Espinosa University Liberation Mission in Far Cry 6.

Hi Everyone

In my previous gameplay post, I've shown how I captured a FND base of the enemies and got the secret file from the server about the location of all the FND bases os Jose Castilo. Now, it's time to liberate those bases one by one.

This time, my target was to liberate a major fnd base and when I reached there I found out that it was a university and the soldiers there were keweping the professors and one of our comrades as hostages. My mission was to liberate the base by killing the soldiers there, make sure that the hotages are unharmed and destrtoy a anti-aircraft rocket launcher that was built on the roof by the enemy soldiers.


I also completed 2 small missions on my way. As this was a non-liberate area and I was visiting the place for the first time too, there were enemies everywhere and I had to clear those small blockades while I was on my way. The battle itself was not easy at all. I had to destroy 6 helicopter in this single mission which also happened for the first time as I usually have to destroy one of those in a typical mission. Luckily there was a 50cal machine gun on the roof and it was a huge help to complete the mission.

I've shared the gameplay in my youtube channel and sharing it below from there. This has travel, story and hard action, I hope you will like it.

I hope you liked my post and the gameplay video. Follow my profile and stay tuned for future posts.

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