The GoldMine Hidden in xPolycub: Come and See How to Discover it

One of the best innovative strategies is to hid the desired result in a goldmine, while you present what is attractive at the beginning of the project.

This is important because once the desired result is exposed, people tends to get tire or know the end from the beginning.


Creating suspends in-between a project shows how professional the developers of the project is. This is actually the characteristics of the PolyCUB project launched within the last 8 days.

PolyCUB launch brought greater joy to Cub holders and also to potential investors, but many have been ignorant of the fact that PolyCUB was just the end to the means.

PolyCUB being the end to the means made both long and short term investors to plough their stakes into the farm.

To maximize the utmost yield a potential investor is supposed to transcend from staking PolyCUB to staking xPolyCub.

xPolycub is actually the means to an end of the development of the PolyCUB.

This is because each holder of xPolyCub is actually the real earner in the long run. Remember that every PolyCUB holders has the freedom to pull out their stake once there's a hike in the PolyCUB price but a caveat is placed on their earnings.

A pretty sum of 50% penalty for early harvesters of PolyCUB yields. The PolyCUB DeFi 2.0 is developed in a way that early harvesters can lose 50% of their earnings if they want to withdraw before the proscribed cooling down period.

There are two kinds of investors or stakers currently present in the PolyCUB project:

  • early harvesters. These are people who intends to play a hit and run game. There intention is to wait for the PolyCUB hike and immediately place an order for withdrawal of staked PolyCUB. This is actually not good for the growth of the PolyCUB, although, the developers have designed a means to help fight against inflation during that period, which is hidden in the 50% penalties they'll pay for early harvest.
  • sustainers of the PolyCUB project. Those who stake xPOLY are the real believers of the project. Their patience on the project has adequate reward for them. They're the last men standing and are worthy to receive the 50% of the early harvesting fees and equally earn 100% for their patience.

We're actually in a free ecosystem and also in democracy were everyone's choice is respected. So make your choice today to either become an early harvester and lose 50% of your earnings or you become a sustainer of the project and earning both your staked rewards and a fragment of the 50% penalty fees.

Be inspired because I'm @inspiredbyhive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
