
Favoritism is a word that we all use, and to many, it means being partial or showing much attention to a person or thing. Here I will be looking at how favoritism affects our relationship with others.

As we all know the word favoritism is common even among children. As parents, we have to be careful in the way we show affection to our children. You might not be partial, but children might misinterpret your treatment of their sibling to be favoritism. We all know each child has his or her unique peculiarity, and we, parents, will always try to meet up with it. In doing so we must apply wisdom. A lady told me a story of how her sister was sick and was abandoned by her children because they believed she loved only her second daughter. She was always buying gifts for the daughter and made sure the girl got whatever she needed. This act of hers was causing hate between the girl and her siblings. It was on her sick bed that she realized that her actions were wrong, and by that time, her other children had already tagged her as not loving them.

As parents let's do everything possible to avoid favoritism among our children. This can lead to a serious problem that might take years to remedy. Never let your children start hating themselves because you favor one over the other.

Favoritism in the workplace is often overlooked but it does exist. As a boss, you should treat your members of staff with the same energy and level of appreciation. A boss might have a staff who he or she knows is competent and delivers quality services. This might make the boss always give our projects to this staff to execute. This might make others feel uncomfortable and not being valued. This is not good for an establishment as it might cause rancor and hatred. We always try to be impartial and open to all our colleagues and employees. Don't let people know that without this particular individual, no project can be executed. Favoritism in the workplace is not ideal. I know of a case where an employee deliberately made the company lose out on a deal because he felt he was not valued. His boss would always praise a colleague who did little or nothing as being best, and this made him angry.

Favoritism should not be welcome at all in society as it mars the peace of society. Let us learn how to treat everyone equally and with respect.

Thank you for reading 🙏
