Stay calm, this is a robbery


Working in a bank is no fun thing, but clearly, most people think it is, I know a few like that. Sitting all day and attending to various customers with complaints so utterly absurd it'd have you questioning your sanity and theirs, or so minor it almost inconsequential, and it would have you feeling so pissed because this their issue could be self-rectified, but rather than doing that they would come to you and have you waste a few precious minutes of your time when you could be doing something else. It gets worse when you have to deal with very inquisitive customers whose questions always seem ever so endless, and most of all, repetitive.
The best and probably the worst part about being an employee at a bank is when you have to deposit funds into a customer account, especially the pretty well-to-do folks, who have nothing better to do with their day other than to make one question the value of his life and the worth of his existence or set him on the path of an interesting adventure with an unknown end.

Just two days ago, a man came up my aisle asking for aid to deposit into his account. He was all dressed up with sunglasses to top off his style, I had to admit, he looked pretty fancy, and his sense of fashion was not at all shabby. I took him through due process where he had to fill out the deposit form or deposit slip, after which I took his cash and placed it on the machine counter.

This part is honestly the best part of my job, counting money, gives me a euphoric feeling. But unfortunately, reality always sets in harshly that the money isn't mine, Mr. Frank made it all clear when he brutally dragged me from my reverie by speaking to me whilst I watched the machine do its work.

"You really enjoy your job it seems". He had said, his tone polite. Maybe he was trying to strike up a conversation but honestly, I really just wished he would be quiet whilst I watched the machine count away at the paper note. But unfortunately, one must never outrightly ignore a customer, you never know what they need help with. It was a dumb rule in my books, as it meant I had to speak to people, Mr. Frank being the person I had to reply to right now.

"Yes, yes I do. It pays the bills after all." I replied, a customary polite smile hanging loosely on my lips as I shot him a barely two-second glance before I returned to the machine. I had finished counting the first stack of notes, which was a hundred thousand, I had four more stacks to go, so I bundled up the counted notes and placed them on a tray on my right before picking up an uncounted bundle and placing it on the machine. It was truly a relaxing process, which would have been a lot more serene if the rich customer across my work desk just held his jaws shut. But then, you win some, you lose some.

"Pays the bills eh? That's all it does? Sad. You see, I recognize that look in your eye, you like money as much as I do. You wanna be rich. I can help you." All this was said in barely a minute, his face calm, his breathing regular, no twitch in his brow. I leaned back on my chair to observe him again as no doubt I was interested in what he was selling. Maybe it happened too quickly, but curiosity and greed is a pretty potent mix, especially when it is topped off by the love of money. I was willing to hear him out.

"What are you talking about?" I asked with genuine curiosity, and while my mouth spoke, my hands weren't idle as I unhooked the second bundle of cash and my eyes flashed over the electronic numbers on the machine, it read one hundred thousand. He began speaking again as I loaded the third bundle to the machine.

"It's simple, really. All you have to do is point discreetly at which tables have money locked away in their cabinets and the store room where the money is kept before being placed at the automated teller machine. My friend and I will do the rest and I promise you will get your share after."

I had to look around to check if anyone heard him or was paying attention to us, thankfully, there was none. I turned to him and before I could say anything, he was speaking already, looking as cool as a cucumber and utterly unbothered.

"Stay calm, this is a robbery."

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