A lovely bracelet I made as I Christmas gift to my hometown friend
Hello jewelry lovers
Over here, it's just a few hours to Christmas and I'm so excited to publish a post here this moment
I hope you're all doing well? I hope this festive season favors you and i hope you gain all the blessings that comes with Christmas, Merry Christmas to you all in advance
"Christmas is a time for giving, but the greatest gift we can give is love. Let us spread love, kindness, and compassion to those around us.”👩❤️👨
"In the midst of all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, i intend to go to the village and as an expression of love , i want to gift my childhood friend so i decided to make a bracelet for her with a little touch of the red Christmas color
These are the materials i used in making this bracelet :
- Red beads
- Purple beads
- White crystal beads
- Bracelet hook
- Fishing line
- Scissors ✂️ ✂️ ✂️
These are the steps i used in making it :
Firstly, i cut out my fishing line into a suitable size that will guide me throughout the beading process , not too long, not too short and then inserted my hook into the middle and tied it up so that it wont shift
After that, i picked up four of my red beads and inserted two each into each of the fishing line i had demarcated
And then i used one of my fishing line and inserted one purple bead, one white bead in the middle and another one purple bead into the same fishing line and then used the other fishing line to pass through all the three beads i had inserted and pulled it closer to create this shape
For each of the fishing line, I picked up one red bead each into each of the fishing line and inserted my purple bead, white bead, and purple bead again and then used the other fishing line and passed it through the three beads
Again, I picked up one red bead each into each of the fishing line and inserted my purple bead, white bead, and purple bead again and then used the other fishing line and passed it through the three beads
For the fourth time, I repeated the same procedure which was inserting two red brars into each of the fishing line and puting a purple, white a purple and then passed it like i previously did
I repeated the same process again
I continued that way till i got to this size which was enough to go round my wrist
When i got to that stage , i picked up two red beads into each of the fishing line making it a total of four
And then to finish the whole process, i picked up the other part of the hook and tied it up
This is what my finished work looked like
I hope she'll love my little gift ,
Thank you for stopping me
Hope you have a joyous Christmas, Good bye everyone
Its beautiful.
A thoughtful way to celebrate the season with your friend. A lovely bracelet. Well done.