Thursday, Thursday always Thursday... Photos from the morning


Thursday, Thursday always Thursday... Photos from the morning

What's going on friends?

Kind of hard to believe that only 24 hours gone past since you and I talked last, it seems like time melts away when you and I hang out, or perhaps time melts away when you and I do not hang out... Going to have to sort out that issue, but either way, I am glad you are here again today.

The city continues its snails pace crawl to being open again. The government forces rolled out a directive on which different phases of opening back up again happens. With the process completing sometime in January 2021, bearing no more outbreaks. OH my, I do hope there are no more outbreaks.

The people here as I imagine elsewhere around the world, are truly suffering lack of commerce. but it brings up an interesting concept that we should probably move away from a monetary system right? How cool would it be if we live in a world where you don't need my necessarily? How would a world like that even look?

I guess though for the time being a monetary system is still in play, and we still have a blog post to type for you about what happened and some photos to share. Let's get to the photos.

Today's Daily Photos

Again, I ventured down to the beachfront to celebrate the morning sunshine at 5 AM. Along the way @kooza and stopped and took various photos at different places. These photos are now included down below for your enjoyment. Gimme questions or comments, should go without saying but leave them in the comments below. :D lolz .

This first photo is of the sunrise from my balcony at 5 AM. the clouds remind me of a immediate Disney characters blended together and then poured out. Kind of like a zombie amalgamation of Mickey Mouse and Pluto...


At this tropical setting in the morning is perhaps the best. Dare I say has the best sunrises.


Beach chairstied to palm trees, missing the oily butts sitting in them tanning in the sun.


textured slats of wood, perhaps contaminated with lead paint, just waiting for those sunbathers to haul themselves up like walruses on rocks, to bask in the cancer giving glow of the thermal nuclear reaction in the sky.


I mean for real check out that texture. If I was a male texture and that was a female texture we would have some texture babies for sure, it's that sexy.


The Mi's words written that seem to be another dialect that I do understand... I wonder what this font is called.


The temptation to run out across that sand and to the ocean so great. SOOOOO Great!


Here a captioned little sand hermits home beneath the thicket of beach fauna.


Truly a beautiful morning....


Thanks for joining me today friends and I hope you enjoyed this tossed salad of photos, this hodgepodge of imagery, this stew of pictures. Today we should also get some more news on whether or not the district will be opening up for further exploration and adventures, all I gotta say is I hope so.

Come back tomorrow around the same time for some more photos! Have a great day!

  • Cheers




Travel Photos:@RoamingSparrow


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Thanks for joining me today friends and I hope you enjoyed this tossed salad of photos, this hodgepodge of imagery, this stew of pictures

Yes, I enjoyed the images and the play with words with science and art being intertwined. I stay hopeful with you that the world ll become "usual" again.


Slowly but surely I do believe that the world will work its way back to some form of normality, if there is something known as a normality in this crazy mixed up world that we live in... :D

Please have a slice of !PIZZA and thank you for leaving a comment!
