What Just Happened to NICKEL prices? Foreshadow of What's To Come?




The London Metal Exchange on Tuesday suspended the trading of nickel after prices more than doubled to surpass $100,000 per metric ton. The LME said in a statement that trading will be suspended for at least the remainder of the day.

When People Get Spooked

It's a well known fact that Russia supplies a lot of nickel to the other nations, even 10% of the world supply comes from Russia.

I'm going to speculate a lot in this article, the information here is my opinion based on facts and is not financial advice. I am not a financial advisor, please invest at your own risk.

Nickel is a critical component for stainless steel and electric vehicle batteries. Supplies are at it's lowest since 2019. With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, nickel prices have skyrocketed from around $20K /metric ton to over $100K /metric ton.

Is this price indicating real-world values or is it simply a fear-based pump scam?

Nickel Trading Paused

The London Metal Exchange paused trading on nickel, suspending it's value around $80K, still 4x it's normal trading price.


Criminal: suspending free trade, canceling trades and hiding prices!!! Really???

How high did nickel REALLY go? We are not allowed to know. Just that it's more than $80K.


How Much More with Precious Metals

Watch nickel closely, as this is is a hint of what will eventually happen when "unprecedented movements" happen with other metals, especially precious metals.

But there are some big differences.

Nickel is not a precious metal, it's traded in metric tons, where as precious metals like gold and silver are traded by the oz. We see that metals can rocket up suddenly if circumstances are right. Going from $20K to $100K is a 5x jump in a single day.

That would be like HIVE suddenly jumping to $5.00 overnight.

If silver suddenly went up 5x, we'd be seeing $135 silver before trading is cut off and trading prices are hidden.

Demand for Silver is Higher than Demand for Nickel


The primary use of nickel these days is electric vehicle batteries. This is what happens when there is a push to "go green", but supply becomes shut out. High demand, low supply and a sudden political shock is the perfect combination to cause a physical asset to skyrocket.

How much more will silver go up by multitudes than nickel? This is a preview of things to come - the silver explosion is on it's way.

Fake Silver


We already know silver is in high demand, low supply, but ETFs (exchange traded funds) are causing the price to remain artificially low. Many believe that silver ETFs are mostly UNBACKED by physical silver, since holders have to wait for MONTHS before receiving their physical AG.

Can you imagine having to wait MONTHS to withdraw money from the ATM?

People holding ETF's think they have a real silver investment, but it's fakey fake fake fake.

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It's the CNN of silver investing.

A Funny Thing

If there were ever a sudden jump in demand for silver (like we're seeing for nickel) we would see a funny thing happen.

It would begin with a price DECREASE, as many EFT holders dump their paper. Meanwhile others will try to take physical possession of their purchased silver. Once it becomes widely known that physical possession is impossible (since the bank vaults are empty) people will dump their EFT even more, causing the silver price to plummet even further.



Why would something in such high demand go DOWN in price? Because it's represented with unbacked paper that people are unloading as fast as they can.

In the Real World: Silver Holders Cash In


Some silver dealers will be fooled by the silver "price" plummet and sell physical silver at extremely low prices, they will either run out of inventory or have to raise their premiums, while savy silver sellers will immediately add massive premiums to their silver.

Here's an hypothetical situation:

The "official" silver price is $8, but to purchase physical silver would be $160.00/oz ($8 + $152 premium)

Ridiculous, I know, but that's what happens when a real market is saturated with FAKE assets. Until the two are separated, demand for the real will rocket up, demand for the fake will eventually go to zero.

Separating Fake From Real


Someday, the offical market will have to acknowledge that paper or electronic EFT's are worthless once physical possession is taken of most if not all of the silver. Whoever is left holding the EFT after the vaults are emptied, will be put on a waiting list (upwards of YEARS). Who is going to hold on to an EFT like that? They'll drop it like a hot potato.

But those who have been smart enough to stack physical silver, can weigh their wealth in their hand. There will always be demand for PHYSICAL silver and if it becomes scarce, people will be willing to trade great value for them.

Silver By Weight is REAL

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Will renters accept silver by weight to pay rent? Maybe. Will utility companies accept silver by weight to settle accounts? Maybe. Will there be silver exchangers at the gates of the supermarkets someday? Maybe.

Yes there are a lot of maybes, but what's not a maybe is that a new (real) financial system is coming after the destructing of the old (fake) financial system.

The enemy hides the truth, until the enemy is in control, then he "releases" a measure of the truth to gain further power. The enemy has successfully created a fake economy with fake money - once he's in charge, he will create a real economy, so he can be the savior.

Physical assets are a way around any new financial system, as long as people are willing to TRADE for silver, even if it's deemed illegal.

Would you be willing to be paid in physical silver for your goods and services? Now only some people would say "yes", someday an overwhelming number of people will excitedly say "yes".


The moonshot we're seeing in nickel may be a hint of what is to come with silver. ETF Trading will be suspended, orders will be closed, prices will be hidden from the public.

Once trading begins once again, we'll see what happens. Keep an eye on nickel tomorrow to see if the price goes back to $20K or if $100K+ will be the new nickel normal.

I want my nickel back!


Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of SIX (!!!) wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!


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0.347 PAL


Thanks for the report, Ironshield - @ironshield. I've been following, Nickel, as in the Five-Cents, the US Nickel, ever since its intrinsic, melt value, approached five cents. Today, a common, US Nickel's Copper/Nickel content, is worth almost nine cents. In the early 1960s, one might receive a Buffalo/Indian-head Nickel, in change.

0.000 PAL

I hope you bought a lot of nickel before that incredible upsurge. Thanks for the info.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Nope. Even if I did, who would buy it from me? !ALIVE

0.000 PAL

They imposed sanctions against the supplier of 20% of all world nickel supplies in the world. Predictably, it is not enough, so the price has increased.
PS: I do not support war, I am categorically against it. Just a statement of fact why the price has risen

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0.000 PAL

I can't tell if it's sanctions or something else. If sanctions are put on Russian oil, I hope that won't go 5X!

0.000 PAL

Oil has already been imposed, too. And as far as I know, gasoline prices in the United States have already approached record

0.000 PAL

There's a lot of irony in something called "Nickel" being at that price.

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0.000 PAL

Ha, a metric ton "nickel" might be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

0.000 PAL

Very interesting, thanks for those informations,
I will follow Nickel (and Silver) price, but only for education.
Mail upvoted on Listnerd (as usual)

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0.000 PAL

I appreciate the upvote on listnerds! I think it will be very educational following these prices, as it's an indication of rising food costs also.

0.000 PAL

I am vindicated in holding pounds and pounds of old 5 cent Nickels. Nickels that are worth almost 9 cents in commodity value! Hello Gresham's Law.

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0.000 PAL

I found out that US nickels only have 25% nickel content, but Canadian nickels are PURE NICKEL! But only 1922-1943 CAD nickels.

Due to a rise in the price of silver, Canadian coinage was debased from sterling silver (925 fine) to 800 fine in 1920. In 1922, silver was removed entirely from the five-cent coin, replacing it with a coin of roughly the same dimensions and mass as the American nickel. However, unlike the American coin, which was 75% copper and 25% nickel, the Canadian coin was pure nickel, as Canada was the world's largest producer of the metal. This coin has since been known almost universally as the nickel.

0.000 PAL

Today's Canada Coinflation report as of 11:20 AM PST, "What the...😮! That can't be right."
Untitled 216.jpg
I'm penny and Nickel rich!

0.000 PAL

Wow, one Canadian penny is worth THREE US pennies. This explains the "coin shortage due to covid" scam... trying to get these metals out of the hands of small businesses and the public. Bet coinstar is RICH!


0.000 PAL

Yeah it is crazy man there will be more than just this i can tell you strap in going to get bumpy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Yup, it's really happening. What a time to be !ALIVE

0.000 PAL

Thanks for bringing the price of nickel to my attention. By the way, just want to clarify. I read your message on ListNerds:

If you have spare LISTNERD voting power, please consider upvoting mail from @ironshield and let me know in the comments of my HIVE posts.

Does it mean that do I need first to have LISTNERD for me to have a voting power?


0.000 PAL

Yes, just like HIVE POWER, there is LISTNERD power. That sounds funny. There is a minimum amount of upvotes before the "mail" earns any LISTNERD tokens. Thanks for visiting! !ALIVE !LOL
I gifted you a small HIVE donation for mentioning LISTNERDS.

0.000 PAL

You are out of jokes for the day!

@ironshield you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 4 times per day.
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!

0.000 PAL

Thanks for the gift! I think I need to carefully read the white paper to understand how to obtain LISTNERDS and how to power them up.

0.000 PAL

Awesome! Just connected my CTP account to ListNerds and suddenly I have 4 voting power. I just upvoted your mail since you are the one who gave me such idea. 😆😎

0.000 PAL

Nice post, @ironshield. I am a firm believer in holding real precious metals in my possession. There is nothing like the feel of real silver. I believe it to be the working man's metal since nearly everyone can afford some.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

Agreed, if you can't weigh it, you cant value it.

0.000 PAL

While silver might be a good payment option, I think I might still prefer crypto over silver because you don't have to carry around so many coins. I tend to prefer the silver mining stocks over the silver ETFs because they aren't backed by anything. However, I do think silver might be a valid option if you are going to a physical store (less likely as things go digital). I do agree that commodities will definitely go up if war breaks out due to supply chain issues.

I came from ListNerds and gave you an upvote.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.000 PAL

I might still prefer crypto over silver

Crypto certainly has it's advantages and disadvantages over silver. Silver also has it's advantages and disadvantages over crypto. If a fecal/fan situation happens and we're left "holding the bag", a bag full of silver is better than a bag with nothing in it but a private key.

I tend to prefer the silver mining stocks

In theory, investing in a silver mine makes more sense than investing in the silver product of a mine, but the stocks never seemed to do that well. I was about to buy stock, but I bought physical silver instead. Ironically, the mining stock tanked and silver has done well.

silver ETFs because they aren't backed by anything

The reason the "official" silver price never rockets, regardless of all the silver demand, is because everytime the price goes up, people dump their ETFs. Silver stackers scoop up lots of discounted AG, bringing the price back up, then the cycle repeats.

silver might be a valid option if you are going to a physical store

If I were hungry, walking into a grocery store with no cash on hand but a silver dime and a private key, I know which of the two I would prefer to try bartering with. The shinier of the two options.

commodities will definitely go up

Yup, they already are. Gold is over $2K


0.000 PAL


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0.000 PAL