The Mentality of Starting Side Hustles: What's True and What Isn't!

The Mentality of Starting Side Hustles: What's True and What Isn't!

Hi Freinds,

Recently, I have had a few job-related hiccups causing me some concern. But, not to be one that stops and dies, I decided to try some side hustle ides. Being that this is in Vietnam, that is a bit more difficult (I can not be a lift driver here). But this all got me thinking about side hustles, and I wanted to talk about them a bit today.

Did you know that side hustles are the new normal? That’s right.

According to a recent survey, more than half of all millennials have started a side hustle. This is good news for those who are looking to expand their career opportunities, boost their income and invest in future earnings. In this blog post, we’ll tackle some common side hustle concerns from readers like you. But first, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of starting side gigs and why they can benefit your financial stability.

What is a Side Hustle?

A side hustle is basically any additional money-making activity you do on the side.

The idea is to maximize your earnings by diversifying your sources of income and getting creative with your work schedules and skill sets. Many people use side hustles to increase their overall income so they can quit their full-time jobs, start their own businesses or travel more.

If you’re wondering how to start a side hustle, you first need to assess your interests, skills, and resources. From there, it’s all about getting creative and taking action. Some side hustle examples include: teaching online, selling products online, dog walking, driving for ride-sharing services like Uber, selling your stuff online, selling your skills online (like graphic design, editing or writing), tutoring, house cleaning, yard work, driving for a ride-sharing service like Lyft, dog walking, starting a blog, etc.

For myself, it was trying my hand at in-person sales, and to do this, I bought a bunch of stickers and then started to sell them when I was working at cafes.


Why Should You Start a Side Hustle?

The short answer: because it can boost your income and help you reach your financial goals faster.

Side hustles are a great way to earn extra money on the side and bring some purpose to your free time. They’re also a great way to test a new career path or skill set before fully committing to them. Starting a side hustle can seem like an intimidating prospect if you’ve already got a full-time job and a full daily workload. It can be easy to feel overwhelmed or that you don’t have the time to dedicate to a new side hustle. But the key is to be realistic about the amount of time you have available and to start small.

For me, slinging stickers when I was working, was just an extension of what I was doing... so, not too much more work.

The Biggest Side Hustle Concern: Fear of Failure

This one is a big one. Many people are scared to start a side hustle because they fear failing.

But here’s the thing: failure is a part of life. It’s not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of resilience. The best way to overcome the fear of failure is by taking action. Start small, take action, learn from your mistakes and don’t be so hard on yourself.

One way to get started with your side hustle is to select something you’re already doing, or something you’re pretty decent at. For example, if you’re already walking dogs for money, you’ve already got a head start. And if you’re only mediocre at something, that’s totally okay. You can learn a new skill entirely from scratch. The important thing is to keep moving forward.

For the sticker game, I think it's not that successful yet, being that here are my only 2 sales to date...



So I spent about 400.000 VND and made bu 20.000 VND... but tonight I will go sell again.. so, perhaps it will be better this time?

Other Common Side Hustle Concerns

As we’ve explored above, there are a lot of common side hustle concerns. We’ve covered the big ones above, but let’s review them again.

  • Finding Time
  • Finding time and energy for your side hustle can be challenging.

But the trick is to prioritize your side hustle and make it a priority. Start by prioritizing the tasks you are most passionate about. This will give you the energy to finish your tasks in a speedy manner. If you feel like you are constantly busy and don’t have the time to start a side hustle, then you may want to look at ways to reduce your commitments.

  • Finding the Right Side Hustle

  • This is a key factor to your success. You don’t want to pick a side hustle that is too far from your wheelhouse. If you hate your side hustle, you will probably be less inclined to find the time to do it. You want to pick something you are genuinely interested in and enjoy doing.

  • Finances are always a consideration, but they should never be a reason not to start a side hustle. Side hustles are no longer just for college students looking to earn some extra spending money. They are for everyone. Whether you’re looking to create more financial freedom or earn more money for your family, a side hustle can help you do that.

  • Isolated Time

  • When you are working on your side hustle, you want to ensure that you are not interrupting your other responsibilities. You want to ensure that the time you are dedicating to the side hustle is not taking away from the rest of your work or other personal commitments.

How to Overcome the Fear of Starting a Side Gig

You may be reading this article because you are interested in starting a side hustle, but you have some fears and anxieties about it.

Let me say I understand. I’ve been there. I’ve talked to people who have started new side hustles and side businesses, and I’ve heard the same anxieties repeatedly. Here are some tips to help you get started with your side hustle and overcome those anxieties.

  • Identify Your Passion

  • What are you passionate about? What do you enjoy doing? These are the first questions you should ask yourself when starting a side hustle. Identifying your passions is the best way to get started with a side hustle. What do you enjoy doing? What are you good at? What are your interests? Once you identify these things, you will better understand what types of side hustles you should be pursuing.

  • Keep it Simple

  • Make sure your side hustle is simple and easy to manage. Don’t try to start a new business or get involved in something complicated if you don’t have enough time to do it justice. Instead, try to find a side hustle that is easy to manage and won’t take up too much of your time and energy.

  • Start with What You Have

  • Don’t feel you need to purchase expensive materials or tools to get started with a side hustle. You probably have a lot of the things you need to start a side hustle already. Take a look around your home and see if you have things that you could use to start a side hustle.

Final Words

About starting a side hustle, it’s time to get started!

You don’t have to quit your job and start working 80 hours a week if you don’t want to, but you do want to find ways to make more money. Start small and don’t overwhelm yourself. Just try new things and see what happens. At worse you will have a bunch of stickers to put on things, and at best, you make some new friends and find a few extra bills to spend. :) Win / Win I think.

What do you think?

  • Side Hustels, Yes or no?
  • Do you have a side hustle, if so what is it?
  • Any advice for other hustles like yourself?

Thanks for reading!




Travel Photos:@RoamingSparrow


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Thanks for reading my post, you inspire me to keep posting!

Thank you for your support!


Side hustles, been thinking of that not only for financial reasons but you are right. It could boost/develop a certain skills. The one that is much needed in exploring and who knows, looking for a greener pasture after.


100%, explore and grow, you never know what hidden treasures you may unlock by doing so!


I don't know if writing my life in different platforms (PeakD,, Noise, DBuzz) considered as a side hustle.

Make sure your side hustle is simple and easy to manage.

Yeah. So far, if I am not busy, doing it is not hard to manage. It's hard to juggle my personal life/studies/side hustles as the same time. I also plan to learn about freelance writing, but I feel like I'm not suitable with that.


Yes, I think Hive and such is a safe hustle as well, also.. .its fun! hahaha

Me too, I find a lot of it had to do, but the more you do it, the more you find systems and paths that will make it better, you just have to keep with it!


it's so amazing. really liked this article.


Thanks for the kind words @putroe-hive !!! I hope you are inspired and take up new ideas!

Thanks for posting in the ASEAN Hive Community.

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