The Last Journey!

It was a day as usual and I was on my scooter going somewhere and I got a call from my friend.

I was in the road so I came to a safe place on the side of the road and answered the call.

I was in front of a hospital and there were many ambulances waiting for patients to call them.

As I stood there taking on my phone my eyes fell on this unusual ambulance.

All the ambulances were painted white and had names, numbers written on them but this ambulance that caught my eye was different.

It was black in color and on the left side something was written.

I squinted my eyes to get a clear idea of what was written and to my surprise the ambulance owner has written "The Last Journey" on it.

The Last Journey!


Why was that written on this ambulance? Because it was a morgue car and not a regular ambulance.

Probably it was an old ambulance that was now being used to transport the dead.

And someone had the irony to write 'The Last Journey' in it.

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