Rescue the green planet

It's April 22, 2024, and today is known as Earth Day. Earth Day is celebrated to remind people about the importance of environmental and ecological conservation. It also tries to teach and encourage others on how to make the planet healthier and better.

The current situation on the planet is not good. The temperature is rising with time. In my country, the temperature has broken the record again and again in the last few years. Because of the extreme heat, people are facing a very tough time, especially in the summer season. In the rainy season, extreme rain is occurring. Floods, cyclones, and droughts have become very common in recent years. All the things are happening because of climate change, and one of the most important reasons behind climate change is human activities. I am not going to discuss too much about the reasons, but I am sharing some things that can make nature better. At least we can maintain the current situation of nature if we can't recover the losses that were already done.

Trees are the most important for nature because they help to purify the nature and make it fresher. It gives us oxygen and consume carbon dioxide. In the name of development or a developed world, we are cutting down a lot of trees. So the amount of carbon dioxide gas is increasing, which is reasonable for the greenhouse effect as well as for global warming. The temperature is increasing. Deforestation is one of the significant reasons behind it. Tree plantations are something we can do for a better and greener world. I know all the losses that have already been made cannot be fully recovered, but we can reduce the negative impact by planting a lot of trees. At least trees can absorb more carbon dioxide and help to keep the temperature normal, which is 100x better than facing extreme temperatures. Moreover, trees can help us from various kinds of natural disasters.

Plastic and polythene are both very common things in today's world, and we use both of those almost on a regular basis. After using those things, most of the time we throw them as trash directly into the environment. Unfortunately, those things are not biodegradable. At least 500–1000 is needed to degrade those things. It's very harmful for soil because when those things mix with the soil surface, water can't go to the groundwater because those things act as a resistance layer. Again, if we burn those things, it creates toxic gases, which are harmful for nature and humans. I know it's hard to stop using those things, but recycling those things can be the best option rather than throwing them directly into the environment. Some countries have already started to follow the strategy, but many still need to adopt it.

Meals and factories are very common, and economically, most of the benefit comes from those kinds of sectors. The necessity of mills and factories cannot be avoided, but those release various kinds of gases that are harmful for nature, and the hot water released from there is directly mixed with normal water, polluting the water and creating an imbalance. So any gases and water, in other words, waste, should be treated before being released into the environment, and we should be careful that those things are not harmful to nature. If it's not possible, then we should try to minimize the impact of those wastes.

Without electricity, we can't think about our life at the moment, and unfortunately, in my country, most of the electricity comes from burning coal. It is not eco-friendly. Genetic electricity from windmills, hydroelectric power plants, and solar power are eco friendly technologies. I think if possible, we should try to reduce the dependency on generating electricity from coal.

Vehicles are another major source of pollution. Eco-friendly vehicles are not available everywhere, but I think reducing the use of private vehicles can be effective. Suppose three people are going to the same destination. In such a situation, people can go there in three private vehicles, but three people can also go there using one vehicle, which is good from the perspective of nature and will also be cost-effective. I think public transport can be the best option for it.

We should try to keep in mind that nature doesn't need us, but we do. It doesn't matter how developed we are; we are still helpless in front of nature. If we want to survive well, then we must treat nature very well and try to make it better.


If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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It's indeed very hot these days. The temperature is becoming very unbearable and unfriendly. If only we planted trees ten years ago.


We are facing the consequences of our past actions means cutting a lot of trees. If the situation keep going on like this in the upcoming year we will face the worst situation.


You raised so many valid concerns about Earth.
We cannot assume our lives without electricity but on the flipping side, electricity is using coal and other fossil fuel to run. It's alarming for the health of our Earth.
Plastic use is rampant and it's also like cancer to Earth.


I don't know if you are from my country or, I guess everywhere is just hot:)
You've highlighted good points here, I wish everyone was aware of this.


Ohh you guys also experience the extreme heat over there, it was too hot here that even after taking your bath, in few minutes time you start sweating again.
Deforestation is one of the things that's affecting us just as you've mentioned.
We all have a great role to play in making the Earth a better place.


We need to take some necessary steps in the current time otherwise it will be too late for us. Already we started to face the negative consequences. Just imagine how it will be if something continue in the upcoming years.


Temperature is increasing on the planet earth because of human activities and advancement in our life styles. We need to grow the lots of plants to make our planet earth green and clean


Unfortunately we are doing the opposite thing and its making the situation worse. We already started face the consequences of our past actions.


Yes climate change is the worst thing we are facing 🥲


only way to stop the disaster is true commitment from everyone
