New NFT Photographers Badge
I have recently created a PeakD badge for the NFT photographers we have on hive. @kieranstone, @caseygrimley, @photofeed, and I have been helping some of the Twitter NFT photography community onboard onto into Hive. We are up to 18 in the badge and growing quickly with new entrants. Please consider subscribing to the badge to see the amazing work being posted and welcome all the new entrants to the hive ecosystem.
The link to the badge is ; I think you need to be using PeakD to subscribe.
Robert Downie
Love Life, Love Photography
If you would like to learn a little bit more about my background in photography you can read the interview @photofeed did with me here.
i think i never subbed to a badge :) first time for everything
if you list some NFTs I can add you to it ;-)
Some very cool stuff; its a pity that @nftshowroom wont let photographers on
well all of those of mine are photos there :D
i think they don't really mind but it kinda is not a "standard" photography art place.
Man you have some badges I had to click the more button to check them but you should have one more now.
i click all over the place here and then get badges :D
Pumped to be apart of this badge. Some crazy talented photographers!
Yep super excited to see where this goes
Thanks so much for doing this and thanks for onboarding me my friend!
So glad to have you onboard !
I love that this exists
Thanks. We will keep trying to bring more NFT photographers over. NFT photographers are used to using Web 3 with Metamask extensions etc to sign into ETH sites (like Opensea/Foundation/SuperRare/etc) and dealing with ETH seed phases and keys is good training and makes the onboarding here to hive a lot easier (compared to last time I tired to bring people over from Instagram etc which was an complete failure). Lets see how quickly we can get this badge up to 100 members ;-).
The quality of content in there is going to be amazing
Yep exciting times
How can i make NFT from my photographs here? Sorry to bother
You can sell photos via using Hive ; or most of the photographers here sell on ETH platforms like Opensea/Foundation/MakersPlace/etc as most high value collectors are using ETH (however it costs $100 in gas just to mint a NFT on ETH)
If i do it on hive has a cost for creating the NFT?
On hive its only a few hive to create. Check out but there are not a lot of buyers.
Thanks 🙏
Glad to have you as a part of it !
Subscribed! But... I´m so glad I just learned how to use nftshowroom and now you´re mention and I never heard about that. So many playgrounds around here.
Love this idea! I'd love to get that badgeeee @intrepidphotos :))
Thanks for the badge! Subscribed and looking forward to seeing the posts. Cheers!
Glad to have you here Scott. Photography NFTs just getting started.
I just recently start upload NFT in . Subscribe the NFT photography NFT
Glad your part of it mate