The first day of harvesting the jicama fruit that I planted behind the house.

Hello everyone, how are you friends? I am very happy today because the jicama plants that I planted 3 months ago have finally started to harvest. The fruit was very big and of good quality, making me feel proud and happy.

The process of planting jicama requires patience and good care. Starting from selecting quality seeds, proper planting, appropriate fertilization, to controlling pests and diseases. I care for these plants with love and dedication so that the results are very satisfying. The fertility of the soil where I plant jicama also plays an important role in the success of this harvest. I am very grateful because the soil is so fertile and rich in nutrients, so that the jicama plants can grow well and produce quality fruit.

Apart from that, I also diligently provide extra care such as adequate watering, weeding, and protection from pests and diseases. This makes the jicama plants grow healthy and strong, so that the harvest results are very satisfying. Jicama itself does have many health benefits. The large, fresh fruit contains lots of fiber, vitamin C, potassium and antioxidants which are good for the body. Apart from that, jicama can also help maintain digestive health, prevent cancer, and control blood sugar.

With this successful jicama harvest, I feel even more motivated to continue planting and caring for other plants. The happiness we feel when we see the results of our hard work bear fruit certainly cannot be measured by anything. I hope this jicama harvest can also inspire friends to start growing their own plants in their yard or yard. That's my story about the happiness of today's jicama harvest. Hopefully this article can be useful and inspire all of you to care about the environment and start planting plants around us. Thank you for reading, may we all always be blessed and protected by God Almighty. Amen.


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