de mudarse y esta imagen se repitió por mucho tiempo hasta que se fue del país.

Todas las imágenes fueron adaptadas con la app PhotoScape y la fuente fueron citadas en cada una de ellas.
Esta es mi participación en la iniciativa de:

Writing Club Contest: Theme of the week "Harassment" | Results of the first week "erotica"

desédida 2022.png


Notice many "new users" on Hive? Not many, like this place is a disease. No outside communities bringing in new comers. No other sites having many links or no links to any articles from Hive on sites that show professional interests they view as noteworthy to a profession or hobby. Hive articeles are rare on Wouldnt people post on with links to their articles attracting their own new following and groups? No crypto forums acknowledge Hive exists as a place to be either. Ever seen a person asking for support show a way to give support with HIVE listed as a supporting wallet address? Is there a world address on Hive for countries made more unfortunate because of Hive? Would a large Hive holder or large earner of Hive donate a LARGE amount of Hive to help support Ukraine? What? Support something thing that could attract unwanted media attention? Nothing to see here......I dont get out much though.

People are hiding exposure to Hive. People either play dumb, could be scared or intimidated, mislead or dont beilieve it. Maybe just not electronically cultured enough to know. Who knows. Its mostly fake with fake attention paid for by people with ill intentions as many do gloating in their own groups special mindset. Such a small town here to support this kind of high pay. Who is buying Hive tokens with no notable new user base coming in? People trying to buy this place as a grooming ground on the sly. Articles that arent in the interests of their own goals and views dont get much attention. I dont see many high paid articles I would put on a real news sites or link to as noteworthy. Be part of one of their groups and they groom you. They buy comment and article writers in ways that keep their lies hidden. Here to take our FREEDOMS completely in treason as the sacks of shit they are.

Most interest groups and businesses have discord rooms on the side because they wont talk here or more able to teach views there to shill out of public view. They can do odd stuff to you in discord rooms they cant do here. I’ve seen people get mugged and shaken down in discords, be careful while visiting new discords, even if they are a business. They shut down the discord room along with all of the evidence of their crimes the group around @fyrstikken and his discord server @steemspeak. They also hide behind skirts there while on the creep like they do in the new ones they are in.

The operators doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved in the same discord groups around @fyrstikken and friends. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. Shes in some groups with seemingly detached characters that dont even acknowledge the others in the group, looking oddly staged. She starts projects and does nothing with it or the delegations after its used to sway people. Like @steempowertwins does<------fake along with her @teamgood <------fake. No substance in her comments and has a following that adores her for what? Life coach she is not nor is she insightful with any meaningful skills to follow. Ruler of pixie dust maybe? I would like for someone to show me but probably wont out fear maybe? @fyrstikken groups around him down voted me into censored and not viewable on my accounts as soon I told what they were doing.

I cant prove @battleaxe is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing V2K because she cant and could care less. I guarantee she knows this is going around and still wont prove it because she cant. Many of us here can prove what they have been doing to survive the past 5 years. What does she live off of? It definitely isnt in public view here.

I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have been trying to kill me using RNM with applied V2K mental games while revealing as many accessories to the crime as they can. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. Pretty serious accusations to just blow off and leave the crypto community hanging in fear of this danger.

They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome. They should start by looking at the communications between the top witnesses of Hive and the connection to @fyrstikken groups. Google his fucking name and see where his other interests lie around at least once maybe? The connections between @fyrstikken groups and all the exchanges built for Hive? Bet that would reveal some crazy ball less nutty shit. Homeland security should start preparing for their own incarcerations seeing how sloppy this was done. Patriot act my ass. Think we are really fools? Bad position your not getting out of. Dont be last to blow the whistle. Who will protect you?

People in and around @fyrstikkens groups are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 long torturing years and counting. That is a long time to wait for someone to die.

What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and why nothing is being done. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control that have ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers prevented from telling the truth from being treated as criminals? Not to mention civilians we let our leaders treat the same way.


Una historia que parece repetirse en la vida real de muchas mujeres que tuvieron que migrar de su país natal. Siendo yo también un migrante, he podido ver qué hay personas que piensan que quienes viajan a otro país en la búsqueda de un mejor futuro, no tienen dignidad y son capaces de rebajarse para conservar un empleo. Gracias por compartir tu historia 😊


Asi es amigo @oneray, yo soy una migrante mas y esta historia es una realidad que viven muchas mujeres que han tenido que salir de su pais, de hecho es la historia de una muchacha amiga mia 😒
Gracias por tu visita y comentario🤗


El acoso es la manifestación de la represión sexual que se convierte en una degradación humana


Es lamentable que historias como estas se sigan repitiendo en la actualidad. Muchas personas se aprovechan de la necesidad de mujeres migrantes. Me gustó leerte, saludos.


Estos son relatos que ni siquiera quisieramos imaginar pero son parte de una triste realidad. Buen tema de publicación y mucho èxito en el concurso. Saludos. No dejes de escribir.


Muy buena tu historia me gusta como organizarte tu presentación y tus palabras fueron hilando una gran historia espero te vaya bien


Una historia para reflexionar. Cuántas mujeres han sido víctimas de acosadores y abusadorea, tanta impunidad e injusticia
