Do you want to look like Jesus?
Many times we have especially heard children say when I grow up I want to look like this person or that person, but the real truth of this is that they look for a person that they admire and respect, most likely a very close relative.
In the bible we can find the apostle Paul, an instrument of God who, by his testimony, dared to say "be imitators of me as I am of Christ."

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Wanting to look like someone special to Jesus does not mean that we preach and teach as he did or by healing and performing miracles. Trying to look like Jesus should not focus on the outward manifestation of your testimony and ministry.
We need to look beyond that external manifestation, the motivation in the life of Jesus was always love; Everything that Jesus did preaching, teaching, healing by doing miracles he did to help others, never to be the center of attention. Jesus poured out his own life so that others could be saved.
The Lord calls us to serve one another as Jesus did, He saved us so that we could serve Him, and others, not so that any of us would pretend to be exalted, praised, exalted or placed on a pedestal.
When we serve God and others we honor Him with our lives.
Everything we do is important to God because he has a plan for each of us, this plan always includes service and dedication to him and the people he brings into our lives.
The Lord blesses us so that we can be a blessing to others and He loved us so that we could love others.
If we want to be like Jesus, the first thing we must do is surrender our life to him and let ourselves be guided by him every day.