[ Esp - Eng ] Mariscales de campo | Mejor desempeño | NFL Scouting Combine 2023 🏈 Quarterbacks | Top Performers | NFL Scouting Combine 2023


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Recién acaba de terminar el evento que dio inicio a la temporada baja de la NFL, el Scouting Combine 2023, donde se pusieron a prueba y evaluaron las condiciones físicas, mentales, habilidades, y fortalezas de los prospectos universitarios invitados. Tuvimos la oportunidad de ver cada una de las actividades realizadas a lo largo de la semana; por lo cual comenzaremos esta publicación con un top 3 en la posición de mariscal de campo en las distintas pruebas, luego al final del post, como habitualmente lo hacemos, procederemos a emitir nuestra opinión acerca de quien creemos fue el prospecto que mejor impresión nos dejó y porque. Consideramos conveniente dejar, para próximas publicaciones, el respectivo top 3 del resto de posiciones ofensivas y defensivas, esto con el fin de evitar que la presente publicación sea demasiada extensa.

Just finished the event that kicked off the NFL off season, the Scouting Combine 2023, where the physical, mental, skills, and strengths of the invited college prospects were tested and evaluated. We had the opportunity to see each of the activities carried out throughout the week; therefore we will begin this publication with a top 3 in the quarterback position in the different tests, then at the end of the post, as we usually do, we will proceed to issue our opinion about whom we believe was the prospect that left the best impression on us. We consider it convenient to leave, for future publications, the respective top 3 of the rest of the offensive and defensive positions, this in order to avoid that this publication is too long.

Prospectos ofensivos 🏈 Offensive prospects

Mariscales de campo | Quatterbacks

Carrera de 40 yardas | 40 yard dash

Nombre - NameTiempo - TimeUniversidad - College
Reggie Mcneal4.35 segundos - secondsTexas A&M
Robert Griffin III4.41 segundos - secondsBaylor
Anthony Richardson ✔️4.44 segundos - secondsFlorida




— PFF College (@PFF_College) March 4, 2023

Carrera de 10 yardas | 10 Yard Split

Nombre - NameTiempo - TimeUniversidad - College
Dorian Thompson Robinson1.51 segundos - secondsUCLA
Malik Cunningham1.51 segundos - seconds - secondsLouisville
Anthony Richardson ✔️1.53 segundos - secondsFlorida

DTR was FLYING! 🔥🔥

⏱️ 4.56u 40 yard dash with a 1.51 10-Yard Split (1st among all QBs)

📺 #NFLCombine March 2-5 on @nflnetwork pic.twitter.com/Lp8z7Ei8kS

— UCLA Football (@UCLAFootball) March 4, 2023

Salto vertical | Vertical jump

Nombre - NameAltura - HeightUniversidad - College
Anthony Richardson ✔️40.50 Pulgadas - Inches - Record🏆Florida
Josh Portis40.00 Pulgadas - InchesCalifornia
Brad Smith39.50 Pulgadas - InchesMissouri

Anthony Richardson FLOATED😱😳 He just set the QB Combine record with a 40.5” vertical jump.

📺: #NFLCombine on NFL Network
📱: Stream on NFL+pic.twitter.com/CND7ggEOtk

— NFL Network (@nflnetwork) March 4, 2023

Salto de longitud | Broad

Nombre - Namelongitud - lengthUniversidad - College
Anthony Richardson ✔️10.90 Pies - Feets Record🏆Florida
Brad Smith10.80 Pies - FeetsMissouri
Desmond Ridder10.70 Pies - FeetsCincinnati

Anthony Richardson broad jump: 10'9

That's the longest jump for a quarterback in combine history. #NFLCombine pic.twitter.com/RCI5Ae22nY

— Indy SportsOne (@IndySportsOne) March 4, 2023

Taladro de 3 conos | 3 Cone Drill

Nombre - NameTiempo - TimeUniversidad - College
Jordan Lynch6.55 segundos - secondsNorthern Illinois
Easton Stick6.65 segundos - secondsNorth Dakota State
Tim Tebow6.66 segundos - secondsFlorida

The most encouraging thing we saw all day was Jaxon Smith-Njigba’s unbelievable performances in the 3 cone drill & shuttle run

Short-area quickness is SO important for slot WRs. The 40 time will be gross, but he showed THE elite trait for his NFL role pic.twitter.com/afrVK2vpfm

— Nico (@elitetakes_) March 5, 2023

Prueba de 20 yardas | 20 Yard Shuttle

Nombre - NameTiempo - TimeUniversidad - College
Brett Hundley3.98 segundos - secondsUCLA
Matt Scott3.99 segundos - secondsArizona
Cody Kessler4.00 segundos - secondsUSC

Working on my 20 yard shuttle getting ready for camp season. Clocked this one at 4.28s pic.twitter.com/fQpkttyAKY

— Rooke Donohoe (@R00KED) March 9, 2023

Banco de pesas | Bench Press

Nombre - NameRepeticiones - RepsUniversidad - College
Rhett Bomar25Sam Houston State
Brady Quinn24Vanderbilt
Jay Cutler23Vanderbilt

Andrew Vorhees tore his ACL at the combine on Sunday

He opted to do the bench press afterwards anyways and pumped out 38 reps. The most by any player at this years combine👑


— PFF College (@PFF_College) March 7, 2023

📣Nuestra opinión | Our opinion

Sin duda alguna, lo mejor que vimos fue la actuación del mariscal de campo de los Florida Gators, de la universidad de Florida, Anthony Richardson, quien en nuestra opinión fue la vedette, valga el término de espectáculo, esto lo decimos debido a la impactante actuación que tuvo, con la cual logró captar la atención del público asistente, scouts, coaches, entrenadores y dueños de equipos, al imponer sendos récords para la posición, se le vio muy cómodo en todas las pruebas e imponiendo las nuevas marcas, la más impactante tuvo lugar en la prueba del salto vertical, donde tuvo registro de 40.50 pulgadas, por otro lado, en el salto longitud deslumbró dejando un imponente salto de 10.90 pies.

Without a doubt, the best thing we saw was the performance of the quarterback of the Florida Gators, from the University of Florida, Anthony Richardson, who in our opinion was the star, worth the term of show, we say this due to the impressive performance that he had, with which he managed to capture the attention of the attending public, scouts, coaches, trainers and team owners, by setting two separate records for the position, he was seen to be very comfortable in all the tests and setting the new marks, the most impressive took place in the vertical jump test, where he had a record of 40.50 inches, on the other hand, in the long jump he dazzled leaving an impressive jump of 10.90 feet.

Anthony Richardson letting it FLY. @GatorsFB

📺: #NFLCombine on @nflnetwork
📱: Stream on NFL+ pic.twitter.com/mRi0vkL7X6

— NFL (@NFL) March 4, 2023

A sus 21 años, el natural de Miami, desde ya está siendo considerados por los scouts y crítica especializada como un posible candidato a ser la escogencia número uno del draft en abril, se le compara con el otrora mariscal de campo, el exjugador, Cam Newton, quien jugó 11 temporadas con 2 equipos, los Carolina Panthers (2011-2019), New England Patriots (2020) y Carolina Panthers (2021). Lo más sorprendente de Anthony Richardson, es que rompe la hegemonía de las universidades que más talento aportan a la NFL, pues su universidad no está en la elite del fútbol americano colegial.

At 21 years old, the Miami native is already being considered by scouts and critics as a possible candidate to be the number one pick in the draft in April, he is being compared to the former quarterback, Cam Newton, who played 11 seasons with 2 teams, the Carolina Panthers (2011-2019), New England Patriots (2020) and Carolina Panthers (2021). The most surprising thing about Anthony Richardson, is that he breaks the hegemony of the universities that contribute the most talent to the NFL, since his university is not in the elite of college soccer.

Desde el NFL Scouting Combine 2003, no se veía una actuación tan impactante en las pruebas de atletismo, como la que tuvo el prospecto de Florida; entre las habilidades, fortalezas y destrezas, los reportes de los scouts en el reciente finalizado evento, coincidieron en otorgarle una calificación de prospecto de 5 estrellas; por su parte el outsourcing más influyente y respetado de la NFL en cuanto a objetividad en sus calificaciones de jugadores y prospectos, NextGenStats, ubica la actuación de Anthony Richardson, con una puntuación sorprendente del 99% en las pruebas, casi perfecto diríamos.

Not since the 2003 NFL Scouting Combine has there been such an impressive performance in athletic testing as that of the Florida prospect; among the skills, strengths and abilities, the scouting reports at the recently concluded event agreed in giving him a 5-star prospect rating; NextGenStats, the NFL's most influential and respected outsourcing company in terms of objectivity in its ratings of players and prospects, ranked Anthony Richardson's performance with an astonishing 99% score in the tests, almost perfect, we would say.

Anthony Richardson shattered quarterback records at the #NFLCombine, earning a maximum athleticism score of 99 (pending official numbers).

QB Combine Ranks (since 2003):

🔸 40-Yard Dash: 4.44 (2nd)
🔸 Broad Jump: 10'9" (1st)
🔸 Vertical Jump: 40.5" (1st)

Powered by @awscloud pic.twitter.com/fywNpmnZF6

— Next Gen Stats (@NextGenStats) March 4, 2023

A continuación, para finalizar compartimos con los lectores, el reporte de scouts sobre el desempeño del prospecto Anthony Richardson.

Then, to conclude, we share with readers the scouting report on the performance of prospect Anthony Richardson.

Fortalezas:Complexión fisica y atletica ideal para la posición, posee una bazuca en su brazo de lanzar, es preciso y letal en pases de mediana y larga distacia, es evasivo, se escurre rápido del bolsillo de protección con agilidad y precisión, rapidez y coordinación en todos sus movimientos, en especial el movimiento de pies, manos y hombros para lanzar el ovoide, es una amenaza a considerar para la línea defensiva rival. Debilidades: Su inexperiencia, aunque es algo que todo novato la posee, tiende a realizar pases muy altos, se queda con el balón mucho tiempo, debe mejorar la toma de decisiones bajo presión en el menor tiempo posible, es muy explosivo en el juego, debe afinar sus reflejos para anticipar y evadir con rapidez los ataques de la formación defensiva Blitz.

Strengths : Physical and athletic complexion ideal for the position, he has a bazooka in his throwing arm, he is precise and lethal in medium and long distance passes, he is very evasive, he quickly slips out of the pocket of protection With agility and precision, speed and coordination in all his movements, especially the movement of his feet, hands and shoulders to throw the ball, he is a threat to consider for the rival defensive line. Weaknesses: His inexperience, although it is what every rookie possesses, he tends to make very high passes, he stays with the ball for a long time, he must improve decision-making under pressure in the shortest possible time, He is very explosive in the game, he must hone his reflexes to quickly anticipate and evade the attacks of the Blitz defensive formation.

Para cerrar, queremos agradecer a nuestros lectores, la preferencia que nos dispensan en los temas que en este blog tratamos acerca del acontecer del mundo del fútbol americano en todas las ligas, desde el colegial al profesional. Cualquier pregunta o duda que pueda surgir con lo tratado en este post, agradecemos, dejen sus inquietudes en la caja de comentario, tan pronto nos sea posible, responderemos gustosamente. Hasta un próximo post, reciban nuestros saludos y afectos.🏈

In closing, we want to thank our readers for the preference they give us in the topics that we discuss in this blog about the events of the world of soccer in all leagues, from college to professional. If you have any questions or doubts that may arise with the topics discussed in this post, please leave your concerns in the comment box, as soon as possible, we will gladly respond. Until a next post, receive our greetings and affection.🏈

Fuente | Source | YouTube | Anthony Richardson

📌 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) Notice to the reader My mother tongue is Spanish, so please excuse me for any grammatical or syntax errors in the translation of this content.

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| www.https://www.theusfl.com/
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