Story Story::Marrying My Lesbian Partner (fiction)


"You can't marry her".............
A voice behind the door said.

I couldn't stop myself because I was already in love with her,my mum was mad and angry with me,my siblings were all bittered about me,but that still didn't change the fact that I was ready to go far with my girlfriend.ädchen-lesben-2897401/
Jennifer was a new student in my class,I never thought I would have something so intimate with jenny.,but she was lovely, sweet,cool, jovial etc .
All the guys in my level wanted talk to her,I guess I was the only person remaining.

"Hello new girl, what's your name" "I'm jennifer she replied" but my friends calls me Jenny for Short.

To start with I never had feelings for any guy,I never liked guys,I had a big resentment about them,so I didn't have anything to do with guys and I wasn't into girls either.

........"Hey, Cynthia would you mind showing me round the school?" I replied nope I'm not good at doing that"
I told her she can ask one of her male friends to do that. Though I was kind of rude and she was disappointed but I didn't just care.

  NEXT DAY.......

I was on my desk as lonely as I was. I didn't really have friends because I wasn't from a rich home like them so they believed I wouldn't fit into their way of life

.. Cynthia,I would really love to hang out with you.i don't want you to say no to me, because it will really mean a whole lot to me......
Hmmmmm.....I murmured I said okay.

Later that day in the evening,we went to the coffee shop,then we hanged out,that was when I discovered that Jenny was a whole lot of vibes.
I laughed a lot and she laughed at every boring jokes I cracked,since then we have being hanging out more often.

I started being happy in school,I changed a whole lot because of her.people couldn't stop talking about us and how close we are.

One day in one of our outings, she asked me.
Cynthia do you love me? Though I didn't really understand why she asked me that but I said yes
I love you Jenny as my friend. She was so mad at me,she got upset and angry,I didn't know why she did that but I was confused

Then,she started

          "I love you Cynthia,I love you so very much,I also wish I could hold you so tight in my arms...... Kiss you, cuddle you had F***k you hard.........;"

Okay right now I was speechless,I was confused,I was shocked,I wanted to know if she was actually talking to me or she was on phone call or perhaps someone broke her heart and out of depression she screamed out

We were best of friends but I didn't know she had feelings for me.
After expressing her feelings for me she left,she didn't want to talk to me again, that was when I felt so empty again and I realized I was also attracted to her.

Jennifer and I stopped talking to each other though I tried all I could but still she didn't want to respond positively.
During that period,I had another friend who usually keeps me company and then I could always see the jealousy in Jennifer's eyes.

One day,my class organized a prom party and we were all there,she was with her guys and I was with my friend.

Excuse me ......."Stella,let me use the rest room I'll be back shortly".......
Unknown to me, Jenny followed me, then I heard a soft hands from behind touching me,then I turned slowing just to discover it was Jennifer.

She hold me close to herself,kissed me so passionately and we lost control and romance each other right there.
After that moment, couldn't say anything.we reconcile and the love grew stronger than ever before.
We literally made it official about us dating so there was no need of us hiding anymore.

Then we both graduated together,got a good paying job and everything went well until It was time to tell our both parents about us.
Anytime my parents ask me about my man I'll just shut the topic and bring out another topic,but this time it was different because we did everything and fixed our wedding date and the was nothing anyone could do about it.

I called both of them to the sitting room.
At first I was startled,I couldn't say it because they will be very disappointment in me.
I know marrying her was kind of wired but we were ready to take the consequences.

I want to tell you both something very unpleasant to the ear but first you have to hear me out first.. ......,,,

"I'm getting married,they screamed in excitement and I loved it and I wasn't ready to spoil their mood.
But I had to when I told them that"' I am a lesbian" and I'm getting married to"my lesbian partner"......
Have something come over you?? My mom said.
No,she must be joking my dad replied!!!
I felt ashamed but the deed has already been done.

My parents told me they won't give us their blessings but I didn't care,I just wanted to spend the rest of my life with Jenny.
On the other hand, Jennifer's parents didn't freak out because they believed in was easy for her but wasn't for me.

Jennifer's parents were on our side so we did our wedding without my parents consent and we lived happily ever after.😅😂😁

My story line is giving me vibes.

Yea!! We all know it is a fictional story or myth.

Thanks for stopping by my blog
Have a lovely weekend.

I am @itohowo.

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Jennifer's parents were on our side so we did our wedding without my parents consent and we lived happily ever after

Lol parent are our guidian, i expect the storyline should end in a regretful scene

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I knew that a lot of people were going to easily predict the fact that they ended up regretting their actions
But I just choosed to change the story line.

Thanks for stopping by to read.

0.000 PAL

Oh great. Nice meeting you from Nigeria right

0.000 PAL

Hello, very nice story where your expression of writing one is introduced into the plot and lives it, thanks for sharing I liked reading it

0.000 PAL

Thank you for stopping to read.💓

0.000 PAL