ETH / MANTIC / Wallet Maintenance & Tools to check out.



ETH / MANTIC / Wallet Maintenance & Tools to check out.

Hi Friends,

Today I wanted to take the opportunity to share two incredibly useful webpages that I use to keep track of and maintain my Etherium and Mantanic wallets. Etherium and Mantanic are two of the largest cryptocurrencies in the world and they are widely used by investors and traders alike. As such, it is important to have the right tools and resources to ensure that your wallets are safe and secure. These two webpages provide a variety of features and services that allow me to easily track and manage my wallets.


The First web page I want to share is This page provides a valuable service for users by allowing them to see what services have been granted access to their account, as well as make transfers on their behalf. It is of utmost importance to be mindful of the services you grant access to and revoke access to any you don't trust. By actively monitoring and revoking access to unverified or untrusted services, you can save yourself the potential headache of dealing with any potential security breaches or malicious activity. Furthermore, it is a good practice to regularly check what services have access to your account, as the list can change if you are actively logging into accounts.

Use Case

  • Track what contracts you have given allowances to and then revoke the ones you have granted full access too.


The Second web I want to share is This web-based platform is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to keep track of their digital assets. With DeBank, users can see all their assets across different wallets and blockchain networks with ease. This provides a comprehensive view of their holdings, allowing them to make informed decisions about their portfolio. Additionally, DeBank features a user-friendly interface and advanced security features, helping to ensure that users' data is kept safe. For those looking for a reliable way to track their tokens, DeBank is an excellent choice.

Use Case

  • Track your assets (tokes and NFTs) you have linked to your web 3 wallet(s) and make more informed choices.

In Summary

If you're looking to gain better control over your web3 life, then two of the best resources available are and Both of these tools are incredibly useful for monitoring and tracking essential elements of your web3 life, such as your cryptocurrency holdings, your wallet addresses, and more. also provides users with a variety of tools that allow them to explore the newest developments in the blockchain and cryptocurrency world, as well as keep an eye on the various markets. Meanwhile, enables users to make direct payments from their wallets and keep an eye on their transaction history whether you're an experienced crypto-trader looking for a better way to monitor your holding, these apps gt your back.

The web pages that were shared here certainly appear to be useful resources to help optimize one's web3.0 lifestyle (At least to me). Have you had the chance to use any of them or are you still looking into the options? If you have used them, what was your experience? Would you consider using them again or recommending them to others? It would be great to hear your thoughts on the web pages shared here.

In addition to the webpages shared here, are there any other suggested web pages that could help with your web3.0 life? If so, what would you recommend? It would be interesting to hear your suggestions and to see how they could be beneficial.

Cheers, and Thanks for reading!




Travel Photos:@RoamingSparrow


Services I Use and Recommend:


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