[ Esp - Eng ] Los colores de la vida | Poema



Entre luces, penumbras y sombras
va la vida, como un río de colores
sumergida en los matices
que cada uno pincelamos.
Somos pintores de momentos
y de cada instante en este lienzo
efímero de colores llamado vida.

Cada quien después de errar
puede borrar o enmendar,
es natural y humano
también garabatear
con las esquivas líneas
rectas y curvas de la vida
de este colorido carnaval.

Muchas veces la vida se torna
de muy diversas formas,
cada quien con sus colores
va dándole vida a su paisaje
con aquellos diversos matices
que la vida nos va presentando
en tonos pasteles y no tan rosas.

Cada momento de la vida
tiene su especial color,
cuando éramos unos niños
no importaban el color de los días
ahora de adultos nos pasamos la vida
dando trazos sin poder recordar
aquellos felices colores infantiles.

Cuanta añoranza de aquellos días
y de aquellos alegres colores
que pintaban nuestra vida
con risas y sueños.
Lo no vivido es descolorido
y lleno de matices aburridos,
lo vivido siempre tendrá su brillo.

Entre risas, alegrías y llantos
se van dibujando los días,
en el pasaje de venida
a esta mortal vida
no sabemos el color
que tendrá en la otra vida
el paisaje de la partida.

No perdamos la esperanza
y en todo lo que hagamos
es necesario poner vivos colores
a cada momento transcurrido,
y no tornarnos tristes y grises
por lo que no hayamos vivido,
la vida es del color que la hayamos percibido.


Between lights, shadows, and shadows
life goes, like a river of colors
submerged in the shades
that each one of us paints.
We are painters of moments
and of each instant on this ephemeral canvas
an ephemeral canvas of colors called life.

Each one, after making a mistake
can erase or amend,
it is natural and human
also to scribble
with the elusive lines
straight and curved lines of life
of this colorful carnival.

Many times life takes many different
in many different ways,
each one with his colors
gives life to its landscape
with those diverse shades
that life presents us with
in pastel and not so-pink tones.

Every moment of life
has its special color,
when we were children
the color of the days did not matter
now as adults we spend our lives
giving strokes without being able to remember
those happy childhood colors.

How much I long for those days
and those joyful colors
that painted our life
with laughter and dreams.
What is not lived is faded
and full of dull shades,
the lived will always have its brightness.

Between laughter, joy, and tears
the days are drawn,
in the passage of coming
to this mortal life
we do not know the color
that will have in the afterlife
the landscape of departure.

Let us not lose hope
and in everything we do
it is necessary to put vivid colors
to every passing moment,
and not to become sad and gray
for what we have not lived,
life is the color that we have perceived it.

📌 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) Notice to the reader My mother tongue is Spanish, so please excuse me for any grammatical or syntax errors in the translation of this content.
📸 Pixabay
Icons | Esp - Eng created by Freepik - Flaticon

Original Content by @jakim7
Copyright @jakim7 | All Rights Reserved | 2022
Animated Banner Created By @zord189

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