Flexible Head -5minutefreewrite
Today I flex head
not wann do
do not wannna thing think toomuch
think head flex too much hard now no more think head. Tyoe tyoe type too dast mistakes... kiddo was pretending to work on the computer for a really long time. It was very impressive. He was just typing away on the keyboard. He was so tired, but so wired. he was. I was telling this because of something something what ugh no type head forget soon flex flexible head no hold thoughts get them out go fast faster fast burn through the words the dust the cobwebs in the mind the fame the fortune. he had thought typ type his hands raced along the keyboard. the kid had me work on the computer. he made the apple apple for me then put it back after he reformed it I ate it... and then he reformed it to b=put it back. he was typin gcomputer code for a long time not sure if he thought that at first but when he instructed me to go work on the computer, I told him I was typing code print"I love you" no it was better than that, but I don't remember. then he did a similar but different thing and had it print out the message when I did it/ I'm jumbling truth things happening out of order no matter. no one cares. what was the hting I was thinking of. he was there at the computer and I was looking at the ceiling. and he did it for a long time and then
I never remembered.