The Cancer called Corruption


Corruption has eaten deep into our hearts; it has spread its tentacles all around her prey, and just like an addictive and intoxicating substance, her victims only crave for more and are never satisfied; she births greed, wickedness, and stagnation.
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What started small and probably insignificant has grown into a very huge monster that is ready to crush and destroy all that stands in its way. Its teeth are as sharp as a sword piercing deep into most skin and like a vampire sucking out the essence of life from its victims.

Corruption has successfully affected almost every aspect of life, from health to education, to religion, and every working and business environment. It is not associated with a particular race, age, tribe, or sector but every single individual has had a fair share of its grasp.

The system is corrupt, so corrupt that it does not bother about the feelings or state of others; it only cares for itself, and this time around, it has become a cancerous wound, eating deep into the flesh and never healing. Truthfully, not only are the leaders in the country corrupt, but every single one of us is without exception. From the employer who underpays her employees, using them for cheap labor, to the politicians who sugarcoat their words and make vain promises, siphoning benefits belonging to the public for their personal goals and interests.

Every single individual is either a victim or a perpetrator of corruption; there is no distinction in social class from the local to the elite. Is it the local pharmacy or chemist along the roadside that sells fake drugs and addictive substances that can destroy the lives of others, especially the youth? drug abuse is increasing daily, and even the agencies responsible for checkmating and ensuring a drug-free society are either nonchalant towards their job or are bribed to allow drug barons or drug lords to go scout-free.

How about the state and local government officials who are saddled with the responsibility of providing social amenities like schools, roads, hospitals or health centers, drinkable water etcetera in the community? they either embezzle the funds provided or they use materials of inferior quantities to complete the project, they are more concerned about acquiring properties and enriching themselves at the detriment of the poor masses.

Imagine visiting a Government-based hospital or health care center for drugs for ailing patients, and you are told there are no drugs for them in the facility or the pain of losing a loved one and you are told that they cannot put the deceased in the mortuary because of unstable electricity supply. You find so many patients on the floor because there is a limited number of bed spaces provided, and few doctors are available to attend to their needs. A good number of doctors in the country prefer to establish their healthcare facilities because of the kind of attitude and treatment that the sector encounters.

The educational sector is not exempted from the strong clutches of corruption, examination malpractice is a new normal in various schools, students no longer study and pass their examinations on their own but NOW depend on their teachers to assist them during the examinations and in the case of those in higher institutions, some students either fall victims of sexual harassment and assault, while others pay their lecturers to grade their papers favorably through kind or cash gifts.

Many Nigerian students see school today as a scammed program where youngsters are trapped in the name of acquiring knowledge, and in the end, they have nothing to show for it. We live in a country where hard work is not recognized and appreciated; we live in a country where potentials are buried deep within and are not allowed to surface, we live in a country where imported goods and services are valued and cherished more than those produced and offered locally.

If this is false, then what is happening to the exportation and Importation of crude oil to foreign countries?, And this is supposed to be a country that has four major refineries that have been refused to be put back in shape by the government.

Finally, most religious leaders do not help in tackling corruption, these leaders who are supposed to teach, guide, and instruct their followers on the necessity of living right and speaking against evil voices in society have today left the gospel and the teachings of the prophets and have embraced materialism, Power and fame. They compete with one another and the flock are abandoned to care for themselves.

Corruption may have eaten deep and, at this stage, become cancerous to us, but it is still possible to purge and prevent it from spreading wide and affecting our whole being. It is time we destroy this wrong system and rebuild on truth, integrity, and a better nation.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Corruption is an unavoidable aspect of any society; the real issue arises when it reaches a magnitude that permeates the fabric of the entire community. Misappropriation of public funds and ineffective governance cause significant damage to public infrastructure and have a direct impact on the daily lives of individuals. Combating high levels of corruption in any society necessitates the presence of principled public officials and an engaged citizenry.
