Pacha my cat [ENG||ESP]


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Living with Pacha is still a daily adventure, she has been in good health although I have had some small scares, these days while I was having a cup of freshly brewed coffee I noticed that Pacha was walking with a little difficulty, I took her in my arms and when I checked I noticed that she was missing a claw on one of her hind legs, I noticed a little hole in her paw, I was scared and felt sorry for Pacha when I realized that she was in pain, I try to be a perfect cat mom, but the truth is that my cat is very adventurous! , I am affected by everything that happens to my pets, and while Pacha was in her healing process I felt a little sad, but apparently it didn't affect her at all, she followed all her routines the same, she never lost her appetite and continued to bring a daily treat from the street, usually a lizard.



These days Pacha brought a beautiful little bird to the house, I still have doubts if it was a gift for me, or if she just wanted to show it to me, the good news is that when the cat gave me the gift I noticed that it was a bird and that it was alive! I immediately ran to my room and locked myself in with the bird, I did this to protect the bird from Pacha's hunting instinct, it was a beautiful yellow bird, at first it was scared, but then it calmed down and also accepted to drink water and eat, I kept it one day in observation and then I released it.



I feel that I have made a lot of progress regarding her behaviour, I managed to get her first meal of the day at 6 am without fuss or tantrums, and now she waits at that time to receive her food, she also spends more time at home, I am proud of her progress, she is still indifferent to the tortoise, although impressively Pacha has helped me to look for the tortoise when I can't find her, I really appreciate my cat's intelligence.


Everything evolves as time goes by and my cat has also adapted to technology in a way, Pacha enjoys her photo sessions, it's as if she knows they are doing something to her, she looks so cute, I always end up giving her lots of kisses and cuddles. She is grateful and also caresses me, one of the nicest gestures she has is that she comes close to my calves and gives me a kiss.



• The content is original
• The images were taken from my phone.


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La convivencia con Pacha aún sigue siendo una aventura diaria, ha estado bien de salud aunque he llevado algunos pequeños sustos, en estos días mientras me tomaba una taza de café recién hecho observe que Pacha estaba caminando con un poquito de dificultad, la tomé en mis brazos y al revisar note que le faltaba una garra en una de sus patas traseras, observe un huequito en su patita, me asuste y sentí lástima por Pacha al darme cuenta de que tenía dolor, yo trato de ser una mama gatuna perfecta, pero la verdad es que mi gata es muy aventurera!, me afecta todo lo que le suceda a mis mascotas, y mientras estaba Pacha en su proceso de curación yo me sentía un poquito triste, pero al parecer a ella no le afectó en nada, siguió todas sus rutinas igual, nunca perdió su apetito y continuó trayendo diariamente un obsequio de la calle , generalmente es una lagartija.



En estos días Pacha trajo a la casa un pajarito hermoso, aun tengo dudas si era un obsequio para mi, o si solamente me lo quería mostrar, la buena noticia es que cuando la gata me entrega el obsequio he notado que es un pájaro y que está vivo!, de inmediato corrí a mi habitación y me encerré con el pájaro, hice esto para proteger al pájaro del instinto cazador de Pacha, era un hermoso pájaro amarillo, al principio estaba asustado, pero luego se calmo y también acepto beber agua y comer, lo tuve un día en observación y luego lo libere.



Siento que he avanzado bastante con respecto a su conducta, logre que su primera comida del día sea a las 6 am sin escándalos ni berrinches , y ya espera a esa hora para recibir su alimento, también pasa más tiempo en casa, me siento orgullosa de sus avances, todavía sigue siendo indiferente con la tortuga, aunque de forma impresionante Pacha me ha ayudado a buscar a la tortuga cuando no la consigo, aprecio mucho la inteligencia de mi gata.


Todo evoluciona a medida que pasa el tiempo y mi gata también se ha adaptado a la tecnología de cierto modo, Pacha disfruta de sus sesiones fotográficas, ¡es como si supiera que le están haciendo algo!, se ve tan linda, siempre termino dándole muchos besos y mimos. Ella se muestra agradecida y también me acaricia, una de los gestos más lindo que tiene es que se acerca a mis pantorrillas y me da un beso.



• El contenido de esta publicación es original
• Las imágenes fueron tomadas desde mi teléfono.


Pacha is a super cute kitty, I was amused about the little bird, thank God she didn't kill it. I'm also glad she's adapting to your lifestyle and helping you look for your turtle, I can't imagine what that's like but it must be very funny. Thanks for sharing those pictures, they are all very nice. Cheers! 💕


Thank you, I was impressed the first time she helped me to get the turtle, when she sees me going crazy looking for Curcuma (that's the name of the turtle) Pacha stands right next to the turtle and doesn't leave it until I take it in my hands.


how beautiful, I love it, very nice post
