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These verses @clayboyn captured my attention, making me reflect on equals, opposites and how diffuse and abstract truth can be:

Equals and opposites, invert what's true;Walking through mirrors I only see you

Your poem has lines of great poetic, evocative and philosophical force.

The image of walking through mirrors and seeing only one person or our inner selves is interesting, and makes me think of the idea that, although the world may seem chaotic and confusing at times, we can always find some clarity and insight by focusing on the people around us who are important to us.

It also makes me think of the idea that truth is not always easy to find, (if there is any on this plane), and sometimes we have to look beyond the obvious to find it, it could be hidden in the intangible, abstract and ethereal of our mind. Overall, I reflect, that these verses seem to convey a sense of mystery and reflection, which I find very interesting and valuable.

Thank you very much for making me reflect with your poetry this day, it was a great pleasure for me to read you.

Receive my regards and affection.

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