Longevity at stake / La longevidad en juego - The Ink Well Prompt #101


Image by Chen from Pixabay

This is my entry for The Ink Well Prompt #101: Vision

John had a very particular gift since he was born. As a child he could see numbers on people's heads, his parents never knew if it was a hallucination or if it was a joke of the little boy. It was so much the boy's insistence that they took him to the doctor, but they never got an answer to his condition. The doctors never found any health problems, either mental or physical, with him.

Like most parents, they simply forced him to forget the matter and not pay attention to these supposed hallucinations.

It was when he turned 15 that he understood for himself whatever the numbers he still saw on people meant. They were celebrating his birthday with a normal dinner without much fuss. They were about to bring the cake to the table when he noticed something very curious, the numbers above Grandpa's head had become very small, in fact, they were decreasing very quickly. It was when they reached zero that Grandpa fell face-first onto the living room carpet, clutching his chest tightly.

It had been a massive heart attack. From that moment on John realized that he could tell how long the people around him had left to live.

When he grew up, he tried to avoid the deaths of the people he loved the most; however, no matter how hard he tried, he could not defeat fate. He understood then that there was no way he could change the number people wore on their heads no matter how much he wanted to, so he decided to take advantage of his ability.

John worked for a prestigious insurance company that provided expensive life and hazard insurance policies to famous and wealthy people. Using his skill, John became the company's top-selling employee and became an associate. Soon, he grew to be a very wealthy person.

One night, John was having a drink in a luxurious establishment, where only the opulent were allowed to enter. Big businessmen, congressmen, senators, and other characters of dubious origin used to frequent the place.

That night, John decided to use his gift once again to his advantage, but to his surprise, he saw something he had never seen, nor would he ever imagine in his life. Often, he would come across numbers that could translate as 75, 80, or even 90 years on the people around him. Yet, he had never seen a number with four digits before. Indeed, this person could be over two thousand years old.

How was it possible? How could anyone live for so many years? he wondered.

Intrigued, he decided to learn more about the man. He ordered the waiter to buy him another drink of whatever this person was drinking and put it on his own tab. The waiter seemed hesitant to do so for a moment and at his indecision, John asked what the problem was.

The waiter revealed that this person only drank an extremely rare and expensive wine. John, eager to meet this character, did not mind spending a fortune and ordered the same drink for both himself and the mysterious character.

The mysterious man was thin and had fine features, and long fingers, his hair fell over his shoulders; he had a foreign air, and he dressed in a way that was neither extravagant nor vulgar. For some reason, he made it seem as if he wanted to go unnoticed. John, in his experience as a policy salesman, could read people by their dress and body language.

The stranger nodded his head in John's direction, lifted the new glass the waiter had left him, and enjoyed the elixir in it.

John took the opportunity to approach. John was anxious, perhaps nervous as he sat across from the stranger. He introduced himself and asked him about his life, hoping to get some answer that would help him understand how a man could live so long. Try as he might, the stranger never revealed his secret. He could only learn his name, Lucian Vladislav.

As soon as he finished his drink, the stranger took his leave very cordially, setting Jhon obsessed with discovering the secret behind his incredible longevity.

The next day he began to investigate and ask everyone around him about this strange character, but no one seemed to know anything about it.

One night, John, determined to unravel the mystery, decided to follow the man to see where he was going. The stranger was accompanied by a beautiful girl, yet the situation became grimmer when he followed them into a dark alley, where he saw something he had never imagined before. Suddenly, Vladislav pounced on the girl, biting her neck and John saw the numbers on the girl reach zero in a few seconds. John could not believe what he was seeing. Immediately, he fled as quickly as possible from the scene without being seen or so he thought.

Frightened and confused, John took refuge in his luxury apartment, locking all the bolts on his door and grille.

Were the fictional stories he enjoyed so much not entirely unrealistic?

John decided to do more research about vampires on the internet. He discovered that vampires were immortal beings that fed on human blood. Hence the mystery of his longevity. He tried to look for ways to kill or defend himself against these beings, but to his misfortune, he only found theories about wooden stakes, garlic, and silver bullets.

As he pondered what to do about it, a cold air ran down his back, freezing his veins. He realized then that he was not alone in the apartment.

He swallowed hard and felt the presence of another person behind him. He glanced at the mirror hanging on the wall in front of him, but it was not Vladislav's presence that distressed him but the countdown of numbers over his own head.

See you next time...

Esta es mi entrada para The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #101: Visión

John tenía un don muy particular desde que nació. De pequeño podía ver números sobre la cabeza de las personas, sus padres nunca supieron si era una alucinación o eran bromas del pequeño. Fue tanta la insistencia del chico, que lo llevaron al médico, pero nunca obtuvieron una respuesta a su condición. Los doctores nunca encontraron problemas de salud, ni mental ni físico en él.

Como la mayoría de los padres, simplemente lo obligaron a olvidar el asunto y no prestar atención a esas supuestas alucinaciones.

Fue cuando cumplió 15 años que entendió para sí mismo lo que significaban los números que aún veía sobre las personas. Celebraban su cumpleaños con una cena normal sin mucha algarabía. Estaban por traer la torta a la mesa cuando notó algo muy curioso, los números sobre la cabeza del abuelo se habían hecho muy pequeños, en realidad, disminuían muy rápidamente. Fue cuando estos llegaron a cero que el abuelo cayó de bruces sobre la alfombra de la sala apretando su pecho fuertemente.

Había sido un infarto fulminante. Desde ese momento John se dio cuenta que podía saber el tiempo que quedaba de vida de las personas a su alrededor.

De mayor trató de evitar las muertes de las personas más queridas; sin embargo, por más que lo intentó no pudo vencer al destino. Entendió entonces que no había manera de cambiar por más que quisiera el número que llevaban las personas sobre su cabeza, por lo que decidió sacar provecho a su habilidad.

John trabajó en una prestigiosa empresa de seguros que otorgaba costosas pólizas de seguro de vida y riesgo a personajes famosos y adinerados. Usado su habilidad, John se convirtió en el empleado con más ventas de la empresa y llegó a ser asociado. Pronto, llegó a ser una persona muy adinerada.

Una noche, John se encontraba tomando un trago en un lujoso establecimiento, en donde solo las personas opulentas podían entrar. Grandes empresarios, diputados, senadores y otros personajes de dudosa procedencia solían frecuentar el lugar.

Esa noche, John decidió usar su don una vez más para su provecho, pero para su sorpresa, vió algo que jamás había visto, ni imaginaría en su vida. A menudo, se encontraba con números que podían traducir como 75, 80 o incluso 90 años en las personas a su alrededor. Aún así, nunca había visto un número con cuatro dígitos antes. En efecto, esta persona podría tener más de dos mil años de vida.

¿Cómo era posible? ¿Cómo podía alguien vivir tantos años? Se preguntó.

Intrigado, decidió conocer más acerca de ese hombre. Ordenó al mesonero que le invitara otro trago de que lo estuviera bebiendo esa persona y lo colocara en su propia cuenta. El mesonero por un momento dudó en hacerlo y ante su titubeo, John preguntó cuál era el problema.

El mesonero reveló que aquel personaje solo tomaba un vino extremadamente raro y extremadamente costoso. John decidido en conocer a este personaje, no le importó gastar una fortuna y solicitó la misma bebida tanto para él como para aquel misterioso personaje.

El misterioso hombre era delgado y tenía rasgos finos, largos dedos, el cabello caía sobre sus hombros, tenía un aire extranjero, vestía de una forma que no era extravagante ni tampoco vulgar. Por alguna razón, hacía parecer que quería pasar desapercibido. John, en su experiencia como vendedor de pólizas, podía leer a las personas por cómo visten o por su lenguaje corporal

El extraño hizo un ademán de agradecimiento con la cabeza hacia John, levantó la nueva copa que le había dejado el mesonero y disfrutó del elixir que había en ella.

John aprovechó la oportunidad para acercarse. John se encontraba ansioso, quizás nervioso al momento de sentarse frente al extraño. Se presentó y le preguntó sobre su vida, esperando obtener alguna respuesta que le ayudara a entender cómo podía vivir tanto tiempo un hombre. Por más que intentó, el extraño jamás reveló su secreto. Sólo pudo conocer su nombre, Lucian Vladislav.

Tan pronto acabó el trago, el extraño se despidió muy cordialmente, dejando a Jhon obsesionado con descubrir el secreto detrás de su increíble longevidad.

Al día siguiente empezó a investigar y a preguntar a todos a su alrededor sobre aquel extraño personaje, pero nadie parecía saber nada al respecto.

Una noche, John empecinado en revelar el misterio, decidió seguir al hombre para ver a dónde iba. El extraño estaba acompañado de una hermosa chica, aun así, la situación se puso más lúgubre cuando los siguió hasta un oscuro callejón, donde vio algo que nunca antes había imaginado. De pronto, Vladislav se abalanzó sobre la chica, mordiendo su cuello y John vio como los números sobre la chica llegaban a cero en pocos segundos. John no podía creer lo que estaba viendo. De inmediato, huyó lo más pronto posible de la escena sin ser visto o así lo creyó.

Asustado y confundido, John se refugió en su apartamento de lujo, cerrando todos los seguros de su puerta y reja.

¿Acaso las historias de ficción que tanto disfrutaba no eran del todo irreales?

John decidió investigar más sobre los vampiros en internet. Descubrió que los vampiros eran seres inmortales que se alimentaban de la sangre humana. De ahí el misterio de su longevidad. Trató de buscar la manera de matar o defenderse de estos seres, pero para su mala suerte, solo encontró teorías sobre estacas de madera, ajo y balas de plata.

Mientras meditaba sobre qué hacer al respecto, un aire frío recorrió su espalda, helando sus venas. Se dio cuenta entonces que no estaba solo en el apartamento.

Tragó fuerte y sintió la presencia de otra persona tras de él. Echó una mirada al espejo que tenía colgado en la pared frente a él, pero no fue la presencia de Vladislav lo que lo angustió sino el conteo regresivo de los números sobre su propia cabeza.

Hasta la próxima.


Although the counter is a vision that appears in many fiction settings, here we find the imagery put to a fresh use! Unable to prove what he sees, or utilize it to intervene, John tries to come to terms with his knowledge. After finding what benefit he can, he at least enjoys some success in business. The arc here is executed brilliantly, with descriptions that pull us into the scene, and an ending that packs a punch! Thank you for sharing this gem with us, and for your thoughtful interactions with other members of the community.


Well done! There are many layers in this story. I felt for John so deeply, he must feel incredibly helpless knowing when those he loves will die, yet there is nothing he can do to change it. What a hard circumstance. I found happiness in there being at least some relief for him, when he finds a benefit in his career. The ending was simply chilling, I can't say I'm satisfied by it (poor guy), but I am beyond impressed by the twist! 😁 Awesome read, thank you!


I really appreciate it. I'm glad You enjoyed it as I did 😄👍
