
Hello my people I don come again with my ogbonge blog, it's another time to explore and connect with the same topic for the 41st week. I don't even know know which of the topic to treat first because I find all topic so intriguing. Nevertheless I think I'll be going for them accordance with the list. That means I'll be going for BETRAYAL first.

Every children's wish is to be born with a silver spoon, and every parents wish is to be wealthy enough to take proper care of their offspring, but life sometimes is not a bed of roses, little percentage of people who wants wealth gets it, that is life!
But there are some parents who have more than enough but still try and manage resources just like an average person

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If my parents were really rich and they have been hiding that from me over the years, what would I do if I eventually discovered?

Well nothing is impossible in this world, but my reaction on this depends on how I eventually find out, it could be they confessed to me which they would actually tell me the reasons for doing so or I found out myself (probably on my own or from someone other than them).

If I eventually found out by myself, I would thought of lots of reasons for them doing so, could it be am not their legitimate child? are they trying to let me suffer before enjoying, so I would know what life is about? is it some kind of ritual which they were instructed not to get me involved in? and more and more

I believe in finding the truth before reacting on any issues, because at the end of the day no one wants to be guilty.
I watched a nollywood movie recently where a very wealthy family who had just a child (male) found out while growing up that this child is so fond of himself and also has a wasting character, they had to restrict him and withdraw all his entitlement which left him with little things just like an average person.

This could actually be my case also, for them not telling me anything about thier wealth, it could be that I am not worthy of it or so.
Some parents want more from their offspring, they want someone to entrust their property on which would multiply it in folds not just someone that will feel entitled to it and lavish them anyhow looking at what they have been through to gather the resources.

After proper analysis of my lifestyle and making corrections where necessary and they still never open up to me, then there's something more to it.

0.000 PAL