Join me in making a beaded necklace as practice
Hello everyone
I'm so thrilled to publish a post in this community after a long while and I want to use this opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year I hope your all doing well so today I want to share with you this steps and processes I used in making these beaded necklace I saw on YouTube as practice for a long while now
I saved this necklace wanting to do it but finally I summoned the strength and decided to do it for my self so these are the materials I used in making it
- Red beads
- White beads
- Fishing line
- Necklace hook
- Scissors
And the steps involved:
Firstly , i cut out my fishing line and picked up one part of my hook into it and them made it stay at the middle of that fishing line after which i tied it up so that it wont be moving unnecessarily
After tying up the hook, i picked up one of my red beads and inserted it into one part of the fishing line and still used the other fishing line to pass through the same bead through the other hole
Now , for each part of the fishing line i picked up three red beads each into each of the fishing line making it a total of six and also making the very first bead i had inserted stay at the midde
This time, i picked up my white bead and inserted it into one part of the fishing line and still used the other fishing line to pass through the same bead through the other hole
To continue, I still picked up my red beads again but this time , i inserted two each into each fishing line making it a total of four red beads
And again, i picked up my white bead and inserted it into one part of the fishing line and still used the other fishing line to pass through the same bead through the other hole
I continue, i kept inserting two red e beads into the fishing line and each time i did that , i used a white bead to intertwine them together that is inserting it into one part of the fishing line and still using rhe other fishing line to pass through the same bead through the opposite hole till i arrived at this point
I was very sure to end it with a white bead, to create the v shape, i inserted three white beads into the down fishing line
I picked up another white fishing line and intertwined the two fishing lines and pulled it closer
To proceed, i picked up four red beads and inserted two each into the fishing line just like i did in the previous steps
I used my white bead this time to intertwine the fishing line together
I kept on repeating these steps till i got to the size of the other side
To end it, i picked up 6 red beads and inserted three each into each of the fishing line
I then used a red bead to intertwine them together, this was what i did at the start
To finalize it , i picked up the second part of my hook and inserted it also tying it up properly
This was the outcome of my necklace
Thank you for stopping by
Have a nice time , Good bye to you all.
This necklace is very elegant and beautiful.
Congratulations on taking the bold step to make this necklace, guess what? It’s so beautiful and flawless. Good job and don’t stop taking those bold steps.