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A gardener who takes extra time with the garden would always see a positive outcome when it blossoms

This is exactly how parenting can be, the more committed, the more positive outcome. Though it varies in some cases and that is why there's no manual to parenting you only get to do what works for you

When it comes to parenting, a lot is to be considered to make the relationship stronger between the children and the parent

it is important to impact positive parenting in kids and good morals,in fact it's probably every parent's dream but then it's not an easy task because it involves a lot of commitment

As a kid, my parent did the best with their upbringing, and I must say a their way of teaching morals and all was actually the best because it all tells now

it all tells now, how we stay on track
it's all because of the morals and how important it was bounded In our hearts during childhood, but with all that I still feel their were some things that shouldn't have been done as part of upbringing

Boundary is tagged boundary for a reason, it's an important part of the relationship that needs to be respected even between lovers

it help to defined how you need to be treated and what you can be comfortable with

well, my parent does not see this as an important virtue in a relationship they believe as a parent you have no right and they get to detect what is comfortable with you, which can be wrong in some ways and make kids live life under their parents in a uncomfortable state and what's the excess of living with parents if you are not comfortable with them

Living with parent has to come with being comfortable its the advantage one get unlike those with just guardians

kids can be mischievous when they are not monitored but at some point, the boundary is needed just to make them comfortable and earn their trust

As a parent, when I become one a lot of monitoring would be done to the kids and a little boundary just to make them comfortable around

Proper understanding is also important in parents to child relationships, it's one factor that can help keep the bond together and build a lasting relationship

it's one factor I enjoy from my parents, they literally know how all their kids think and what they are capable of doing

it's a trait have learned and would put into practice with my offspring

It's important every parent get to know their kids well, when to encourage and also when to discourage, when to scold and also when to pamper

My parents did the best with my upbringing and can I say childhood was easy, learning from them is one good way to become a better parent

Positive parenting helps to promote a child's emotional and mental well-being into adulthood, to make them a productive adult.

There's no manual to parenting ou just need to know your kids well and make the best out of them in all ramifications

0.023 PAL


Parents shouldn't be monitoring their children is not good it makes them act differently wen they are not close to their parent. What is good for one is not for the other, so we should allow them exercise their choice in terms of career, wants and needs. Parents should be more of a friend to their children it helps the kids to confide in them. Nice blog

0.000 PAL

Exactly that's how it should be done.
Thank you for dropping by.

0.000 PAL