A battle in Silenced Summoners Ruleset.

Silenced Summoners.png

Hi, today I'm about to write a post featuring a battle in Silenced Summoners ruleset along with one more from analyzing a top battle from silver league.

The battle that I'm about to analyze was between Jrsmith and Bulkathos where Bulkathos won the battle.


With Vera Salacia as summoner, Jrsmith used six monsters which are: Venari Markstrat, Djinn Oshannus, Merdaali Guardian, Doctor Blight, Halfling Alchemist, Igor Darkspear.

And with Bortus as summoner, Bulkathos also used six monsters which are: Baakjira, Tide Biter, Merdaali Guardian, Axemaster, Igor Darkspear, Hardy Stonefish.

Battlefield Review - Battle Link

CounterspellSilenced Summoners
All monsters have the magic reflect abilitySummoners do not give any stat buffs or debuffs or grant/use any abilities

No one should chose any magic monsters in this battle as there's counterspell ruleset in this battle but still Jrsmith did the mistake by choosing two magic monsters. Summoners are only a showpiece in this battle for the Silenced Summoners ruleset as summoners don't give any special buffs/debuffs in this ruleset.

Summoner abilities are disabled in this battle for the silenced summoners ruleset otherwise the summoner of Jrsmith would provide snare ability and the summoner of Bulkathos would decrease magic damage of opponent monsters.

Baakjira of Bulkathos increased the health of all their friendly monsters by 1 for having strengthen ability and also decreased the speed of all enemy monsters (who had more than 1 speed) by 1 for having slow ability.

The Battle


I already said that Jrsmith did a mistake choosing two magic monsters in a battle with counterspell ruleset but now I see he got some point in using them like he chose Djinn Oshannus who can reduce magic damage by 50% so if it gets one return magic damage then it would just evade that damage for having void ability and Doctor Blight can't be directly target unless it comes to the first position for having camouflage ability but I'm not sure if it works with magic reflect or not, let's see.

Djinn Oshannus of Jrsmith attacked first for having the biggest speed and that attack damaged one health of Baakjira of the winning team and Baakjira tried to return the magic damage but the attacker evaded it and there Baakjira also reduced 50% magic damage for having the same void ability.

Then Axemaster did a double attack on the Venari Markstrat of Jrsmith which was chosen only to become a martyr and the adjacent monster got +1 to all stats. Then Tide Biter and Igor Darkspear of Bulkathos damaged four health of the opponent's Djinn Oshannus and Igor Darkspear of Jrsmith damaged two health of the opponent's Baakjira.


Opponent monsters from both team got increased health from the tank heal of Merdaali Guardian of both team. Then Doctor Blight of Jrsmith poisoned and damaged two health of the other teams Baakjira and Djinn Oshannus damaged two more health of the same opponent monster and now Baakjira was succeeded in damaging one health of Djinn Oshannus using the magic reflect ability.

Axemaster did a double attack and damaged total six health of the opponent's Djinn Oshannus, then Tide Biter and Igor Darkspear damaged four more health of the same defendant leaving Djinn Oshannus with only one health. Then Igor Darkspear of Jrsmith damaged two health of Baakjira then both Baakjira and Djinn Oshannus got increased health by 4 each from tank heal of Merdaali Guardian of each team.

Doctor Blight then attacked Baakjira where the defendant evaded the damage and then returned magic reflect damage where the attacker lost one health even after having the camouflage ability.

Doctor Blight can't be directly target unless it comes to the first position for having camouflage ability but I'm not sure if it works with magic reflect or not, let's see.

Now I'm sure about that and so you are.


Baakjira was poisoned again in a new round and then lost more health to the magic damage of Djinn Oshannus and the djinn lost one health for the magic reflect damage as well. Axemaster then did double attack and missed one so missed to kill the djinn but Tide Biter then killed the djinn for good.

Baakjira died in a new round from poison damage of Doctor Blight. Then Axemaster killed the opponent's Merdaali Guardian with the double attack and Tide Biter killed Doctor Blight. Tide Biter lost some health and it was restored as well then Axemaster killed Halfling Alchemist with one attack and damaged three health of Igor Darkspear with another attack and then Tide Biter finished off the Igor Darkspear of Jrsmith which was the last monster of Jrsmith.

Tide Biter of Bulkathos did the last attack and went for victory.

I'll analyze another battle later.

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