Jumping from Corner to Corner | A Five-Minute Freewrite
Today was a tough day. I found myself trapped in a poorly ventilated and lit room, surrounded by tons of boxes full of potentially toxic products.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I got this job near my residence. It was my first job, so I was very excited and willing to do my best to make it a worthwhile experience.
This was not my dream job by any means, but I was looking forward to learning as much as I could and the idea of getting some financial independence motivated me to keep going.
However, I keep getting days like today and I am getting tired, both physically and mentally. This storage place has been poorly managed. Many of these products should have been discarded months ago; some of them were broken, leaking, or just messily storaged.
My boss has not been exactly nice when she wants things done, even if what she wants cannot be done in the time she demands. She has been even complaining about our lunch break, as if it were not part of our legal rights, or as if the business were going to go bankrupt because of our hour break.
There is a lot to do at the front desk already: orders to process, bills to collect, etc. On top of that we have to also take care of the storage room. I have been lifting so many boxes lately that my back hurts a lot at night. The smell is really strong and I have always suffer of allergies and stuff, so this is not helping.
It will take more than a week to do what my boss wants with all this boxes, so I will be trapped for a while in these four corners. That is untill I find a new job, which I hope happens soon.
Thanks for stopping by
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Today's prompt was: four corners. Check the details here